Solving Systemic Racism

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

If we’re going to have any serious conversation regarding systemic racism, we must first know what the current liberal catch-phrase means.

Racism is defined as, “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”

Okay…I think we all knew that.

Systemic is defined as, “relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.”


Basically, it’s a medical term but it can also be defined as, “fundamental to a predominant social, economic, or political practice.”


A political practice…no wonder liberals have latched onto the term “systemic racism” as it is political in nature, or perhaps more to the point, it is the main plank in the liberal political agenda. Liberals want us all to believe that our nation is systemically racist…politically, socially, economically predominantly prejudiced against any people who are…off white. It’s their way of inventing victims for whom only they, the liberals, claim to represent.

Obviously, over the past few weeks, the liberal laser has been focused on the George Floyd thing, and in that process, liberals have accused not only cops everywhere of “systemic racism,” but they’ve also accused the entirety of white people in America of it as well. The intent is to make all black people, and if they so choose, people of other un-white skin color feel like victims of something so ethereal that only liberals can fix it.

Earlier this week, we were regaled with the visage of liberal members of both the House and Senate taking a knee while wearing Kentes. And what is a Kente you ask? Why, those are the multi-colored Ashanti royal and sacred vestiges worn by the Kings and nobility of Ghana, but only at times of extreme importance. This was done to show solidarity with black people in America, most of which have never been to Africa, and none of which are Ghana’s Kings or nobility. No doubt, those moronic liberals view themselves as noble for having festooned themselves in royal garb, but in reality, they’re hypocrites.

Remember that girl, Keziah Daum from Utah, who made her prom dress styled on Chinese garb and got raked over the coals by liberals back in 2018? She was accused by liberals of all sorts of things including cultural appropriation, and of course…RACISM…because she wasn’t Chinese. Liberals just two years ago were butt-nasty telling Daum that she was guilty of disrespect and exploitation. Some said that a white girl wearing the traditional garb of another culture was “parallel to colonial ideology.”

Of course, that sort of vitriol is reserved for white Republican girls from Utah. She was the embodiment of systemic racism in 2018. When white liberals do the same thing in D.C. in 2020, they call it solidarity.

Perhaps a better question is, who were the Ashanti people of Ghana? Well now, the Ashanti, back in the 17th 18th, and 19th century were well known, worldwide, as SLAVE TRADERS. Oh yes, THEY were the very black Africans who captured and sold other black Africans into slavery, and the Ashanti profited greatly from that trade.

Did the liberal elite of the House and Senate really display their “solidarity” with the black community by wearing the royal garb of BLACK AFRICAN SLAVERS? You bet your ass they did, and in doing so, gave the finger to those they claim to represent. Look at the smirks on those faces and try to convince me that they didn’t know exactly what they were wearing, and why.

But liberals insist that America is systemically racist, and that the cops are systemically racist and their only solution to what they want you to believe is systemic racism is to be systemically racist themselves?

Well…I’m going to solve “systemic racism” right here…right now.

There’s no such thing. It doesn’t exist. It’s been made up by liberals who need to divide this nation along racial differences in order to garner votes from people too damn stupid to know when they’re being conned.

The shills for Black Lives Matter and liberal elites will dismiss what I just said because I’m white, because they claim I have white privilege, and they’ll no doubt call me a racist. But what if that didn’t come from me? It’s a bit long, but this video needs to be seen.

There…”systemic racism” problem solved. You’re welcome.

Now tackling systemic liberal stupidity…well, that’s a much tougher nut to crack, and it certainly does exist.

Elected liberals have been counting on democrat voters being systemically stupid for better than a half a century now, and in the effort to create such stupidity, they have dumbed down our system of education so as to dumb down their voters. They don’t want their voters to think for themselves, which is why along with the schools, liberals also control the mainstream media. Liberals tell their systemically dumbed down to the level of systemically stupid voters WHAT to think rather than HOW to think, and now they’ve got those voters brain laundered to the point that they believe THEY are systemically RACIST if they aren’t black.

Black people make up less than 14 percent of the American population, and elected liberals know that in any presidential election, if all the black voters voted for candidate “A” who happens to be black, and all white people voted for candidate “B”, who happens to be white, candidate “B” would win that election. Liberals also know that not all black voters are systemically stupid which is why they have to convince white democrat voters that THEY are “systemically racist.” White democrat voters who believe themselves to be “systemically racist” will kneel in solidarity with, apologize for their skin color to, and vote for a black candidates based only on that candidate’s skin color to PROVE they are NOT “systemically racist.”

In fact, those democrat voters have proven two things…they ARE racists, because they voted solely on skin color, and they are systemically stupid.

Liberals now want to dismantle the police everywhere for what one white cop did in Minneapolis, because they want you to believe that police, wherever they are, are “systematically racist.” Take Minneapolis as a prime example. At the scene of George Floyd’s death, there were four cops. One was white. One was Asian. One was Hispanic, and the other was black, but according to liberals, what happened to Floyd was a direct result of “systemic racism.”

Since that is obviously not the case, why would liberals insist that YOU believe it?

Because police equal law and order, and without law and order there would be a whole lot more victims, and more victims means more potential liberal voters who are so systemically stupid that they believe ONLY the democrat party can save them from the plight caused BY the democrat party.

“Systemic racism” would require a system under which black people are not afforded the same opportunities to become successful as are afforded to white people, and were that really the case, there would be no black successful black people in America today. But there are. In fact, the vast majority of the black population in America is successful, while a minority of that community is systemically stupid. If you can’t make something of yourself in America today, there’s something wrong with YOU, not the system, and don’t go telling ME that you’re being held down by slavery. What ended better than 150 years ago has no bearing on your systemically stupid ass today. You aren’t a slave, and nobody in America today owns a slave.

Here’s an eye opener for today’s systemically stupid black voters…

You are insisting that “systemic racism” exists, because you’ve been told it exists by liberals in the mainstream media, and by elected liberals. YOU are DEMANDING that white people get down on their knees, in solidarity with you and your plight, to beg forgiveness for THEIR skin color, and to make a public spectacle of themselves doing so.


Because ONLY when WHITE people DO that will YOUR voices be heard? Because ONLY when WHITE people DO that will YOU be taken seriously? Because ONLY when WHITE people DO that will things change?

That is exactly what liberals are saying. That is exactly what they want everyone to believe. That is exactly what they’ve got systemically stupid black voters demanding. Liberals…the very people elected by systemically stupid democrat voters are the people leading that charge, and making those demands and the systemically stupid in the black community are eating it up, and ready to vote for more racists in November.


Yeah. Think about it. Liberals are telling the black community, at least the systemically stupid in the black community that their voices won’t be heard, that they won’t be taken seriously, and they will never see changes unless…UNLESS WHITE PEOPLE provide the validation for them. LIBERALS are literally telling black people that they need white validation…that they can’t succeed without white validation, and that they can’t even be heard without a white megaphone.

While you’re at it, think about this too…the overwhelming vast majority of Americans of ALL skin hues were disgusted by the Floyd riots, the arson, the vandalism, the violence and the looting, but not elected liberals in the cities where those riots took place. Hell, they wouldn’t even call them riots. They called them protests. The liberals media couldn’t get enough, and while showing burning businesses, kept telling the systemically stupid that they were watching mainly peaceful protests.

The elected leaders in those blue cities, and blue states even went so far as to suspend COVID lockdowns to encourage the rioters. In California, just a week before the riots, Governor Gavin Newsom was threatening to arrest those who protested his draconian lockdown, but as soon as the riots started…he said people had every right to gather in protest. What changed? The anti-lockdown protests encouraged getting life back to normal, going back to work, and restarting the economy, but the riots encouraged disunity, division, and increased victimhood status. That’s what changed.

Elected liberals, and their cohorts in systemic stupidity, the mainstream media fanned the flames and brought bricks and cans of gasoline to the “mostly peaceful protests” thus whipping the systemically stupid of their own making, including the systemically stupid in the black community to burn and loot their own communities. To be completely blunt about it, the Black Lives Matter movement was usurped by the mostly white ANTIFA and the BLM, being primarily systemically stupid fell for it and just as they did in Ferguson a few years ago, burned their own communities and black owned businesses to the ground while looting and destroying other businesses in those communities that had predominately black employees.

And finally…this…the dismantling of police forces. What cities are hell-bent on this agenda? The same cities that were just looted and burned by rioters. We’re talking primarily about blue inner cities here where there are a higher population of black Americans, and poor Americans. If liberals have their way, those cities will be without the only thing that stands between good people and criminals.

David Clarke, the former 4 time elected Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin says, “You’d have to loathe black people to do that to them.”

It’s all part of the liberal agenda Sheriff Clarke…it’s all part of the plan to create new victims.

What happened to George Floyd was not the result of “systemic racism,” it was an anomaly, but liberals have seized that anomaly to demand the dismantling of police departments nationwide which will put more lives at risk in already dangerous inner cities.

How will systemically stupid democrat voters respond? By electing more of the same ilk that already loathe them.

Systemically stupid is as systemically stupid does.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2020/ All rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Saying What Others Are Thinking



Tomorrow, Friday, June 12th, from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Saying What Others Are Thinking’; and ‘Solving Systemic Racism’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in to RSP Radio at:

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