Weekend Edition: Benghazi – The War on Truth

Between the Benghazi attacks on 9/11/2012 and the 2012 election…Obama, the Liar in Chief, touted the demise of al Qaeda 37 times.

“A day after 9/11, we are reminded that a new tower rises above the New York skyline, but AL QAEDA IS ON THE PATH TO DEFEAT and bin Laden is dead.”

That’s what the LIAR told his Kool Aid drinking faithful in Las Vegas the morning after the attacks.

“Four years ago, I promised to end the war in Iraq — and we did. I said we’d wind down the war in Afghanistan — and we are. And while a new tower rises above the New York skyline, AL QAEDA IS ON A PATH TO DEFEAT, and Osama bin Laden is dead.”

“AL QAEDA IS ON THE RUN and Osama bin Laden is no more.”

“I ended the war in Iraq, as I promised. We are transitioning out of Afghanistan. We have gone after the terrorists who actually attacked us 9/11 AND DECIMATED AL QAEDA.”

“Thanks to sacrifice and service of our brave men and women in uniform, the war in Iraq is over, the war in Afghanistan is winding down, AL QAEDA HAS BEEN DECIMATED, Osama bin Laden is dead.”

Those are just some of the quotes. There were several variations but…According to the LIAR, Obama, al Qaeda was finished…Thanks to HIM.

Yesterday it was announced that…



Al Qaeda, as it turns out, was never on the run, never on the path to defeat and most clearly, had never been decimated.

Oh…WE, as CONSERVATIVES knew that all along but, it just didn’t fit into the Dictator’s reelection plans.

He lied.

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Friday Fume

Friends, Patriots…Lend me your eyes!!!

It takes quite a bit to knock me from my office chair but, even I was picking myself up from the floor this week.

The press was agog all week over some whining, drooling, diaper filling little brat who can’t even speak but…Enough about Barney Frank.

We have a string of socialist celebrities vowing to boycott Florida over the Zimmerman verdict. Hmmm…They’ll go to Cuba, consort with despots, cry at Hugo’s funeral and champion Che but, let 6 women find an innocent man NOT GUILTY and THEN they get their panties in a wad???


And HUD has decided to map EVERY SINGLE CITY in the country to…Get this…ELIMINATE SEGREGATION!!!

That’ll go over like a fart in church down in Sanford Florida where all the blacks in one neighborhood want to force all the white/Hispanics out.

Well…It’s the end of the week and it’s time to let it all loose. Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming!!!

Well, of all the lame-brained ideas.

For those few in the military who worship at the altar of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS…

There’s now a push by socialists to have MILITARY…ATHEIST…CHAPLAINS!!!!!!!


Perhaps, after a war…the atheists can put NOTHING on a hilltop and then WE…WHO HAVE FAITH…CAN SUE THEM!!!!!!!


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Benghazi – Did Obama ORDER a HIT???


There’s not a chance in the world that we’re forgetting about Benghazi amid all the other revelations of abuses of power swirling around this corrupt administration like dirty water going down the toilet.


Yesterday, an important hearing that didn’t draw much attention drew mine.

While most are centered on the talking points, I have always insisted there are other, VERY important questions which need to be asked and answered.


Yesterday, we may well have drawn too close for Obama’s comfort to that answer.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, was in the hot seat yesterday and when the topic of the stand down orders reared its head, Dempsey’s response was telling.

First, he said there were NO stand down orders.

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The Most Transparently CORRUPT Administration EVER

It seems that desperation is setting in at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a big, BIG way.

The Dictator is doing his level best to distract from one abuse of power by trying to highlight another and another.

Just a couple of days after 3 whistle-blowers shed some light on the truth of Benghazi, Lois Lerner, in a nothing-burger conference answered a planted question regarding possible abuses by the IRS and the targeting “scandal” came to light.

The most transparent administration in history is transparently corrupt.

The only plausible explanation for having the question planted and answered with an apology by Lois Lerner is that Obama must have thought he would be able to distance HIMSELF more from the IRS abuse of power than he could from Benghazi and there are a few direct reasons FOR that tact.

We KNOW that SOMEBODY had to issue the Benghazi “STAND_DOWN” orders and the chain of command there is very short.

Had someone OTHER than Obama issued those orders, somebody’s head would have already rolled through the rose garden long, long ago.

Then there’s the fact that Obama himself, DISAPPEARED from the entire situation room situation on the night OF the attacks. He was there and then, he was gone and, under sworn testimony, we know that he never checked in again.


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Benghazi – Transparent Lies to Cover the Truth

The very idea that, now 6 months after the attacks in Benghazi, we still don’t have anywhere near adequate answers to the most basic of questions regarding the attacks should be appalling to each and every American.

That we do not yet know how or why all the red-flag warnings in the months leading up to September 11th 2012, why each and every single cable, email and memo asking for added security or at the very least, a status quo in security were completely ignored is also abysmal.

That as the attack on the Benghazi Consulate was taking place, Tyrone Woods was instructed to stand down is not only absurd but the fact that nobody is taking the responsibility for that order is simply disgusting.

That upon his arrival in Benghazi, Glen Doherty began to assist Tyrone Woods at the CIA annex in Benghazi, called for air support, gave coordinates and the two, while fighting for their lives and the lives of others were painting enemy positions with guidance lasers for help that would never be sent is completely beyond comprehension.

That, while all of this took place, Obama would speak with his CIA director and Secretary of Defense for only 30 minutes before walking away, never to personally check the status of the situation again until after it was all over, some 7-8 hours later is dereliction of duty at best, downright suspect and, at worst, treasonous.

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The Dictator’s State of Tyranny Address

Tomorrow night, ON LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY,the Dictator will deliver his State of Tyranny speech to his American subjects and to a joint session of the congress he fully intends to subvert.

We need to hear from the Great ENSLAVER on the birthday of the GREAT EMANCIPATOR like Lincoln needed to go to the theater.

There will be bowing and scraping, wild applause, cheering, head nodding and all other manner of ring and ass kissing throughout by the collective of elected socialists.

Among those in attendance will be a 4th grade girl from…

Newtown Connecticut.

No…She wasn’t even at the Sandy Hook School BUT…She did write a letter to Nancy Pelosi begging for government control of the people and the scrapping of the 2nd Amendment.

It was Rahm Emanuel who once, so famously said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

“Never let a Crisis go to waste.”

The most important word, as it turns out, in that statement is…”a.”

“Never let A crisis go to waste.”


“Never let ALL crisis go to waste.”

It’s important and, here’s why.

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Resigned? Fired? – They’re STILL on the Payroll

In a corrupt government, one can expect slime at every turn.

The Benghazi 4 have now been given the finger once again by the State Department 4.

Those reported to have resigned or been fired have NOT and now, according to the New York Post, will be KEEPING their State Department jobs.

Assistant Secretary of State Eric Boswell, who “resigned” in the wake of a State Department internal investigative report has, in fact, ONLY resigned an “appointed” position and is STILL on the State Department payroll.

Boswell is simply moving to a different desk.

The other 3, including Charlene Lamb, were NOT fired…THEY are on “administrative leave” and ARE expected to be back at work in the State Department shortly although, probably at different posts.



We have a Secretary of State who “suffers a concussion” but never goes to a hospital, never has a CT scan and is well enough to work from home but far, FAR to “concussed” to appear at a congressional hearing and now, 4 who we were told, were FINISHED at the Department of State who, in fact, are FAR FROM finished there.

If that’s not enough…We have the soon to be nominated John Kerry to fill the Secretary of State position.

John Kerry…

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Nobody Died From the Use of White Out

Good grief.

Now Congress is going to hold hearings, being people in and question them regarding talking points.



Rather than try and find out who changed the talking points that went from Petraeus to who-knows-who and back to Petraeus where, apparently he didn’t recognize his own memo…

How about we try to learn what actually LED to the need for those talking points to begin with before we delve into “Who put the bomp In the bomp bah bomp bah bomp???”

Instead of going full on to discover who used white out and removed “Terrorists” to be replaced with “”grumpy film critics” why aren’t we going balls to the walls to find out the following???

Why were all the requests for added security in Benghazi denied and who exactly denied those requests?

Why was security DOWNSIZED in Benghazi and who made THAT call???

Why, after 234 terrorist attacks in Libya over 16 months, 48 in Benghazi, 2 on our Consulate, 2 attempts on the life of the British Ambassador and both the British and the Red Cross pulling OUT of Benghazi was it deemed unnecessary, despite the repeated pleas for more security even by Ambassador Stevens himself, to ramp up security as the anniversary of 9-11 approached???

Who exactly was watching in real time, on 9-11-12, in the State Dept. and in the White House and possible in the Pentagon as the attacks took place???


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Hello??? Benghazi? Treason?? FOCUS!!!

During WWII, WE called it “Chaff”…The Brits called it “Window” and the German Luftwaffe referred to it as “Duppel.”

What was it?

It was pieces of aluminum dropped from aircraft to confuse radar.

Today’s military uses flares to confuse missiles fired at our aircraft and ECM to confuse radar.

It all adds up to one thing.

Shiny objects.

Shiny objects are distractions and meant to keep our eyes OFF the real story and this administration wants us to chase the shiny objects.

The REAL story is Benghazi.

David Petraeus…Shiny object.

Paula Broadwell…Shinier object.

The You Tube video…Former shiny object now dull

The election…Shiny object.

Hurricane Sandy…Shiny object.

Now we have NEW shiny objects…

General John Allen and Jill Kelley!!!

Jill Kelley is some sort of government social liaison who knows the Petraeus family and had something to do with alerting the FBI to the relationship between David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell.

NOW we learn that there are between 20,000 and 30,000 “inappropriate” emails floating out there between…

Jill Kelley and…General John Allen who leads our military in Afghanistan!!!

It’s sexy.

It’s salacious.

It’s intriguing.

It involves espionage, the head of the CIA, an FBI investigation, suppressed knowledge of those at the highest levels of government including Holder and Obama, a link to a General in command of forces at war…emails…careers…

Ummmm…The REAL story…

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Weekend Edition: Petraeus – A 4 Star Scapegoat

General David Petraeus, head of the CIA, resigned last week.

His resignation was sudden and it was…


Just days AFTER the election and just days BEFORE he was scheduled to testify before congress regarding the terrorist attack in Benghazi…General David Petraeus resigns.


Because of an extramarital affair? An affair uncovered by the FBI due to emails sent between Petraeus and his biographer with whom he was involved?

Those emails were sent, back and forth from Petraeus to Paula Broadwell, the “other” woman on his personal Gmail account. NOT his official CIA email which would lead one to believe that anyone attempting to hack his email would have ended up seeing ONLY personal messages and NOTHING to do with the closely held secrets the head of the CIA would be privy to.

Naturally, an affair opens someone such as Petraeus to blackmail but, that’s ONLY if someone such as Petraeus wants to keep the affair a deep dark secret and is willing to do ANYTHING to maintain that secrecy.

Petraeus, obviously, was NOT about to do that. In fact, by revealing the affair and “walking” away from his distinguished career, he proves he’s not willing to protect his private life over the security of the nation or the people he directs.

It seems that the FBI investigation uncovered this affair MONTHS ago. And if there was some concern over his ability to keep state secrets this all would have come to an end…MONTHS ago.

Also, by law, if the FBI comes to the knowledge of something that rises to the level of a threat to national security, they must inform the white house and the Senate Intelligence Committee immediately.

They did NOT.

Supposedly, James Clapper, the National Intelligence Director didn’t know anything about this until election day. Obama supposedly didn’t know about it until election day and…Diane Feinstein, head of the Senate Intell Committee didn’t find out until it hit the press last week!!!

So…Why NOW?

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