Friday Fume

Well…Another week of EPIC socialist stupidity in the can.

We live in difficult times of warped socialist sensibilities and free-falling morals. It would be too much to handle if we couldn’t find a way to laugh at it from time to time.

At the end of every week, I meet absurdity with absurdity…HEAD ON and this week is no exception.


Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Look…You didn’t need to grow up in farm country to recognize the utter stupidity of the latest move by the Dictator’s Palace Guards.

As we all know, the Dictator was in Northern Ireland for a few days and staying in some posh lakeside resort.


Apparently, surrounding the resort, one would find farm fields.


So…The “SECRET” Service decided to pose as…FARMERS to patrol those fields and NOT be noticed or…Stand out regardless of HOW outstanding they are in their field.


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Bob Mueller and the FBI – Down the Rabbit Hole

Remember when?

It was a month and a couple of days ago. May 16th, 2013.


That was the day that the Dictator stood before the press and answered a few questions.

When did he find out about the IRS targeting Conservatives and Conservatives groups?

“I certainly did not know anything about the IG report before the IG report had been leaked through the press.”

Uh huh.

He had NO IDEA it was going on.

Then, the dictator stated: “We will be putting in new leadership that will be able to make sure that we…hold accountable those who have taken these outrageous actions.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, you should be equally outraged.”


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Weekend Edition: Obama – Absolutely Corrupt Pt 2

“Trust” us.

“TRUST” us…To keep records of all your emails data, your phone data, your every key stroke and your credit card activity and not to read, listen to or divulge ANY of it to anyone says the very man who doesn’t allow his college records or thesis to be seen by a single American.

“TRUST” us.


Not any administration regardless of which party or ideology is in charge.

No way.

TRUST the GOVERNMENT? Especially under THIS administration of malignant corruption whose IRS officials were divulging donor lists of Conservative groups to socialist opposition groups and candidates?

TRUST the very administration that handed weapons to Mexican drug cartels and buried the truth along with the bodies?

TRUST…THIS administration the way Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods trusted this administration?

TRUST this administration will adhere to the Constitution, protect freedom of the press, our 2nd, 4th and 10th Amendment rights?

Not a FREAKIN’ chance.

Let me ask you this…And it’s important.

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Weekend Edition: Obama – Absolutely Corrupt Pt 1

Socialists…We told ya so.

Years ago, we told you that the government was spying on you but only while Bush was in office, did you give a damn.

We told you it was expanding under this Dictator named Obama.

You told us we were bat crap crazy. You told us we were conspiracy theorists with no basis for our warnings.

You told us we were just paranoid.

You were dead wrong.

We told ya so.

YOU bought into the bullcrap being blathered by a manure spreader.

WE didn’t buy it for a second.

We told ya so.

I’ll take it a step beyond too.

If you’re STILL shilling for this lying, corrupt snake oil salesman, Obama, YOU are as guilty of lying as HE is and equally lacking in integrity, ethics and morals and every bit as un American as is the ideology professed by the reprobate  in office and his many minions.

Make no mistake, the ideology of a pit of vipers is very dangerous indeed.

Just remember…We told ya so…

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Obama – Enemy of the State – IN HIS OWN WORDS

I think it’s time we take a look back to find the source or sources of the current abuses of power by this insipid occupier of the oval office.

Time for some historical references.

None of what I’m about to report is new. None of it is breaking.

It is what it is.

Socialists count on short memory spans and ignorance of the facts for their basis in power but Conservatives just won’t cooperate.

Here we go.

In his own book, “Dreams From My Father,” which he claims to have written, Obama states:

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.”


During his 2008 campaign, at the University of Missouri on Oct. 31st, Obama stated:

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” 

Okay…Let’s look at those 2 quotes.

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Obama’s GENIUS Knows NO Bounds

In light of the most recent spin thrown against the wall by this current, corrupt administration and their minions in the mainstream media, I think it’s time we take a look at just SOME of what has transpired over the last 4 ½ years.

In no particular order…

This administration engineered Fast and Furious in which they ran guns to Mexican drug cartels and lost track of them.

Those weapons have, so far, led to the murders of HUNDREDS of Mexicans as well as the murder of U.S. Border Agent, Brian Terry and quite likely, that of Agent Jamie Zapata as well.

So stupid was the operation and so inept the cover-up of it that the Dictator had to seal away the evidence with Executive Privilege.

Dumber than a box of rocks.

This administration “invested” taxpayer dollars…HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars in green energy companies which ended up folding faster than you could say, “SOLYNDRA.”

One after another, green energy companies lauded by and spent on by the Dictator closed their doors and yet, to this day, he still insists that green is better than fossil fuels.

Good grief…

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The Most Transparently CORRUPT Administration EVER

It seems that desperation is setting in at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a big, BIG way.

The Dictator is doing his level best to distract from one abuse of power by trying to highlight another and another.

Just a couple of days after 3 whistle-blowers shed some light on the truth of Benghazi, Lois Lerner, in a nothing-burger conference answered a planted question regarding possible abuses by the IRS and the targeting “scandal” came to light.

The most transparent administration in history is transparently corrupt.

The only plausible explanation for having the question planted and answered with an apology by Lois Lerner is that Obama must have thought he would be able to distance HIMSELF more from the IRS abuse of power than he could from Benghazi and there are a few direct reasons FOR that tact.

We KNOW that SOMEBODY had to issue the Benghazi “STAND_DOWN” orders and the chain of command there is very short.

Had someone OTHER than Obama issued those orders, somebody’s head would have already rolled through the rose garden long, long ago.

Then there’s the fact that Obama himself, DISAPPEARED from the entire situation room situation on the night OF the attacks. He was there and then, he was gone and, under sworn testimony, we know that he never checked in again.


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IRS – Kinder and Gentler MY ASS

They were sorry.

It was a rogue agent in the Cincinnati office.

We didn’t know about it until we read about it in the paper.

I did nothing wrong and broke no laws but, I’m pleading the 5th so I won’t incriminate myself.

All the targeting stopped in 2012.

THESE are the things we’ve been told regarding the IRS targeting of Conservatives and Conservative groups and it’s all a load of crap.

NONE of those statements are true.

Since the IRS had been directly targeting Conservatives for harassment since 2010, coincidently, about the exact same time as the Tea Party was coming into its own, it’s better than a fair bet they weren’t at ALL sorry.

Their “admission” also by coincidence, came out right AFTER 3 whistle-blowers spilled a substantial amount of beans regarding Benghazi.

It wasn’t remorse that brought out that apology, it was timing spurred by a carefully planted question at an otherwise nothing-burger conference.


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Obama – Numb Nuts Whacked by His Own Nunchucks

In May of 2011, Kevin Kookogey, founder of Linchpins of Liberty…A conservative education group in Tennessee that works with high school and college students teaching conservative political philosophy, submitted an application for tax exempt status to the IRS.

Boy, oh boy…Did THAT ever go south.

Kookogey received a response from the IRS with more than 90 items he would have to provide details on INCLUDING…


One would think it impossible that the IRS would demand to know who would be taught in the FUTURE but…Here is the direct quote from the list of demands:

“Provide details regarding all training you have provided or will provide.”

“Indicate who has received or will receive the training and submit copies of the training material.”

According to Kookgey, “Can you imagine my responsibility to parents if I disclosed the names of their children to the IRS?”

This is a microcosm of what the IRS was doing to conservative groups applying for 501c4 status between 2010 and late 2012…During Obama’s reelection campaign.

Here’s the real deal…

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IRS CORRUPTION – Targeting Conservatives

Allow me to point out the merely obvious.

The IRS is corrupt.

It’s not breaking news but, late last week, we got irrefutable proof of it.

The IRS, as early as 2011, was TARGETING CONSERVATIVE groups. Any group with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in its name was a TARGET for audits and worse by the IRS.

Not only that, but this WASN’T just some low-level pencil pusher who would now be up for a desk shuffling promotion. Oh no…There were those VERY high up in the 501c# office AT the IRS who were FULLY AWARE of what was happening and did NOTHING to stop it.

Naturally, those in IRS ivory towers DENIED early accusations and, now, we know they were lying.

That, also, is not breaking news.

Under this administration, which become more and more glaringly illegal by the day if not by the minute, the IRS was acting in a PARTISAN manner and LYING about their knowledge OF it.


Here’s where we get to what nobody else is talking about.

Guess which govern-mentallly unstable organization is or will be in charge of making sure that OBAMACARE is TAXED to the fullest extent?

That’s right boys and girls…

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