Weekend Edition: Operation Resignation Desperation

tnp eagleFriday was a banner day for rodents leaping from Obama’s sinking ship of state.

The USS Obama, a dingy carrying an ass, is now swirling a little higher in the toilet bowl as first, Eric Shinseki, the head turd in the VA punchbowl resigned, only to be immediately replaced by his deputy and Assistant Director of deadly misdeeds, Sloan Gibson.

Let me tell you something…as the fraudulent and fatal scandal at the VA is systemic, and as Sloan Gibson has been Shinseki’s right hand for all of three months. That is the depth of his experience…3 months but IN those three months…did Gibson ever blow the whistle?

Our veterans are just as screwed now as they were on Thursday. Nothing has changed.

Then there was the bald-faced liar, Obama’s version of Baghdad Bob…Jay Carney who decided to “step down” and get off the Tidy Bowl Man’s yacht before it disappears altogether.

Carney, who has become the laughingstock of the press corps over the past 5 plus years. Carney who has hemmed and hawed, stuttered and stammered his way through daily press briefings, trying to tap dance his way around the truth with all the agility of a one legged, spasmatic weasel… to the point where even Pinocchio doesn’t take him seriously anymore…has called it quits.

Carney’s future memoirs are no doubt, destined for the bargain bin in the fiction section on Amazon.

By the way, Jay carney’s family was recently featured in a Washingtonian magazine spread complete with a photo from their own family kitchen in which can be seen two wonderful examples of communist propaganda art lurking on the back wall.

Perhaps Vladimir Putin is hiring?

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Weekend Edition: Obama Has Delcared War on Our Veterans

tnp eagleThis is Memorial Day weekend, a time when we pause to pay our respects to veterans who gave their all, made the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their lives in the service of our nation whether standing guard over our freedom or striving to liberate others.

We salute them with our hands and with our hearts but what of those who gave their best? The veterans who DID make it home?

Yes, we have Veterans Day but couldn’t we do better than that?

SHOULDN’T we do better than that?

This weekend, amid the parades and picnics, between the salutes and fly overs, our living veterans are suffering needlessly at the hand of those who promised them they would be taken care of and it is beneath contempt.

The VA scandal is the ultimate insult to those who have given so very much. They fought for us, they watched their friends, brothers and sisters in uniform die for us and many, too many, came back scared. Some of those scars are visible, some make people look away and some, some scars, neither you nor I can see but they ARE there and regardless the nature of the injury, those veterans deserve far, FAR better than they are getting today.

At the end of the last administration, backlogs began at veterans hospitals. Too many coming home too quickly. Too many in need from two theaters of war. They had been promised the help they would need for the scars we can see and from those we can’t but…they had our nation’s word that they WOULD be taken care of.

Obama, during the 2008 campaign was aware of the problem and he vowed, promised and campaigned on making it right.

He appointed Eric Shinseki to the post. To direct the VA and to make whatever was wrong, right again and since then, over nearly 6 years, what happened?

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Weekend Edition: NY Times – Covering (UP) Benghazi – Pt.2

In yesterday’s Weekend Edition, I outlined the desperation of last week’s New York Times attempt to provide cover by reintroducing that lame and false You Tube fabrication for the Benghazi attacks.

I also kicked down the door as to who would have HAD to be involved, why and to what ends.

I went so far as to expose the preemptive nature behind the cover story AND the actions of 8 Democrats in the house.

If you missed it…Have a look at the truly disgusting nature of those who would conspire, collude, commit and cover up acts of TREASON.

But, I said there was more and, there is.

To truly delve into the desperate nature of liberals, Obama, his administration, Hillary and the New York Times…One must fully realize how far the Times is willing to go and why.

Last week, The NY Times released an editorial regarding Benghazi and that You Tube video ass covering story stating: “Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.”

The Times didn’t stop there.

Oh…SOMEBODY is TRULY desperate…

Last Thursday, they actually made a claim SO outrageous, SO absurd, that it defies common sense and DEFINES desperation.

As their latest effort at providing some sort of “reasonable” doubt for any upcoming trial of either Hillary, Obama or BOTH was falling apart due to REAL FACTS garnered from SWORN TESTIMONY provided by CIA BENGHAZI SURVIVORS behind the closed doors of the house oversight committee…

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Weekend Edition: The Delusional World of Media Matters




Media Matters has…Declared…VICTORY over…FOX NEWS!!!!!

For years, Propaganda Matters has waged war against Fox News in much the same way a light breeze has waged war on the Rocky Mountains but…IT’S OVER!!!


That, of course would be…VICTORY over FOX NEWS Day!!!

Oh…Never mind that Fox News continues to be THE most HIGHLY RATED news organization in the land…That’s just a technicality.

According to Amanda Terkel, “In the coming years, Fox will no longer be the center of Media Matters’ universe. Media Matters has effectively discredited the network’s desire to be seen as ‘fair and balanced.’”

And how “effectively” HAS Media Matters been regarding the “discrediting” of Fox News?

Well…When it comes to TRUST and who DO you…FOX is rated higher than ABC News.

For that matter, Propaganda Matters…Fox is ALSO rated higher as a TRUSTED news organization than… CBS News…CNN… MSNBC…Comedy Central…NBC News…and PBS.


Never mind that FOX has the highest rated morning show of any cable network and…The highest ratings in the afternoon too. Then, there’s the FOX News number 1 rated “The Five” which, oddly enough, airs at 5 eastern time.

Did ya hear???

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Millennials – The Last Nail in the Obamacare Coffin

According to Zeke Emanuel, Rahm’s brother, Obamacare architect, and a guy with all the warmth and charm of an inflamed hemorrhoid, the reason Young people are, in droves, NOT signing up for the insipid insurance program is that…

“No one has launched a big PR campaign to get these people signed up because of the problems with the federal website. We are about to launch a big PR campaign, and that, I think, is going to persuade a lot of people to sign up.”


After 3 ½ years of Obama campaigning on Obamacare…After his minions constantly telling the public how Obamacare was the greatest thing since sliced cheese and after all the ballyhoo surrounding a bill SO fantastic it had to remain under wraps until after it was passed…

Obamacare needs a “PR” CAMPAIGN???

Most folks think PR stands for “PUBLIC RELATIONS” but, most folks don’t have the double top-secret, Karl Marx decoder ring.

PR, in socialist speak means…


Obamacare, according to Zeke, suffers from a lack of propaganda.

You see, for Obamacare to work, YOUNG people, steeped for the vast majority of their lives in socialism, via indoctrination centers mislabeled as “Public Schools” and, having had their brains soaked in socialism at asylums of HIGHER indoctrination masquerading as COLLEGES…MUST sign up for Obamacare and have THEIR bank accounts raided on behalf of older, sicker people.

What Zeke and Barry just can’t understand is that…

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Obamacare – House of Cards on a Foundation of Lies

If lying were considered to be an art form…Barack Hussein Obama would be its Monet.

First, allow me to apologize to Monet for the comparison.

Now then…Obamacare…The lie that will enslave Americans and, subject them to the whims of government…

That’s really what it is but, how did we arrive AT this enslavement?

Liberals created a 2700 page monstrosity of a bill and then demanded it be passed before anyone could be given the opportunity to read it.

Liberals, some of them literally bribed by Obama, agreed to do just that and not one single elected republican voted for it.

Not one.

The vote was held in the dark of night and the bill, all 2700 pages of it, was rammed down the throats of the American people.

Shortly thereafter, came the stack of regulations that would make the bill itself seem puny by comparison.

18,000 regulations attached to the bill.

Along with all of that came 159 new government agencies and committees to “oversee” the 2700 page bill with its 18,000 regulations.

There would need to be thousands…TENS of THOUSANDS of new government workers employed to handle the 2700 pages of the Obamacare bll, its 18,000 new regulations and its enforcement.

A website would be needed and, in true government fashion, $93 million dollars was allocated for it but the government spent $634 MILLION DOLLARS ON IT, spent 3 years building it and…Within ONE MINUTE of it going live on October 1st, 2013…IT CRASHED!!!

The Obamacare website is only an expected symptom.

The PROBLEM isn’t the website…The PROBLEM is…

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Friday Fume

HOLY CRAP…I thought we would NEVER get to the end of this week.

To say it’s been a banner week for socialist insanity would be a gross understatement wouldn’t it?

The problem is NOT in finding the things which irritate us but in narrowing it down for our week in review with an ATTITUDE!!!

There’s simply no way to mention everything but, I’ll do my level best to hit a few highlights of their lowlights.

Friends and Patriots…Today IS Friday and…

I’m Fuming.

JUST when you think you’ve heard it all…Along comes a WHOLE NEW level of socialist INSANITY!!!

Guess what?


Are you KIDDING ME???

According to socialist agitator HARRY BELEFONTE….

“The river of blood that washes the streets of our nation flows mostly from the bodies of our black children. Yet, as the great debate emerges on the question of the gun, white America discusses the constitutional issue of ownership, while no one speaks of the consequences of our racial carnage.”



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Friday Fume

If you think YOU had a tough time getting through this week…

At least it wasn’t revealed that YOUR fake girlfriend, who was in a fake car accident and diagnosed with fake cancer and who died a fake death wasn’t real.

Maybe Manti can go on Oprah and offer a fake apology.

Chances are…Nobody’s SUING YOU for doping to win bike races…

See…You’re cheering up already!!!

My friends…It’s Friday and…To paraphrase a great patriot…


Well, well…

129 days LATER, upon hearing of a good place to get a STRAWBERRY FRAPPE…

The head of the FBI has made his way to LIBYA to ask a few questions regarding…

What was it again???

Oh yeah…


Good grief…

FBI Director Robert Mueller discussed the case in TRIPOLI with senior officials, including the prime minister, justice minister and intelligence chief.

Well…THAT should wrap things up huh???

I understand that while Mueller was there…

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Weekend Edition: Gun Rights vs Gun Control – The TRUTH

The government can’t find 15 million ILLEGAL aliens and to be perfectly honest, they don’t WANT to but, by forcing gun registration…They WILL be able to find every LAW ABIDING gun owner in America. Am I the ONLY one who thinks something is wrong when the government, in an attempt to control people, does nothing about those who BREAK our laws and removes rights from those who ABIDE by the laws???

In the next few days, Joe Biden will submit his report on how to control you to the Emperor. Both he AND the Emperor have made it clear that Imperial Orders may well come into play against you regarding the 2nd Amendment.

Over the last few weeks, socialists, liberals and their pundits have not missed a single opportunity or microphone in their quest to demean and dismiss you, the law abiding gun owners of America.

They want you to believe that what they are about to propose or bypass congress to accomplish with regard to eroding your rights is for your safety and…of course…for the children.

Every time they want to remove some of your rights, it’s for the sake of the children.


It’s time to make a few things crystal clear and I can assure you, liberals and socialists aren’t going to like this at all because…It’s the TRUTH.

How many times have we all heard a socialist, bent on controlling you by removing your rights, tell anyone within earshot that you don’t need an AR-15 to hunt deer?

Socialists are trying to SHAME you into bowing to their ideology and they HOPE you will be seen as the fool.

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Weekend Edition: Liberal Lies and Kryptonite

In this presidential race, arguably the most important since 1860, Mitt Romney is gaining momentum and Obama is starting to fade.

We are but 16 days from casting ballots in a race that has easily encompassed the last 16 months.

The question is…Why? Why is Romney gaining the momentum? Why is Obama fading?

Liberals, as the hours and days go by, are getting more and more desperate.


Liberals have nobody but themselves to blame for their own desperation and their candidate’s fading numbers.

From the very beginning, from the day of his nomination, Obama has been shielded from reality by the media. At least, that is the conventional wisdom. To some extent, it’s true but, I contend that it goes much, MUCH deeper than that.

Obama has rarely, very rarely, face tough questions its true. The media, a liberal lap dog media, has seen to that. They have steadfastly refused to challenge Obama and they have been quick to label those who might, as racists either by saying it themselves via their liberal media pundits or by allowing the narrative of racism itself to go unchallenged.

Think back to December 10th, 2010. That was the day that Obama held a press conference to talk about a new tax plan compromise.

As the questions got detailed, suddenly, Obama stepped aside and left the questions to be answered by…Bill Clinton. The liberal lap dog media was all too happy to have Clinton at the podium and even peppered the formally impeached president with foreign policy questions in Obama’s absence.

On June 15th of THIS year, Obama made public his Dream Act decree from the Rose Garden. This was a speech, not a press conference but, one reporter, Neil Munro, dared ask a question.

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