Friday Fume

Gee WHIZ what a week.

We have an 11 year old girl being told by socialists that she CAN’T…SELL…MISTLETOE to help pay for her braces but…IT’S PERFECTLY OKAY TO…SIT THERE AND BEG FOR THE MONEY…

The Department of Energy just blew ANOTHER…$139 MILLION BUCKS on a “LOAN” to FISKER ELECTRIC CARS!!!



Some people are getting’ all bent outta shape because NORAD has SANTA escorted by FIGHTER JETS!!!



My Patriot Friends…Today IS Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Let’s start with this…

Yesterday, we heard of a 33 year old teacher from Texas who was GUNNED DOWN and KILLED in…


This comes on the heels of the 80 something year old VETERAN who was jailed in NORTH KOREA a couple of weeks ago.

Remember those 2 “hikers” who were held in IRAN a couple of years ago???


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As an EPIC FAILURE, Obamacare is a Spectacular Success

Socialist propaganda 101 is now in session.

According to the socialist Dictator’s minion, Jeff Zeintz, “There is a “night and day” difference between on October 1 and the same site on December 1.”

Night and day difference…NIGHT and DAY…

Here’s what Julie Bataille, chief propagandist for the federal agency charged with developing and operating (Socialist) had to say yesterday…”The website now works smoothly for the vast majority of users.”

Smoothly, she says…SMOOTHLY…

And then, there was the “Senior Aid to the Dictator, Obama” who stated…”(Socialist) is greatly improved after more than a month of intense repair work.”


Back to Jeff Zeintz…“We’ve widened the system’s on-ramp – it now has four lanes instead of one or two. We have a much more stable system that is reliably open for business.”

Reliably open for business???


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Obamacare – Make No Mistake…The WORLD is Watching

Fallout from Obama’s man-made disaster, Obamacare, is not limited to those Americans being cancelled by their insurance carriers.

The fallout is not limited to the economy.

It’s not limited to the white house or the liberal/socialist party or agenda either.

There is fallout that nobody is talking about and the ramifications of it are dire.

Dire to national security and dire to international security as well.

And, to be certain, the fallout is not just from Obamacare as Obamacare is nothing more than a microcosm of the real problem.

The problem is trust.

Obama doesn’t have it. His polls are falling by the day as more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that he is unworthy of trust but the polls don’t show the whole story.

For 5 long years, Obama and his administration have been plagued by what HE has called…”PHONY SCANDALS” and while you can fool some of the people SOME of the time, we know that one can’t fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.

Our allies, around the world have been watching.

As the NSA was spying on THEM…

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Weekend Edition: Don’t be Fooled by the Fix

On Thursday, Obama said…“We are going to solve those problems. We are going to get this right, and the Affordable Care Act is going to work.”

He’s lying…Bald-faced, with purpose and malice of forethought…Obama is LYING…AGAIN!!!

Obamacare is precisely the unmitigated disaster Conservatives have always claimed it to be.

There is no getting around that fact and it matters not the spin put on this economic and personal disaster befalling our nation and the people by liberals and socialists now DESPERATE to maintain their seats in congress.

There are inescapable facts from which they cannot hide.

From the very start…

ONLY Democrats voted FOR Obamacare.

Not ONE SINGLE, SOLITARY Republican voted to pass the bill that nobody was allowed to read.

Not one.

Obama had to BRIBE members of congress from his own party just to get it passed.

The litany of lies emanating from Obama and the Democrats in congress is far too long to reprint again and by now, we all know what they are so, I will spare you the list.

Here is another inescapable fact…

At each and every step along the path to destruction…ONLY the Republicans…The Conservatives and the Tea Party tried to stop this disaster from becoming the reality it is today.

More than 40 times, the REPUBLICANS tried to defund or repeal this disaster and at every step along the way…the DEMOCRATS blocked each and every move INCLUDING the REPUBLICAN resolution that would have SEEN TO IT that ANY AMERICAN WISHING TO KEEP THE EXISTING PLAN AND DOCTORS THEY HAD COULD KEEP THEM.

Now…Obama has attempted to institute a purely political “fix” to the 3 years worth of lying regarding people being allowed to keep their existing plans and the doctors they liked but…Both sadly AND predictably…

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A Letter to Liberals Flabbergasted by Obamacare

Dear Liberals Shocked by the Reality of Obamacare,


You voted for Obama in 2008 and, again in 2012.

You have received a cancellation letter from your insurance company even though you liked your insurance and liked your doctor.

You’ve been to the Obamacare website.

It took you more than a month to get on the thing and now you’ve seen the cost of your new insurance.

You’re shocked.

Your premiums AND your deductible have BOTH gone WAY up.

Your new plan covers you for things you will never need but DOESN’T provide the same level of coverage for what you DO need and certainly not the sort of coverage you USED to have.

You can’t afford it.

You make too much for a taxpayer funded entitlement to lower the cost.

You’re screwed.

What do you do?

What DO YOU DO???

You go to the government and demand answers. You go to the government and demand to know how this could happen.

And what is the government’s official response?

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Obamacare’s Liberal Logic – Explained???

Let’s have a little look at liberal logic as it applies to Obamacare.

Now…Don’t start with me.

I can hear you saying there is no such THING as “liberal logic” but, all I ask is that you take a few minutes to read this as, I am reasonably sure, this WILL make the entire Obamacare experience make more sense to you all.


Let’s begin with this little give and take from yesterday’s Sebelius testimony.

Congresswoman Renee Ellmers went down this path…

Ellmers: “You also brought up the issue that when you were in Kansas that you fought against discriminatory issues… As far as essential health benefits, correct me if I’m wrong: do men not have to buy maternity care?”

Yep…THAT path…

Sebelius: “Policies will cover maternity coverage. For the young and healthy, uh, under thirty year-olds will have a choice also of a catastrophic plan that has no maternity coverage.”

Having failed to answer the question, congresswoman Ellmers tried again…

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Weekend Edition: Between Barack and a Hard Place – Obama’s Options

Barack Hussein Obama, from behind, has led the United States once great and respected position on the world stage, down the path of destruction.

We have, in 5 years, gone from the world’s only remaining superpower to…

Super powerless.

It didn’t start with Syria and, it won’t end there either.

To understand the available options in this Obama Syrian disaster, we must first, know how we got to this point.

It started with the appointment of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, a position for which, aside from traveling to different countries while Bill was in office, she was unqualified to hold.

Hillary blew the Russian reset, accepted a handshake from North Korea, ignored Libya, hired our enemies as security, allowed her own security team to run drugs and hookers and mismanaged every last thing that she touched including, having as her top aide…Huma Abedin…Whose family is deeply connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama began the free-fall when he opted NOT to assist the freedom and democracy movement in Iran THUS SENDING A CLEAR MESSAGE to the Mullahs that Iran could proceed unhindered.

He exacerbated it further when he told Israel to fall back to their pre-1967 indefensible borders thus telling Israel’s enemies that THEY need not fear U.S. protection or assistance to Israel.

By leading from behind in Libya, Obama sent a clear and unmistakable message to al Qaeda that he was prepared to assist them in the conquest of a country and he provided them the arms with which to do so.

In fabricating the You Tube video story after the al Qaeda attacks in Benghazi, repeating that lie for 3 weeks, keeping the FBI from investigating IN Benghazi and the subsequent cover up OF Benghazi, Obama has sent the message to our enemies that they have nothing to fear even when they kill our diplomats.

In Egypt, Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood, thus giving terrorism’s only political arm control of an entire nation and one which HAD kept the peace accord with Israel intact for more than 3 decades thus sending the clear message that the United States, under his rule, would turn our backs on our friends.

And so…Syria…

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Weekend Edition: Obama’s Syrian Disaster

Next Tuesday evening, as things stand now, Obama will make what is likely to be regarded, by history, as the most desperate, pathetic plea for war ever made by a United States president.

On the eve of 9/11…A date of dual significance to Americans, Obama will take his sad, anemic case for striking Syria, in effect, declaring war ON Syria, to the American people in a last ditch and what is most likely to be a deeply flawed and failed attempt, to sway the votes of congress.

The case he is planning to present is that the United States has a “moral obligation” to strike and enter Syria’s civil war and he must, again, try to convince the American people and congress that it was Assad who launched a chemical attack on August 21st but, that will be a tall order as more and more evidence is belittling that argument.

 Carla  del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria and someone who should know the truth, has let it be known, in the face of Obama’s claims, that, “Our investigators have been in neighbouring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated.”

And then, the bombshell if one can employ that word under these circumstances.

“This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

Obama and John Kerry have told us that it was Assad’s government and Kerry has even referred to “THOUSANDS OF REPORTS” that have been declassified and made available.

It seems, those “THOUSANDS OF REPORTS” are likely in the form of social media and twitter posts from the region and are backed up by no hard evidence whatsoever while, Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria, tells us that, “This was used on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities.”

It makes one wonder, doesn’t it, just what the CLASSIFIED reports contain that he has shown to only a handful of house and senate members and where, exactly, his “CLASSIFIED” material came from.

Obama, from his setting of the “red line” a year ago to what will be his desperate plea to congress next Tuesday to what is looking more and more like a sound defeat when it comes to a vote in the house and senate, has made a mess of this whole thing.

It’s worse than a mess.

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Obama’s Messages Sent. Messages Received?

Our Embassies in Egypt, Libya, this morning…Yemen and Tunisia…It will not stop there.

Obama has blood on his hands.

It’s just that clear and that plain.

Obama’s actions and inactions in the Middle East and North Africa have led us, our allies and the world to the brink of disaster.

While Obama campaigns, touting his foreign policy “brilliance,” those very policies have led to acts of war against the United States and the deaths of our diplomats abroad.

Throughout 4 years of Obama’s foreign policy, he sends clear and unmistakable messages to our allies and our enemies alike. It’s brought about what we’re seeing right now across the Middle East and North Africa. It’s a disaster and, it’s going to get worse. What follows is a partial list of those messages.

For an American president to turn his back on Israel sends a clear and unmistakable message to our enemies in the region. Those are the same enemies of Israel.

Such actions as meeting with the Palestinian Authority combined with the inaction of never visiting Israel while occupying the white house tells these shared enemies that the United States will stand WITH the enemies and AGAINST our allies.

The actions of ushering Mubarak and Gaddafi out of power combined with the insistence that the Muslim Brotherhood have a seat at the table send clear messages that this administration wants Islam in control of the region and decades old peace accords rendered mute.

Inactivity by this perverse administration regarding the people’s uprisings in both Iran and Syria send the unquestionable signal that democracy, where Islamists are currently in control, is NOT something Obama wants to see.

It continues…

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