Barack HUSSEIN Obama – Islam’s TROJAN HORSE!!!

When you look at a number of Obama quotes, there are some things that should come as no surprise.

 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

“I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”

“Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

Need I continue?

Yes…I believe, to make the point crystal clear…I do.

“That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

“Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

“Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”

Are you starting to get the picture?

Maybe THESE quotes will help…

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Obamacare – Make No Mistake…The WORLD is Watching

Fallout from Obama’s man-made disaster, Obamacare, is not limited to those Americans being cancelled by their insurance carriers.

The fallout is not limited to the economy.

It’s not limited to the white house or the liberal/socialist party or agenda either.

There is fallout that nobody is talking about and the ramifications of it are dire.

Dire to national security and dire to international security as well.

And, to be certain, the fallout is not just from Obamacare as Obamacare is nothing more than a microcosm of the real problem.

The problem is trust.

Obama doesn’t have it. His polls are falling by the day as more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that he is unworthy of trust but the polls don’t show the whole story.

For 5 long years, Obama and his administration have been plagued by what HE has called…”PHONY SCANDALS” and while you can fool some of the people SOME of the time, we know that one can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.

Our allies, around the world have been watching.

As the NSA was spying on THEM…

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Benghazi: Witnesses to Treason Set to Testify

To be completely candid, there aren’t very many Members of Congress that I, or anyone for that matter, trust but, Trey Gowdy is one of the handful I would trust 24/7 365.

Gowdy is an exceptional representative to his constituents and were all congressmen and women the caliber of Trey Gowdy, this nation would be in fine shape.

According to Gowdy, the Obama administration has been changing the names…Providing aliases, to the survivors of Benghazi.

Gowdy would not make such a claim were there no evidence to back it up.

Gowdy recently told The Blaze: “Stop and think what things are most calculated to get at the truth? Talk to people with first-hand knowledge. What creates the appearance and perhaps the reality of a cover-up? Not letting us talk with people who have the most amount of information, dispersing them around the country and changing their names.”

Indeed, Trey Gowdy has questions, lots of them, for the long hidden away Benghazi survivors but, he has a few rather common sense questions for the media as well.

“Does it bother you whether or not you know why Chris Stevens was in Benghazi?”

“Do you know why we were the last flag flying in Benghazi after the British had left and the Red Cross had been bombed? Do you know why requests for additional security were denied?”

Those survivors, most of them CIA agents who were on the ground IN Benghazi nearly 15 months ago have reportedly been threatened by the Obama administration including the CIA, the Justice Department and the State Department.

According to white house court jester, Jay Carney:

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Friday Fume

The inescapable fact that liberals and socialists are BAT CRAP INSANE has been on FULL DISPLAY once again this week.

You just can’t make this stuff UP.

Before we get into the thick of what hit the fan over the last 7 days…

Let me give you a few quick hitters.


Another clear-cut case of ZERO TOLERANCE for COMMON SENSE!!!!!

AL QAEDA TERRORISTS in LIBYA have “STOLEN” hundreds of REAL guns, an undisclosed number of high tech night vision goggles,  and dozens of Special Operations transports armed with machine guns, fragmentation grenade launchers, and STATE-OF-THE-ART…HIGH TECH CLASSIFIED GPS ON-BOARD UNITS!!!


Like kids STEAL candy on HALLOWEEN???




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Gun Control – By Decree or by Treaty

Call it what you will.

The Obama Doctrine.

Agenda 21.

New World Order.

Theater of the Absurd.

The name assigned to it really no longer matters. The actions speak for themselves.

Just 2 days ago, John Kerry signed the U.N. Small Arms Treaty. Yes, he did, He signed it and rather than ink dripping from his pen, it was hypocrisy.

The document signed by Kerry is in direct opposition to a document signed just a week ago by his Dictator boss. THAT document, by executive order, cleared the way for Obama to supply arms to al Qaeda.

Obama gave arms to Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious.

He supplied arms to al Qaeda in Libya.

He gifted weapons both large and small to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now, he has absolved himself, as Dictators are always want to do, from any breach of law, so that he can supply weapons to al Qaeda in Syria.

Think about it for a moment…

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Benghazi/Syria Connection – A Constitutional Crisis in the Making?

Yesterday, on the anniversary of the dual 9/11 attacks, I connected the dots on Benghazi.

Today, I will connect THOSE dots to Obama’s Syrian debacle in a way that will send chills up your spines.

I believe this runs much, MUCH deeper than the gun running between Benghazi and the al Qaeda “rebels” in Syria.

To do this, I must connect “implied” dots as this administration is in full cover up mode and blocking the truth at every turn but, a circumstantial case CAN be built.

What we are facing, when you connect Benghazi with Syria is a true, full-blown, Constitutional crisis of EPIC proportions.

Now, to plumb the true suspected depths of the looming Constitutional crisis, one must sit down and hang on tightly.

Hillary’s chief adviser during her years as Head of State was Huma Abedin whose family is deeply tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama’s chief adviser is Valerie Jarrett, an American born in IRAN who, to this day, has ties TO Iran.

Obama’s administration contains no fewer than 6 members of the Muslim Brotherhood…

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Bombing Syria – “FOR THE CHILDREN!!!”

It’s absurd.

It has, for decades, been the whining cry of socialists and it has been as overplayed as that stupid race card.

“Do it for the children.”

“Oh…DO it for the CHILDREN (sob, sob) do it for the children.”

Whenever and wherever, common sense and logic interfere with socialists and their agenda…


As soon as all their unsubstantiated rhetoric is proven false…


Millions…HUNDREDS of millions…BILLIONS…HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS…TRILLIONS of dollars have been goaded out of We the People because simpering elected officials are wetting their collective beds over the possibly of NOT “doing it for the children.”



No matter the situation. Regardless of the circumstances. In SPITE of the degree of NONSENSE and in the FACE of any reality…

It has become as predictable as an ACME anvil falling on Wile E. Coyote.

A long, drawn-out slide whistle, pitching down…a second of silence…a faint…boom…

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Weekend Edition: Between Barack and a Hard Place – Obama’s Options

Barack Hussein Obama, from behind, has led the United States once great and respected position on the world stage, down the path of destruction.

We have, in 5 years, gone from the world’s only remaining superpower to…

Super powerless.

It didn’t start with Syria and, it won’t end there either.

To understand the available options in this Obama Syrian disaster, we must first, know how we got to this point.

It started with the appointment of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, a position for which, aside from traveling to different countries while Bill was in office, she was unqualified to hold.

Hillary blew the Russian reset, accepted a handshake from North Korea, ignored Libya, hired our enemies as security, allowed her own security team to run drugs and hookers and mismanaged every last thing that she touched including, having as her top aide…Huma Abedin…Whose family is deeply connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama began the free-fall when he opted NOT to assist the freedom and democracy movement in Iran THUS SENDING A CLEAR MESSAGE to the Mullahs that Iran could proceed unhindered.

He exacerbated it further when he told Israel to fall back to their pre-1967 indefensible borders thus telling Israel’s enemies that THEY need not fear U.S. protection or assistance to Israel.

By leading from behind in Libya, Obama sent a clear and unmistakable message to al Qaeda that he was prepared to assist them in the conquest of a country and he provided them the arms with which to do so.

In fabricating the You Tube video story after the al Qaeda attacks in Benghazi, repeating that lie for 3 weeks, keeping the FBI from investigating IN Benghazi and the subsequent cover up OF Benghazi, Obama has sent the message to our enemies that they have nothing to fear even when they kill our diplomats.

In Egypt, Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood, thus giving terrorism’s only political arm control of an entire nation and one which HAD kept the peace accord with Israel intact for more than 3 decades thus sending the clear message that the United States, under his rule, would turn our backs on our friends.

And so…Syria…

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Weekend Edition: Obama’s Syrian Disaster

Next Tuesday evening, as things stand now, Obama will make what is likely to be regarded, by history, as the most desperate, pathetic plea for war ever made by a United States president.

On the eve of 9/11…A date of dual significance to Americans, Obama will take his sad, anemic case for striking Syria, in effect, declaring war ON Syria, to the American people in a last ditch and what is most likely to be a deeply flawed and failed attempt, to sway the votes of congress.

The case he is planning to present is that the United States has a “moral obligation” to strike and enter Syria’s civil war and he must, again, try to convince the American people and congress that it was Assad who launched a chemical attack on August 21st but, that will be a tall order as more and more evidence is belittling that argument.

 Carla  del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria and someone who should know the truth, has let it be known, in the face of Obama’s claims, that, “Our investigators have been in neighbouring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated.”

And then, the bombshell if one can employ that word under these circumstances.

“This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

Obama and John Kerry have told us that it was Assad’s government and Kerry has even referred to “THOUSANDS OF REPORTS” that have been declassified and made available.

It seems, those “THOUSANDS OF REPORTS” are likely in the form of social media and twitter posts from the region and are backed up by no hard evidence whatsoever while, Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria, tells us that, “This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

It makes one wonder, doesn’t it, just what the CLASSIFIED reports contain that he has shown to only a handful of house and senate members and where, exactly, his “CLASSIFIED” material came from.

Obama, from his setting of the “red line” a year ago to what will be his desperate plea to congress next Tuesday to what is looking more and more like a sound defeat when it comes to a vote in the house and senate, has made a mess of this whole thing.

It’s worse than a mess.

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We knew it all along.

We did, and now, we have the proof of it from none other than Obama’s point man on the need to attack…commit an act of war…against Syria.

We said this was nothing but a distraction and John Kerry, in a terse exchange yesterday before the house committee, has offered proof positive.

Obama is desperate…DESPERATE…to run and hide from Benghazi and his role in the murders of 4 Americans there 1 year ago.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner is SO desperate that he is now willing to commit an act of war and worse, against a country that poses no threat to the United States to divert attention away from what he knows to be acts of treason in Benghazi.

Yesterday, congressman Jeff Duncan, a conservative from South Carolina, posed this to John Kerry:

“I cannot discuss the possibility of the U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war without talking about Benghazi.”

Congressman Duncan was nowhere near finished either.

He then went on to state, in no uncertain manner…

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