Alinsky’s Rules for Rhetorical Radicals

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Last week, the political party tolerance, peace, free speech and equality was at it again as they sent their ambassadors and moral guardians into the streets of Minneapolis to welcome Republicans and Conservatives who were arriving, and departing a Trump rally in the Target Center.

Typically, things got ugly, as they often do when democrats gather, and the hateful mob of liberals attacked Trump supporters as they arrived, and again as they left after the rally.

Reports stated that there was the customary pushing and shoving, the requisite punching of Trump supporters, arson…always a must at any given democrat-led protest, the throwing of urine at Trump supporters, and of course, the always relied upon shouts calling individual Trump supporters…Nazis.

Congressional Republican, Mark Meadows from North Carolina immediately called the typical display of hatred by democrats lawlessness.

Meadows said…

“Listen this is all about making sure that they can try to intimidate future Trump rally supporters and goers. And that’s just not going to happen.”

He’s right, of course, on both those counts. It is an intimidation tactic, and it isn’t going to work, but he omitted one very important thing. This isn’t just about trying to “intimidate future Trump rally supporters,” this is also very much about trying to intimidate future Trump voters at the ballot box in November 2020.

Make no mistake, this is a tactic straight out of Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals.’

For those who have heard of Alinsky’s rules, but have never read the book, there are 13 such rules, and several of them can be plainly seen in the sorts of riots now being employed by liberals as we draw closer to the 2020 presidential election.

Rule number 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” Since democrats have nothing of substance on which to run in 2020, they aren’t experts in the economics of making America more prosperous, their energy policies are failures, their ability to command respect on the world stage doesn’t exist, and that list goes on and on…their only area of expertise can be found in the arenas of hate, racial divide, and anti-America sentiment.

Rule number 5:  “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” Actually, truth is a man’s most potent weapon, but lacking any relationship with the truth, ridicule becomes the democrat’s most potent weapon.

Rule number 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” Liberals don’t just enjoy the current tactics which include physical assaults, arson, the throwing of urine, and an assortment of vile and terroristic threats, they wallow about in those things happier than pigs in slop. Liberals are also gleeful in their hypocrisy, their intolerance, and their goon-like mob mentality.

Rule number 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Well, that pretty much speaks for itself, as those now taking to the streets are acting tough, but these are pretty much the same daisies who resorted to Crayons, coloring books, bottles of bubbles and therapy puppies while in the fetal position in safe spaces in November 2016.

Rule number 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” The democrat party can’t win on the issues. They can’t win on the economy, on energy, on jobs, on security, on foreign policy or on any of the other things that actually make America great, so…intimidation, based on Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ is all they have left…but that is problematic for democrats who are too blinded by their own hate to see their own impending implosion.

Oh, it’s not that democrats, liberals…today’s radicals weren’t warned…it’s just that they read the rules without bothering to look at a calendar.

That book, ‘Rules for Radicals’ is now nearly 50 years old, and in it, Alinsky, that Marxist ass, left a warning for future generations of radical Marxist asses…“These rules make the difference between being a realistic radical and being a rhetorical one who uses the tired old words and slogans, calls the police ‘pig’ or ‘white fascist racist,’ and has so stereotyped himself that others react by saying, ‘Oh, he’s one of those,’ and then promptly turn off.”

What, exactly are we seeing today from democrats, from liberal radicals who have hijacked the democrat party and taken to the streets and commandeered social media, and broadcast media?

They hate the police. They call the police “white fascist racists.” They call Trump and all of Trump’s supporters Nazis, racists, and deplorable. They pronounce people guilty based solely on allegations, and they rush to that judgement because they know those allegations won’t stand up in a court of law, and will evaporate in the light of truth. Today’s liberal “radicals” have no problem with being abject hypocrites either. Take the uproar from the left regarding Ellen DeGeneres last week as a prime example.

A couple of Sundays ago, Ellen DeGeneres posted a short video of herself sitting next to George W. Bush at a Dallas Cowboys football game…and all hell broke loose from the left. How DARE Ellen be seen sitting next to, and having a laugh with George W. Bush. Typical of leftist celebrities and liberals at large, people started attacking Ellen on social media. So, Ellen goes on her show on Monday and tells people that she was invited by the owner of the Cowboys to sit in the box, and that another guest that day was Bush. Ellen said she’s friends with Bush, and in fact, that she’s friends with lots of people who don’t share her beliefs.

Ellen went on to say that when she tells people to be kind to others, she doesn’t mean to just be kind to others who share their beliefs, but to be kind to everybody. Well…that set off yet another liberal firestorm, as some celebrities and others applauded Ellen for her words, while others began to attack the applauders. And why? Because Ellen dared to practice the tolerance that liberal radicals have only pretended to preach?

By the way, those attacking Ellen DeGeneres now are the same liberal radicals who apparently only pretended to have her back for the past couple of decades, and now, they are more than happy to stab her in it.

Here’s the deal…

Today’s radical liberals, those who adhere to Alinsky’s rules, are no longer relevant…they have become simply rhetorical. They have no filter. They have no interest in closing the political divide, because that would require that they have an actual plan to make America better. Their only goal is to divide, to wreak havoc, and to attack with no substance, no merit, no truth, and no hope. Alinsky’s rules were designed to instill a socialist system of government in America, which is bad enough, but today’s radical adherents to those rules are interested in anarchy under the guise of socialism.

According to Alinsky, a realistic radical would use the rules to implement a new system, to change the thinking of the people, and to “fundamentally transform” America into a socialist nation. A rhetorical radical would only use the rules to attack, with no endgame in sight. Alinsky believed he could create useful idiots who saw themselves as radicals who would usher in socialism, thus creating a ruling class of which he would be one, while the so-called radicals would become the working class that supported the elite. Alinsky knew that the rules were meant for the short run, and that the rules would quickly become obsolete.

Alinsky also knew that once his radicals became rhetorical, they would become insignificant, obsolete stereotypes of a bygone movement that was no longer relevant. He warned them of it, but thought he and his elite ilk would be firmly in control long before the rules ever became…rhetorical.

Today’s liberal radicals aren’t bright enough to realize it, or to even see it. They are adhering to a 50 year old playbook, and they have no clue that by the end of that game, nearly 50 years ago, they wouldn’t be the star player…they’d just be the lowly water carriers.

Earlier, I said that today’s liberals pronounce guilty verdicts based only on allegations, and here is a perfect example of that with regard to the attacks against Ellen DeGeneres. Liberal rhetorical radical and useless idiot, Susan Sarandon tweeted, “DeGeneres framed the issue as simply a matter of hanging out with someone with different opinions, not a man repeatedly accused of being a war criminal.” In Sarandon’s radically inebriated mind, the accusation means guilty, regardless of the facts, or the truth.

To today’s rhetorical liberal radicals, it isn’t at all about being right, it’s all about being on the attack which brings us back to what Congressman Meadows said about last week’s mob of goons in Minneapolis…“Listen this is all about making sure that they can try to intimidate future Trump rally supporters and goers. And that’s just not going to happen.”

And again, they are trying to intimidate those who will vote at the polls in November, 2020, but that won’t happen either, but the 50 year old playbook says attack…regardless of the consequences, and so, attack they do. All today’s rhetorical radicals have is that 50 year old playbook, Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ and here’s the glaring truth of that playbook…it wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on even back then.

Look at the cities that adopted those rules from the time it went to print all the way to this very day. How have they faired? Detroit? Chicago? Baltimore? Portland? San Francisco? St. Louis? Oakland? It’s a long list of cesspools that have gone economically, socially, and morally bankrupt while their crime rates, their homeless populations, drug addicted citizens and welfare numbers have been steadily, and staggeringly rising over the past 50 years.

The attack just to attack because they don’t have any merit to their platform  types are stuck on stupid. They’re using the exact same tactics that were placed in front of their party 50 years ago, and have failed for the past 50 years, but they are expecting a different outcome. That’s classic insanity. They blame the prosperous for their own lack of prosperity. They blame the successful for their own lack of success, and they blame the policies that have worked for their own failed policies. They weren’t getting anywhere with Obama, and they wouldn’t have gotten anywhere with Obama’s 3rd term under Hillary either, but along came Donald Trump, who turned liberal policies on their head and then threw them out to be replaced by success, prosperity and hope.

The rhetorical, irrelevant liberal radical response? Attack those who support success, prosperity, and a better America…and why?

Because their 50 year old playbook was never designed to be the foundation of freedom and prosperity for the people…it was only designed to dupe useful idiots into supporting, by any means necessary, their own demise, and after 50 years, they are no longer useful…just idiots.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2019/ All rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Leaving Allies Behind…or Are We?



Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 15th, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Leaving Allies Behind…or Are We?’; Alinsky’s Rules for Rhetorical Radicals’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in at: on Tune-In at:

4 thoughts on “Alinsky’s Rules for Rhetorical Radicals

  1. This is the hate filled book Obummer took to Washington to radicalize the DemonRats, and it worked. Look at all the death and destruction around the country, it’s all in the book.

  2. 100 % as usual never give up your firearms.
    libs ruin everything they touch lk at CA it is a disgusting mess that is what they want for the entire country.
    Yes this is abt intimidation all right. we cannot give in or give up

  3. The democrats can be compared to the common cold…there is medication for it, but it can’t be cured. Liberals are too ignorant to do enough research to maybe find a cure for themselves.

    Another super article, Craig. You and Diane do a superb job of hitting the nail on the head (or nailing liberal coffins shut).

    Thanks again! I’ve shared everywhere!

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