IRS CORRUPTION – Targeting Conservatives

Allow me to point out the merely obvious.

The IRS is corrupt.

It’s not breaking news but, late last week, we got irrefutable proof of it.

The IRS, as early as 2011, was TARGETING CONSERVATIVE groups. Any group with “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in its name was a TARGET for audits and worse by the IRS.

Not only that, but this WASN’T just some low-level pencil pusher who would now be up for a desk shuffling promotion. Oh no…There were those VERY high up in the 501c# office AT the IRS who were FULLY AWARE of what was happening and did NOTHING to stop it.

Naturally, those in IRS ivory towers DENIED early accusations and, now, we know they were lying.

That, also, is not breaking news.

Under this administration, which become more and more glaringly illegal by the day if not by the minute, the IRS was acting in a PARTISAN manner and LYING about their knowledge OF it.


Here’s where we get to what nobody else is talking about.

Guess which govern-mentallly unstable organization is or will be in charge of making sure that OBAMACARE is TAXED to the fullest extent?

That’s right boys and girls…

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Weekend Edition: Petraeus – A 4 Star Scapegoat

General David Petraeus, head of the CIA, resigned last week.

His resignation was sudden and it was…


Just days AFTER the election and just days BEFORE he was scheduled to testify before congress regarding the terrorist attack in Benghazi…General David Petraeus resigns.


Because of an extramarital affair? An affair uncovered by the FBI due to emails sent between Petraeus and his biographer with whom he was involved?

Those emails were sent, back and forth from Petraeus to Paula Broadwell, the “other” woman on his personal Gmail account. NOT his official CIA email which would lead one to believe that anyone attempting to hack his email would have ended up seeing ONLY personal messages and NOTHING to do with the closely held secrets the head of the CIA would be privy to.

Naturally, an affair opens someone such as Petraeus to blackmail but, that’s ONLY if someone such as Petraeus wants to keep the affair a deep dark secret and is willing to do ANYTHING to maintain that secrecy.

Petraeus, obviously, was NOT about to do that. In fact, by revealing the affair and “walking” away from his distinguished career, he proves he’s not willing to protect his private life over the security of the nation or the people he directs.

It seems that the FBI investigation uncovered this affair MONTHS ago. And if there was some concern over his ability to keep state secrets this all would have come to an end…MONTHS ago.

Also, by law, if the FBI comes to the knowledge of something that rises to the level of a threat to national security, they must inform the white house and the Senate Intelligence Committee immediately.

They did NOT.

Supposedly, James Clapper, the National Intelligence Director didn’t know anything about this until election day. Obama supposedly didn’t know about it until election day and…Diane Feinstein, head of the Senate Intell Committee didn’t find out until it hit the press last week!!!

So…Why NOW?

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