Friday Fume

fume 1What a week it’s been as liberal absurdity has reached a new high.

First, the Dictator goes down to Texas but REFUSES to visit the border where ILLEGALS are POURING in.

Then, yesterday, as the world burned…our greatest ally, Israel, began their ground war against the Gaza terrorists AND a Malaysian PASSENGER jet was BLOWN OUT OF THE SKY BY RUSSIAN REBELS…There was Obama…FUND RAISISING AGAIN…This time in NY…telling jokes and posing for photo ops…NOT SEEMING TO GIVE A DAMN that 23 Americans might be among the dead…

And in between it all…his town liar, Josh Earnest told the press that BECAUSE of Obama…”THE WORLD IS MORE…TRANQUIL!!!”

If, by “more tranquil” he means that “THE WHOLE WORLD IS GOING TO HELL IN A HAND BASKET” then yeah…I suppose the world IS more tranquil.

We could all use a few laughs about now…don’t you think?

Today is FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

Well isn’t this convenient?

The Dictator’s Department of Injustice is now investigating how the Dictator’s minions in the IRS “lost” all those emails and hard drives that could well have provided direct evidence of the Dictator’s direct involvement in the targeting scandal.

Now what do you suppose they’re gonna find?

I’M sure…after a complete and thorough investigation…the derpwads at DOJ will conclude there was “NOT A SMIDGEON OF CORRUPTION” at the IRS GESTAPO!!!

What else should we expect…after all…

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Weekend Edition: Allahu Akpoop – NOT Martha’s Vineyard!!!

tnp eagleI have an idea.

As Obama and his absurd ilk have absolutely NO intention of deporting the tsunami of ILLEGAL aliens pouring across our southern border and as we know all too well that a multitude of the future liberal voters, infested with all manner of diseases, are to be relocated to cities, towns and congressional districts from sea to shining sea…

I have an idea…as we now learn of a DEAL made between travel agents masquerading as the governments of Mexico and Guatemala (which in Spanglish apparently means ‘homeland of the scabies ridden youth’ ) by which the parade of illegal aliens will be able to move FROM Guatemala THROUGH Mexico…UNHINDERED by any need for documentation except for new ‘Regional Visitor Cards’ which will be handed out like piñata candy at a baseball bat convention thus allowing MORE illegal aliens to get to the Rio Grande water park FASTER than ever before…

I have an idea.

Relax…I’ll get to it…

AND as the ILLEGAL ALIEN who currently has his prayer rug gracing the oblong office has asked…DEMANDED some $3.7 BILLION U.S. Taxpayer dollars to supplement the need for clothing, housing, bug spray, transportation, government indoctrination center educations, $10.10 per hour per ACORN worker, Obama Phones, all the Guatemelons the Guatemalans can eat buffets and various other perks like welfare, Obamacare, and left over Fast and Furious guns for the gang members accompanying the little vermin and their human hosts without allocating a farthing for the silly idea of SHUTTING DOWN THE DAMN BORDER…

I DO have an idea but before I get to that, allow me to also point out that OUR version of Juan (Spanglish for Barack) and Eva (Spanglish for MOOOOOOchelle) are packing their bags (why both are taking mens boxer shorts is anybody’s guess) in preparation for their annual pilgrimage to identify with the middle class by staying in a $12 MILLION DOLLAR home in…

Here’s  my idea and thanks for waiting…

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Amnesty is Nothing But Trading Citizenship for Votes

BIDEN 1According to Vice Weasel, Joe Biden…

“These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to be able to contribute fully, and by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view. They just want a decent life for their kids and a chance to contribute to a free society, a chance to put down roots and help build the next great American century. I really believe that. That’s what they’re fighting for.”

That’s a direct quote from his speech a few days ago at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and, it leaves me with what I believe to be a pertinent question.


He’s talking about ILLEGAL (undocumented in liberal speak) ALIENS.

One simply cannot be an ALIEN…Illegal OR undocumented and still be an AMERICAN. It doesn’t work that way Joe and YOU KNOW IT.

What those people are, to liberals, are UNREGISTERED LIBERAL VOTERS and nothing less.

Hmmm…Come to think of it, I have more than one pertinent question.

Given the FACT that we learned, ON THE SAME DAY as this BLOVIATING, BOVINE BUTT-BLAST’S speech…That ICE, under this regime has turned loose some 68,000 ILLEGAL ALIEN…CRIMINALS…into our cities and onto our streets…COUPLED WITH THE FACT THAT…they have failed to remove from our soil…SOME 870 THOUSAND…ILLEGAL ALIENS…WITH MANDATORY DEPORTATION ORDERS AGAINST THEM…IN 2013 ALONE…


Oh yes…

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Friday Fume

One would think it’s about time liberals and socialists take a vacation from their daily bouts of stupidity but no…They just keep taking leave of their senses.

Debbie Whatshername Schultz, the DNC barking poodle, issued THIS bit of genius via Twitter the other day:

“The GOP’s having a hard time attracting female candidates. With their policy stance on limiting women’s rights, is anyone really surprised?”

Hmmm…In 2010…14 Conservative WOMEN were running for the senate and 94 CONSERVATIVE WOMEN were running for the house. In fact, AFTER the 2010 midterms…SOCIALISTS LOST 8 WOMEN while the CONSERVATIVE side of the aisle GAINED 7!!!!!

Maybe the poodle should just keep barking about a woman’s right to kill the unborn because WE’RE gearing up ANOTHER banner crop of women for 2014!!!!!

Anyway…It’s Friday my friends and…

I’m fuming.

Boy…Ya just can’t get ANYTHING by the FBI.


The FBI has recently issued a warning that, Shockwave, Sureshot, White Lightning, Zombie Boom, Blue Thunder and the original brand, Tannerite…All comprising…

EXPLODING targets used on gun ranges and by sportsmen…

Can be used to make…

Wait for it…

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