Weekend Edition: Oprah and The Racists Within

Oprah suddenly injected herself into the race baiting fray last week when, in an interview for the BBC, she stated, “Just the level of disrespect. When the senator yelled out, ‘You’re a liar.’ Remember that? Yeah, I think that there is a level of disrespect for the office that occurs, and that occurs in some cases, and maybe even many cases, because he’s African-American.”

 “Of course, the problem is not solved. As long as there are people who still, there’s a whole generation – I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own, you know, community in the South – there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.”

A WHOLE GENERATION in the south, born and bred and marinated in prejudice and racism and…THEY JUST HAVE TO DIE???

Oprah is either advocating the KILLING of old white people in the south or…She is saying that through old age attrition, racism will end when they die off of natural causes.

Either way, Oprah is 100% wrong and, wrong on so many levels it is mind-boggling.

First of all…She is a member, whether she chooses to accept reality or not, of THE party of American racism.

Oprah is a democrat and the democrat party encompasses racism in America.

Here are just SOME of the things liberals do NOT want you to know…

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Friday Fume

You would SWEAR I’m making this up but…NO I AM NOT!!!


Over HERE…That’s considered RACIST!!!

In an obvious attempt to kill Sunday ratings…THE REGIME is hatching a plan to PUSH OBAMACARE ON NFL BROADCASTS!!!

I have no idea if that Obamacare covers pre-existing head injuries, steroid use OR GUNSHOT WOUNDS but…At least for the 1st 3-4 years of their careers…THE WORLDS BIGGEST, BADDEST, FASTEST AND STRONGEST ATHLETES CAN STAY ON MOMMY’S AND DADDY’S INSURANCE PROGRAM!!!

And… Bombastic Bloomberg is now going after…4TH OF JULY…SPARKLERS because…HE says they can be used by…TERRORISTS!!!!!

Just wait till he finds out what al Qaeda could do with SOAP BUBBLES!!!!!

It’s been yet ANOTHER week LOADED with liberal STUPIDITY and I can’t hold back any longer.

Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

So…There they were…Socialists in Texas…Raising hell and CHEERING on the murder of unborn children.

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Calling Out The New BlacKKK Panthers

The New BlacKKK Panther Party is the militant arm of the Community Organizer in Chief’s administration. It’s just that simple.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are Obama’s liaisons to the New BlacKKK Panther Party.

The above names, from the Congressional Black Caucus comprise the New BlacKKK Panther Party’s legislative wing. Missing from that list is Allen West. West has been the ONLY Member of the Congressional Black Caucus to speak out stating, “To openly solicit for the death of an American citizen, with reward, is not in keeping with the laws of due process which governs this Constitutional Republic,” West wrote. “However, this is to be expected when irrational voices dominate our public dialogue and are fueled by an ideological driven media.”

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