Brady’s Balls Pale by Comparison

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

top 1Okay…I was out for a few days last week and am slowly regaining the strength necessary to take on ass hats as a matter of daily routine but I feel the need to tie up a few loose ends so…let me just see if I have this all straight in my head.

ISIS is still beheading anybody who doesn’t take up with them and massacring all who hold to any ACTUAL RELIGION over their pedophile prophet’s ideology of hate and genocide. This week, they burned a man alive and broadcast it.

Is that about correct?

Iran is still in the process of becoming he first 7th century barbaric country on earth to have THE most deadly 21st century weapon and a delivery system capable of reaching halfway around the globe…the nuke and the ICBM and now, more than a dozen petulant 6 year old liberal members of congress say they will NOT be in the chamber when Netanyahu speaks in March.

Is THAT about correct?

Obama, who WON’T meet with Netanyahu because protocol says it’s too close to the Israeli election IS sending a five person staff, including HIS 2012 field campaign manager, Jeremy Bird, to Israel to…run the anti-Netahyahu campaign run the campaign “out of offices taking up the ground floor of a Tel Aviv office building,” according to Haaretz reporter Roi Arad because…that DOESN’T break protocol.

Do I have THAT about right?


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Friday Fume

One would think it’s about time liberals and socialists take a vacation from their daily bouts of stupidity but no…They just keep taking leave of their senses.

Debbie Whatshername Schultz, the DNC barking poodle, issued THIS bit of genius via Twitter the other day:

“The GOP’s having a hard time attracting female candidates. With their policy stance on limiting women’s rights, is anyone really surprised?”

Hmmm…In 2010…14 Conservative WOMEN were running for the senate and 94 CONSERVATIVE WOMEN were running for the house. In fact, AFTER the 2010 midterms…SOCIALISTS LOST 8 WOMEN while the CONSERVATIVE side of the aisle GAINED 7!!!!!

Maybe the poodle should just keep barking about a woman’s right to kill the unborn because WE’RE gearing up ANOTHER banner crop of women for 2014!!!!!

Anyway…It’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Boy…Ya just can’t get ANYTHING by the FBI.


The FBI has recently issued a warning that, Shockwave, Sureshot, White Lightning, Zombie Boom, Blue Thunder and the original brand, Tannerite…All comprising…

EXPLODING targets used on gun ranges and by sportsmen…

Can be used to make…

Wait for it…

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