Biden – From Hidin’ to Slidin’

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

While the Trump Train is roaring full speed ahead down the tracks with barely 2 weeks until the 2020 election, Biden’s trolley is rapidly coming off the tracks.

For the past 6 or 7 months, Joe Biden has been hidin’ in his basement bunker and we’ve all been told he was dodging the rampaging COVIDS, but we know that’s not the truth. The democrat party, and the socialists and Marxists who have seized control of that party have known all along that Biden wasn’t up to the rigors of campaigning.

From his basement bunker virtual appearances, we, and his party could easily see the cognitive downhill slide taking place and in the midst of that, the naming of Kamala Harris as his running mate, the pick of the socialists and Marxists, not Joe’s personal choice was meant to invigorate the campaign.

It hasn’t.

In fact, the Vice Presidential debate was a complete and utter failure for the Harris/Biden ticket, and no…that’s not a typo…Harris is the defacto top of that ticket and both she and Biden have made that verbally clear in recent weeks.

Now, the socialists and Marxists have grown so desperate that they’ve convinced Barack Hussein Obama to get out there and campaign for Joe. There are reasons for that, and they are glaringly obvious. Neither Joe nor Kamala can draw a crowd. In Pennsylvania earlier this week, both Trump and Biden held in person rallies. Trump’s rally drew literally tens of thousands of supporters. Biden’s rally drew…8…and that’s not a typo either.

Sure, the polls have Biden holding a double digit lead, but those same polls had Hillary holding a double digit lead with 2 weeks to go just 4 years ago and I think we all remember how that turned out. There’s obviously zero enthusiasm for Biden on the street right now, while the enthusiasm level for Trump is at a fever pitch. The controlling faction of the democrat party, the socialists and Marxists need help, they need a crowd…they need Obama and he’s so desperate to have a 3rd term with Harris out front while he hides behind the curtain, he’s agreed to make a few appearances.

Remember, Obama is the same guy who just a couple of months back was caught on a live mic telling Biden’s donors to, “never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

Biden’s done hidin’ and he’s out of the basement bunker. That’s bad news for his campaign because we know exactly why the campaign has been hidin’ Biden all these months. His cheese is off his cracker. He’s a toy and an order of fries short of a Happy Meal. He’s in la la land.

Yes, Biden’s always been a gaffe machine. He has a history of sticking his foot in his mouth so often that he’s developed cases of athlete’s tongue and halitosis of the toes. What we’ve seen throughout this campaign, and what has now been forced into the light of day are not gaffes. Telling a guy in a wheel chair to stand up and take a bow, as Biden did several years ago…that’s a gaffe. Being 2 weeks away for the most important election this country has ever seen and telling the scant few at your event that you’re running for the senate when you’re really running for the presidency…that’s dementia.

It wasn’t the first time Biden has lacked the cognitive capability to articulate what position is trying to gain either. He did the same thing early in the campaign, and it wasn’t the only such cognitive issue he had this week. At one point, Biden also once again forgot what state he was in. That’s been a real problem throughout his campaign stretching all the way back to August of last year when he was in New Hampshire and thought he was in Vermont…in November, 2019 when he was actually in Iowa but thought he was in Ohio…in February of this year when he thought he was in Nevada when he was really in New Hampshire…and again earlier this week when he didn’t have a clue what state he was in.

But it didn’t stop there.

Also over the past several days, Biden couldn’t remember Mitt Romney’s name.  “You may remember, I got in trouble when we were running against the senator who was a Mormon, the governor, OK?”

No Joe…it’s not ok.

Biden also confused Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd while making some remarks, and get this…earlier this week, while speaking to a small handful of reporters…Biden said out loud that Trump had won 2 previous elections, which would make this his 3rd term.

No, Joe…YOU’RE running for OBAMA’S 3rd term.

One would think that would be enough airing of his dementia for a single week, but it wasn’t.

During the same interview where he had Trump running for a 3rd term, Biden also virtually conceded the race. When asked by a reporter about a Gallup poll that shows 56% of the American people believe they are better off now than they were 4 years ago…during Biden’s time as the Vice President, and given that figure, why they might still vote for him, Biden responded, “Well, if they think that, they probably shouldn’t.”

You do the math, because apparently Biden lacks the cognitive skill to do it himself, but if 56% of Americans take his advice…Biden loses. Numbers aren’t Joe’s thing. In fact, earlier this week he promised a $15 MILLION dollar minimum wage. “A 15 million dollar min– a 15 thousand dollar– ha. $15 dollar minimum wage. I’m dreamin’ here!”

As the president, the job Biden is supposedly running for, you have to be on top of your game, every minute of every day…not on the sidelines, and let’s be honest here…Biden isn’t even on the sidelines of his mental acuity…he’s not even in the stadium.

Biden’s party is fully aware of his mental slide, and that’s why Nancy Pelosi trotted out to the podium earlier this week to announce that she’s putting together a 25th Amendment committee to set the table for removing a diminished president from office. Make no mistake, this isn’t aimed at Trump unless he wins…it’s laser-focused on Joe Biden on the off chance HE wins. To those controlling the party, the socialists and Marxists, Joe Biden is nothing but a place-holder for Kamala Harris.

If they can somehow, by hook or more likely by crook get Biden elected they will declare him diminished, and remove him as quickly as possible, replacing him with Obama’s sock-puppet Kamala Harris.

Let’s be clear here…Biden’s mental slidin’ isn’t the only downhill trajectory that’s got his party scared crapless right now. He’s also been slidin’ back into other bad traits. The party wasn’t just hidin’ Biden in the basement to keep his dementia out of the national spotlight ya know…there’s also his racist and creepy personas that they knew he couldn’t suppress.

Within the past couple of weeks, while speaking about the COVID quarantines, Biden went back to his racist roots when he told a few folks, “They’re saying, ‘Jeez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some Black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf.’”

Well, at least they didn’t have to suffer the brutal indignity of having to stock Aunt Jemaah or Uncle Ben’s products.

Now, before you liberals get your panties in a wad and tell us that we’re taking that quote out of context, remember a couple of very important things…if Trump had said that you’d have your bought and paid for band of goons out there burning down a blue city right now, and you’re the bunch of idiots who insisted a bottle of syrup was racist…so shut the hell up.

Biden’s racist nature rearing its head again after months of being locked in a basement while some black woman stocked the grocery shelf wasn’t the only reason his party was terrified of putting him out in public…there’s also his creepy persona they had to hide, and literally within days of returning to the campaign trail, Biden just couldn’t control himself any longer.

In Miami, on October 6th, Biden spotted a couple of young girls in a crowd of tens, and said, “the good news is, for me, I’m here. The bad news for you is I’m coming back. And I want to see these beautiful young ladies- I want to see them dancing when they’re four years older too.”

At least they’ve got him socially distancing from everybody…you know…to keep Biden from groping and sniffing little girls and older women.

There’s also been a lot of discussion lately regarding Biden’s refusal to release the names on his short list for potential Supreme Court nominees, and I suspect there’s a reason why he hasn’t named those names. I suspect he doesn’t know those names, and I also suspect he doesn’t know them because the socialists and Marxists that are running his party’s dog and pony show haven’t TOLD him those names.

Furthermore, I suspect they have not told Biden who is on that list because they know…if HE knows…he’ll forget it’s supposed to be a secret and he’ll start singing like a dementia-ridden canary. Know too that should Biden win this election, and the senate turns blue, the socialists and Marxists WILL stack the high court. Look for names like Eric “Fast and Furious” Holder, the ilk of Cory “Spartacus” Booker and possibly Barack “Benghazi” Obama who would then be running the country AND legislating from the bench. They’ll also need an actual judge to see to it that there’s no wiggle room in advancing their agenda and Derrick Kahala Watson, the Obama appointed judge from Hawaii leaps to mind.

And finally…don’t even start with me about it not being nice to make fun of Biden in his condition. We’re talking about a guy whose greatest claim to fame at this point is being Obama’s 8 year term life insurance policy.

He plagiarized his way through school, graduated near the very bottom of his class, spent 47 years in the Senate without doing one thing of substance, eulogized a Klansman, didn’t want his kids growing up in a racial jungle, used his position to secure millions or billions of dollars for various family members including his drug addicted son and claims to have once beaten up a thug named…Corn Pop.

And besides, I’m not the one who pushed this doddering old mentally deficient stooge out there to make this absurd run. You can lay that flaming bag of doggie doo on his family’s and his party’s doorstep.

We’re not talking about a once great and brilliant man sadly fading away here…this is Joe “Hidin’ and Slidin’” Biden here.

It’s just a putz goin’ nuts.

Copyright © 2020 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Read Between the Redactions



Today, Friday, October 16th, from 7 to 9pm EST,  RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Read Between the Redactions’; ‘Biden – From Hidin’ to Slidin’; and important news of the day including the Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS hearings.

Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on our newly launched website Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.

2 thoughts on “Biden – From Hidin’ to Slidin’

  1. I do not believe there is any way in Hell that Biden won this election.
    Biden is an idiot, says inappropriate things all the time, can’t keep his hand off women and girls. He will be a complete embarrassment to this country. The
    election was surely rigged and without a doubt pre-determined. Biden doesn’t have the brains to run this country and will need the help of a lot of people smarter than he is (that won’t be hard to find). For the first time in my life, I am truly embarrassed for my country. What happened to truth and justice? We are truly in trouble folks

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