A Letter to Obama

Mr. Obama,

Tonight, you will deliver your, YOUR State of the Union speech. Before you do, you should know how WE see things.

When I say WE, I mean We The People. We who are the real power in this country. We, in whom our founders invested THEIR trust to make the decisions to guide this nation.

We are sick and tired of YOUR empty promises and we are sick of you.

We’re sick of your agenda, sick of your administration, sick of your disdain for the constitution and sick of you blaming everything and everybody for the ills of our nation other than yourself.

We are sick of the entitlement agenda. We don’t want entitlements we want opportunities. We want the opportunity to move up in life. YOU want us all equal at the bottom and envision a middle class made larger by pulling down the upper class.

You talk endlessly about enlarging the middle class and you endlessly demonize the upper class. In doing this, YOU inspire people only to mediocrity. Why would anyone aspire toward greatness or wealth only to be demonized by you, your party and your agenda?

Class warfare is not the way to restore greatness to our nation Mr. Obama. It’s the way to destroy it.

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20 Questions With Ava Aston

Ava Aston may or may not be a name you are familiar with but, if it’s not, you should GET familiar with it. That name belongs to someone whose face you may have seen in commercials or seen on You Tube but there is quite a bit more to Ava you probably don’t know.

Ava, welcome to The National Patriot’s 20 questions!

When most people hear the term, “independent artist” they probably think of a typical liberal grunge musician or left wing Hollywood type. You don’t fit into that stereotype as a conservative.

1)      Is being an independent artist and a conservative a little like swimming upstream in a career sense?

“Independent” in music industry terms simply means  “not on a record label” and that everything I do is self-paid. Unlike most music artists in the public eye who are on a record label. The record labels are like Liberals in the sense since they pay for recording, promotion via radio, TV, Internet, etc. The record executives, like big government, think they know what’s the best thing is and have a need to tell the American people who should get radio air time, how old recording artists should be, and what they look like, etc.

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