Obama – If You LIKE Your Internet, You Can KEEP It.

icann 1If you’re reading this article today, you are doing so via a system created and protected by, of all things, the U.S. government.

I know…

The same entity that couldn’t even build a website has, since its inception, kept the internet safe and free but, one shouldn’t confuse the current regime with the government as a whole and, there is something else that has made government “control” of the internet a viable and workable situation.

The United States government, because of the foresight of Newt Gingrich when he was in the house, has maintained a strict HANDS OFF policy where the worldwide web has been concerned.

THAT is about to change.


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or…ICANN will soon be controlling everything regarding internet traffic.

This is more than dangerous.

This is nothing less than putting virtually all communications between free thinking people into the hands of those who DEPLORE free thinking.

And, in true Obama regime mode…

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Obamacrap’s New Marketing Plan – “FAABULOUUS!!!!”

Yesterday, Jay Carney was at the podium READING a provided talking point regarding how Obamacare was already saving MILLIONS of people money.

I hate to break it to you but, Carney may well be right.

I hate to break it to Carney but, the reason millions are saving money is because they once paid FOR health insurance and now, because of Obamacare…THEY’RE NOT…because they figure it’s better to not pay and just hope nothing goes wrong.


Anyway…That’s not what this article is all about.

Remember just a couple of weeks ago when this administration was out there telling us that what Obamacare really needed to become a success was a…MARKETING PLAN???

I mean, they spent 3 ½ years having Obama market it with lies about keeping your plans and keeping your doctors.

They spent $677 MILLION dollars on the Obamacare website to make enrolling in Obamacare as easy as buying a TV on Amazon.

They marketed it to their own party in congress by BRIBING them to vote for it.

Obama and his crack (smoking) team of marketing geniuses TRIED to enlist the NFL to push Obamacare but only the Ravens took him up on the deal and scored a cool $130 thousand to do…something.

The Obama administration used cute, fuzzy critters and tried to call the whole thing…”ADORABLE CARE!!!”

They paid some advertising firm a boatload of taxpayer dollars to create ads featuring frat boys doing keg stands and horny young women with their panties in a knot over some dweeb touting Obamacare’s Sandra Fluke, slutcare benefits but…sadly…that didn’t pan out either.

Celebrities…Obama and his Hollywood pals were using a gaggle of paparazzi targets to convince us all that enrolling in Obamacare would make us ALL more glamorous but…As soon as the “As-Easy-to-Use-as-Amazon” website crashed…the stars disappeared.

But all Obamacare really needs, to take off like a Russian rocket is…

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Weekend Edition: FB – Social Media or Social Disease?

There comes a point when enough is enough.

Being threatened with banning for a period of days by Facebook because one has requested too many friends or, as happens to many of us, because we are posting too fast, is one thing but, being banned for 30 days from an increasingly unsocial social media site says you did something that clearly, you did NOT do is quite another thing altogether.

Blogger, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor has found herself in just that situation.

Last week, after a 5 hour stint at the dentist, where she could not have posted a thing had she even wanted to, she returned home to discover she had, in fact, been banned for 30 days.

Facebook Jail.

And what was the offense?

Get this.

In a group, on FB, where Diane is an Admin…

ANOTHER Admin posted a link to an article regarding Islamists and beheadings.

FB took exception and, in retaliation…

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Facebook’s Anti Social Assault on Conservatives

Facebook, as social media goes, has become decidedly ANTI social.

Not for all who use it but for those of us with a clear conservative leaning, Facebook has become the place where we’re NOT allowed to friend who we want, NOT allowed to share WHERE we want and NOT allowed to POST what we want.

It’s been getting way, WAY out of hand since socialists started openly talking about banning the 2nd Amendment after Sandy Hook, the “deal” on taxes and now, calls for unlimited presidential terms.

For instance, Facebook will “tell” you “Here is someone you might like to friend.”

So, you send that person a friend request and then, Facebook tells you…”You don’t have permission” to send that person a friend request” and because you DID, Facebook blocks you from sending any MORE friend requests for 30 days.


As a conservative, I belong to about 125 conservative groups on Facebook.

Facebook ALLOWED me to belong to these groups and the vast majority OF them ASKED me to join because they WANTED to see my articles daily.

For more than a year and a half, I have posted my article in each of them, every day…no problem.

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Friday Fume

So friends…as Facebook tries their level best to clamp down on The National Patriot and our fellow CONSERVATIVE bloggers…We press on. We hope you will share the Friday Fume, our other articles and those of our great blogger friends found on our blog roll every day in conservative FB groups and with your friends.

It’s been another tough week but…WE’RE NOT GOING AWAY!!!

Our thanks too, to the Examiner, for running an article and looking into the FB matter yesterday…If we all stand together…WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!

Now that I have THAT off my chest…It’s time to get down to the serious business of having some fun at the expense of socialists, liberals and the idiots who never fail to do the dumbest things.

Here we go…

Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.


Obama’s LAPDOG will still be fetching the Emperor’s HOUSE slippers for the next 2 years.

John Boehner, who has spent the last 2 years listing hard to port, has been reelected to the Speakers chair.

After the vote, Nancy Pelosi who again came in second, made her speech in which she…AGAIN…called our nation a DEMOCRACY!!!



Good grief.

Then of course, it was Boehner’s turn to speak.


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Weekend Edition: Politics and Social or, Anti Social Media

Over The last few years, one thing has had a most definite impact on politics.

The Tea Party?

Well, yes but…

Obama’s ideology of division?

Well…yes, but…

There is something else. Something bigger than ideologies and bigger than a candidate or a political movement.

It’s social media.

Social media has changed the way we view, discuss and relate to politics.

I’m not just talking about Breitbart although, he did do more to bring social media to the forefront of politics than any other thousand people I know and while his personal impact was too short lived, his residual impact will continue to reverberate and shape the future forever.

I’m talking about garden variety social media and the people who utilize it in the most basic way.

Facebook and Twitter have provided a way to broadcast individual views like never before and just like politics…Social media can bring out the best, and worst in people.

We, as individuals, are able to share our thoughts, ideas, comments, images and yes, our blogs and websites with THOUSANDS of people and it’s real time, live and at times, overpowering.

Think about it. We have watched social media organize uprisings in Egypt, Iran, Syria and in Libya, we watched images and videos of the demise of Gaddafi just moments after he was killed.

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“Ex-Patriot Act” Would Criminalize Freedom and Success

The American Dream…To start with nothing and become a success in the land of opportunity. Wealth, fame and the trapping which come with them both. Those who achieve it, in the process, provide opportunities for others, create jobs and foster innovation.

That is the American Dream.

The Liberal/Socialist Dream…To lurk about, waiting for others to achieve the American Dream and take from them, a majority of what they have gained in wealth. It’s simply not fair for one to have more than another and when one does, the bulk of it should belong to the government to be doled out, at the government’s whim, to those they deem worthy.

That is the Liberal/Socialist Dream.

Scoff if you want to liberals but you scoff at the truth and two of your own are proving it.

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Obama Using FB to Spy on You…DO Something About It!

No doubt, many conservatives on Facebook have seen this posted – and many, while thinking “nothing surprises me,” probably also wondered if it was true or not. Your posts are showing up on Obama’s FB page in “friends” comments. Really? What?

Conservatives have for months been grousing about how their groups were getting shut down by FB without any notice. I know this to be true as several groups of which I belonged or started, received that very treatment.

For months now, conservatives have had FB posts and or comments simply vanish.

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