Those Who Would Destroy Israel ARE Our Problem

Sometimes, news from faraway places is hard to come by. Sometimes, things which matter escape notice. Sometimes, when things in the news are coming fast, I miss something.

I missed something important in March of last year.

I am aware of it now and I am outraged.

Last February, after weeks of uprisings in Egypt, Mubarak was overthrown. I wrote then about the Muslim Brotherhood and the failing Obama doctrine allowing them a seat at the table in the formation of a new Egyptian government.

I was right to write those articles but, what I have discovered now, points directly to my outrage at the time.

Of course, we know more now than we did then and the Muslim Brotherhood is cementing their grab on power in Egypt.

I have also written of the peril regarding the decades old Israel/Egypt peace accord.

That leads me to this.

It is abhorrent.

It is sick.

It is inhuman.

In March of last year, a banner was displayed at an Egyptian soccer game.

Before I get too much farther into this topic, I must say, in the past week or so, I have been taken to task by those who populate a couple of Israel social media groups. I was pounded by one person for wishing a Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas.

In another group, I was slammed by one person for taking on Ron Paul’s dislike of Israel.

That’s okay. Both are okay. Neither changes what I am about to state in any way.

That banner, from a March 2011 soccer game in Egypt, called for One Nation for a New Holocaust.

This, I believe, is a direct result of the Obama doctrine.

This, I believe is a direct result of allowing the Muslim Brotherhood a seat at that table.

It is an outrage.

If what I’m about to say offends a couple of Jewish readers, then so be it.

I stand with Israel.

As a Christian, I stand steadfastly with my Jewish brothers and sisters.

Yes, I know Israel has the capability to respond to such threats should they be turned to reality. I know this and I also know they most clearly would do so. I know this.

My point does not come from a Christian position. It comes from a HUMAN position.

When Israel is threatened with such a vile measure as a new Holocaust, MY religion doesn’t matter.

We are either WITH Israel  or we are AGAINST Israel. By doing nothing, by standing by and saying…”Oh they can handle their own problems” we are no better than those who would perpetrate such evil against Israel.

Should it come to that, a vile and disgusting subhuman assault against Israel, If not by birth but by proxy…

If not by blood but by humanity…

I am Jewish.

I am a child of Israel.

It would NOT be a state of mind but a state of HEART.

Eli Wiesel said, “Sometimes we must interfere.  When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in  jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant.  Whenever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must – at that moment – become the center of the universe.”

Eli Wiesel was right.

Sadly, we have not always adhered to that statement.

Darfur is a prime example.

Perhaps I take it more to heart than do others. Perhaps I believe it more than politicians.

After WWII, those who survived the Holocaust put it a different way. They repeated the words of those who didn’t survive.

Maybe I believe their words more than others do. Maybe I believe their words more than do some politicians.

They said, “Never again.”

To me, that does not mean “never again,” it means…NEVER again.


Allen West, a man in whom I find a great deal of inspiration expressed his feelings and vicariously, mine, in a statement on a street corner in Florida.

What, in my opinion, we need, is more people who feel as Allen West feels. I’m not just talking about those in elected office but citizens in general.

So…Why now? Why bring up a 9-month old story of a banner at an Egyptian soccer game now?

Because I don’t see any difference between what happened last March in that stadium and what is currently happening with Iran.

If we as people, not Christians, not Jews, not conservatives, just people, sit back and wait to see what happens, we, as people, are condoning a repeat of what happened in the 1940’s. If we say, “It’s really not our problem,” or “If we get involved we could start WWIII,” we are making sure it DOES become our problem and WWIII will begin.

The bottom line at this point is that Israel is the one being DIRECTLY threatened and Israel holds the cards.  If Israel launches any sort of preemptive action there will be those who blame them and condemn them. We should NOT be one of them. Instead, we should stand WITH Israel.

Israel is now stronger, much stronger than were the Jewish people at the onset of WWII primarily because of the outcome of WWII. Israel, just a few years after that war, became an independent nation. Their position of strength NOW does not mean we should dismiss who they were before.

Before WWII began, there were those, and plenty of them, who said the rhetoric from Germany was nothing more than rhetoric. There were those, and plenty of them who believe Hitler’s words were empty threats and inane chatter. There were those who said, “It’s not really our problem” and there were plenty of them too.

Today there are those who believe the rhetoric of a soccer crowd is simply rhetoric. There are those who believe the words of Ahmedinejad are little more than inane chatter and empty threats.

Today, there are those who say, “It’s really not our problem.”

Perhaps they are correct. Perhaps it’s not really our problem.

If that is the case then, it is the WORLD’S problem, and if we wish to be considered a part of the world, the free world, we must NOT turn our backs on Israel.

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