We, As Conservatives, Deserve Better Than Trump

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

tru 2If Donald Trump is the best we, as Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers or Teapublicans can up with as a candidate for the presidency…we have set the bar far, FAR too low…in fact…we have made that bar subterranean as that is where moles reside.

As Conservatives, we have for years demanded a candidate that has a long record OF conservatism but does Trump possess such a record?

No, he does not.

Donald Trump has changed his voter registration, from one political party to another, over and over again. When asked, point blank in last Thursday’s prime time debate, “When exactly did you become a Republican?” Trump responded by NOT responding at all. He gave a shrug and a smirk and changed the subject, refusing to answer a direct question.

Is that what we want from a candidate for president?

No…no it is not.

As Conservatives, we have always vetted a candidate’s voting record. We have always looked for a candidate who consistently votes Conservative.

Is THAT what we find in Donald Trump’s voting record?

No…it isn’t.

In fact…Donald Trump doesn’t have much of a voting record from which to draw. Trump tru 3failed to cast ANY vote at ALL in the last 6 presidential primaries and that includes 2000, 2004 and 2012…all years during which he entertained publicly, the idea of running himself.

While donating heavily TO candidates…in 2002…Trump didn’t even bother to vote at all. In fact, for the past 15 years, Donald Trump has failed to vote in several city or state elections…some because of his jumping from one political party to another by changing his voter registration and, in many other elections in which he did not vote…when his registration would have allowed it…he simply chose not to.

Is that the sort of voting record we, as Conservatives, are looking for from a candidate?

No…it never hastru 4 been before so why is it acceptable now?

In the past, we Conservatives have always vetted a candidate’s financial donations to political hopefuls so…how does Trump fare in that regard?

Over the last 15 years…Donald Trump has been a prolific financial supporter of MANY candidates however…his record shows that over those past 15 years…Trump has given more of his money to DEMOCRATS than to REPUBLICANS and in amongst those democrats…liberals and socialists to whom Trump has supported with his money, we find the ilk of Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton along with a handful of Hillary’s pals.

Is THAT what we’re looking for as a favorable line item in a presidential candidate?


In fact, during last Thursday night’s debate…Trump was asked about that record of financial support and he stated that he donated to candidates of BOTH parties more or less for BUSINESS purpostru 5es “to get things done” and when asked what he got from donating to Hillary Clinton…Trump’s answer was…bazaar at best.

“I gave Hillary money so she would come to my wedding!”

Are you KIDDING me???

And what does it say about someone who gives to both political parties? That they have a strong principled ground upon which they stand or that they play both sides toward the middle for their own personal gain?

It certainly doesn’t convey a strong Conservative motivation.

When questioned about his rude, condescending and disgusting remarks toward women  during last Thursday’s debate…Trump tried to spin out of it and then claimed he didn’t recall making such remarks about women. Then…AFTER the debate…he tweeted that Megyn Kelly was a BIMBO in one post and in another…that she was bleeding from her eyes and “bleeding from her whatever.”

tru 1

For my money, Megyn Kelly was the only moderator up there ballsy enough to properly vet the, according to the polls front runner, and isn’t that what presidential debates are for in the first place?

SINCE the debate…there have been many who claimed that Kelly’s citing of a remark that Trump made toward Brande Roderick, on his reality show, was taken out of context or that he never actually said it at all. In fact…Brande Roderick says SHE doesn’t remember Trump saying it and Trumpers everywhere are seizing on HER claim as gospel truth.

Well…here it is…for Brande Roderick and all the Trumpers…

THAT sounds like something Bill Clinton would have said to Monica Lewinsky.

Do we, as Conservatives, want a candidate who directly feeds the liberal’s false narrative that Republicans have a war on women or that Republicans simply don’t respect women?

No…that is not what we want at all.

Speaking of Bill Clinton…

In the days leading up to Trump’s announcement that he would run for the presidency…Bill Clinton’s aides CONFIRMED that Donald Trump had indeed called Bill Clinton and that Clinton had indeed RETURNED that call. “President Clinton returned his call in late May,” the aide told the (NY)Times. “And, that while we don’ttru 6 make it a practice to discuss the president’s private conversations, we can tell you that the presidential race was not discussed.”

Oh really?

According to Donald Trump’s people…4 of them as cited by Time magazine… “Trump was candid about the run.”

Do we, as Conservatives, want a candidate that seeks consultation with the likes of Bill Clinton before announcing his run for the oval office?

No…that does NOT fit the Conservative A-Okay vetting process. Not at all.

Also during the debate, Trump admitted to using existing bankruptcy laws when 4 of his businesses filed thus, according to Trump…he made lots of money from those filings and was PROUD of doing so, stating that the system was broken.

Now I ask you…does someone who states that they are PROUD of USING a broktru 7en bankruptcy system to line his own pockets sound to you like someone who would do anything to FIX that broken system?

Not to ME it doesn’t and is THAT what we’re looking for in a Conservative candidate?

Not to me it isn’t.

Donald Trump has been very clear about the fact that he WILL entertain a 3rd party run if he is NOT the Republican nominee…a case made crystal clear when, at the top of the debate last Thursday night, he refused to support the Republican nominee if it wasn’t himself saying that he would have to wait and see who that nominee might be.

Trump has said that if he feels HE has not been treated kindly by the party…if he does NOT win the nomination…he WOULD certainly entertain that 3rd party candidacy…a candidacy he knows full well would SPLIT the vote thus allowing the eventual LIBERAL/SOCIALIST nominee to win in 2016.

Speaking during the debate, Trump DID however agree to make ONE pledge…” I can totally make that pledge. If I’m the nominee, I will pledge I will not run as an independent.” but he also went on to state…”I am discussing it with everybody, but I’m, you know, talking about a lot of leverage. We want to win, and we will win.”

What he was talking about was tru 8HIMSELF winning…not the COUNTRY winning and he’s willing to run as a 3rd party candidate to keep anyone other than a liberal/socialist from winning.

Does THAT sound like a Conservative or an extortionist to you?

I’ll tell you what it sounds like to ME…it sounds like a liberal plant in the Republican field as that is exactly how the liberal/socialists know they can win and the ONLY way they can win. If Republicans unite behind the Republican nominee…if Republicans, Tea Partiers, Conservatives and Teapublicans ALL unite behind the Republican nominee…liberals know damn well they will lose in 2016 and by planting one of their own…a mole…in the Republican field…one with enough money to finance a 3rd party run…one with enough money to set up 3rd party offices and hire enough staff to petition for a spot on the ballot in all 50 states…they can and WILL be successful in splitting OUR vote.

So why are there so many Conservatives latching on to the Trump bandwagon with a death grip?

Well, I suspect that Trump’s poll numbers and being driven in large part by liberal trolls. I also suspect that the social media tsunami in favor of Trump is likewise being directed by liberal trolls and in part by leftover Paulbots from 2012 whose goal is ultimately, anarchy.

But there are also good, REAL Conservatives hanging on to the Trump bandwagon for all THEY’RE worth.

tru 9Why?

Because they like the way Trump has no filter? They like how Trump is not politically correct? How he says the things they want to hear?

Is that ENOUGH to make him, Trump, our one and only?

No…it shouldn’t be. Not at all.

I am candid, I am politically incorrect and I say what’s on my mind and therefore, I appreciate those who do likewise but…Trump is exactly what Obama is…arrogant, narcissistic and sounds for all the world like it’s his way or the highway…in that he, Trump, continues to say that HE will fix things in the same way Obama has said that HE will fix things. The problem is…Obama “fixes” things to HIS liking with a pen and a phone and…that sounds like exactly what Trump will do as well.

While we, as Conservatives, RAIL against Obama’s narcissism and arrogance…why then tru 10are so many Conservatives embracing the exact same attitude from Donald Trump?

I suggest they have been duped. Duped by the liberal/socialist trolls into believing Trump represents THEM when in fact, he represents the liberal/socialists…those to whom Trump has given more money over the past 15 years than to Conservatives.

You see, Donald Trump doesn’t really give a rat’s ass who wins in 2016 because regardless of who it is…he can and will buy them as he has always done in the past.

Finally…we Conservatives have a history of being up in arms over how politicians…theirs and ours…have been bought out by corporations and corporate banks. Right?

So what IS Donald Trump ultimately?

He, Donald Trump, is the EPITOME of a corporation and when it comes to buying politicians…Trump is a one man corporate bank. He’s far more interested in purchasing political favors than in providing Conservative leadership domestically or on the world stage.

In fact, those who actually LISTEN to what Trump says in WHOLE rather than just glean onto his headline making sound bytes are realizing that Donald Trump IS the RINO the Trumpers are so vocally claiming to be against.

So, the question is, IF Donald Trump DOES get the nomination…will I vote for him?

Yes…as I, like the the other 9 catru 11ndidates on that stage last Thursday night WILL vote for WHOEVER becomes the eventual Republican nominee and that is the ONLY way I would vote for Donald Trump.

As I said at the top of this article…If Donald Trump is the best we, as Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers or Teapublicans can up with as a candidate for the presidency…we have set the bar far, FAR too low…in fact…we have made that bar subterranean as that is where moles reside.

7 thoughts on “We, As Conservatives, Deserve Better Than Trump

  1. The problem we conservatives have is we think we have to have all or none. We don’t have the patience that liberals have who are masters of incrementally getting what they want. Until we learn to accept what we can get, even if it’s just a nod in the right direction we’ll continue to bicker ridiculous stuff getting nowhere.

  2. Trump is a narcissist but that is what, in his case, will be good. He is already successful, unlike Obama. Trump looks at this as an achievement and will do what he can to make it look as good as he can. That means succeeding. If any of the candidates will get the southern border secured, it will be him. He understands the economy and knows what will stimulate it. And he is the best negotiator of them all.

    But I have to confess, I am not a republican (had my fill during the second Dub-Ya term), and will not be voting in the primaries. But, if I were, I would be voting for Carly. I am not a big fan of Trump but I am not worried about him.

  3. Fox’s debate told me what arguments the Democrats might use against the Republican candidates, but not much more than that. I’m wanting to hear more from all the candidates about what they hope to accomplish, and I still have over 14 months before I have to make a final decision. Trump is spending his own money and promises to undue Obama’s many errors. Carly speaks extremely well and would be a very good choice. I will not vote for any of the non-eligible candidates.

  4. Trump is like the spoiled brat that owns the football and stalks off because the other kids don’t want to play by HIS rules. If the republicans nominate Trump we will be exactly like the uninformed voters that put Obama in the oval office. Wake up people.

  5. We do have better than Trump and it’s not Bush, Rubio or Cruz. We have someone with a proven record who isn’t perfect (No one is) but he loves this country, fears God, loves our military, follows the constitution, created 1.5 to 2 million jobs (not just minimum wage but high salary) when the rest of the country was losing jobs, he went against Obama and did something to secure the border, brought the state from 26 in graduating high school students to #2 and #1 in black and Hispanic graduations. Grew the state economy and amassed a “rainy day fund” all the while cutting taxes and passing tort reform to do away with frivolous lawsuits. There is more but I’d have to write a book to get it all in. Former Governor of Texas, Rick Perry is the only one running who has a proven record and is a Conservative.

    • I like Perry but he’s not the most consistent and articulate conservative we have running.
      Perry supports in state tuition for illegals…which many conservatives oppose. There’s no perfect candidate but Cruz is a much more principled, articulate and consistent constitutional conservative who has a better chance at winning.

  6. Or…. Perhaps people are tired of the inept Republican Presidential candidates that are left to choose from, and are looking for something…. ANYTHING… other than another Bush, Rubio or Cruz. All of which have ZERO answers as well on how to fix America.

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