Obama’s Aid and Comfort for the Enemy but Not for Vets

VA 1Here we go again.

How many times does this regime think they can rehash the same old, dog-tired, worn out crap and get away with it?

I have a little advice for the Dictator…rewrite the code book…the only people still buying it are those Kool Aid drunk socialists who will believe whatever is spoon fed them by the lapdog media and even some of THEM are beginning to question the validity of the propaganda sewage your spewing.

According to the Dictator’s minion, Denis McDonough who is either one “N” short of Dennis or an “E” short of Denise…Obama is, “madder than hell” over the VA delay scandal and…“At the same time that we’re looking at accountability we want to continue to perform to provide our veterans the services that they have earned. The President will continue to demand that he and all of us who work for him continue to fix these things until they are functioning the way that our veterans, believe they should and the way that, so that they get the, the services and the benefits that they have earned.”

One can be sure there will be a puppy treat for any lapdog who runs with that hackneyed false Frisbee of sincerity and a steak bone for Denise or…Dennis or…Whatever his name is.

We’ve heard it all before, just before the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic get rearranged. The Dictator is mad. Mad as heck…”MADDER THAN HELL” over a breaking scandal. He vows, promises and declares that he will get to the bottom of it, whatever it is this week and he will bring to justice those responsible.

Excuse me but…

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Liberals Becoming Mentally Unhinged Over Benghazi Truth

whine 1

It truly is amazing what happens to liberals when all their hard work at lying goes up in smoke. They simply curl up in a fetal position for a collective crap, roll about in it and start whining about the smell.

Benghazi…or in the case of Nancy Pelosi…BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI!!! Liberals have taken many different stances on Benghazi such as it not being a terrorist attack but a You Tube video that caused it but that was quickly proved to be a lie. They tried calling what happened to Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith “bumps in the road,” but they didn’t get away with it. Then they tried to brush it aside as it was…”not optimal.”

Really? The terrorist attack brought about by the terrorists this regime armed, the weapons running to more terrorists in Syria, the intentional removal of OUR security team in Benghazi…replacing OUR people with the very TERRORIST organization that perpetrated the attacks resulting in the murders of 4 Americans was…”NOT OPTIMAL???”

Liberals moved on to asking “WHAT DIFFERENCE…AT THIS POINT…DOES IT MAKE???”

That from the “smartest woman in the world” who, I believe, was complicit in committing treason, missed the 3:00am (Benghazi time) phone call, claims she didn’t have time to read her emails or memos, whiffed on the Russian reset button, accepted a wink and a smile from a North Korean uncle killer…was unable to testify when called because…SHE FALL DOWN, GO BOOM and can’t recognize a terrorist organization when one is staring her in the face.

On the up side…she flew a million miles.

But…Liberals are becoming mentally unhinged over Benghazi and Trey Gowdy’s search for the truth because all their lies and cover ups are crumbling before their eyes. Remember when Obama said THIS???

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Obama Promised Transparency – Robert Gates Delivers!!

Well, now…Retired Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has written a book, “Duty” which will be released within days and IN that book, he lets loose on several things but, the one that is raising the most eye brows, is the revelation regarding both Hillary and Obama and their opposition to the 2007 surge in Iraq.

Let’s get a few things straight here before we delve into the ramifications and the meaning of that bombshell.

First…Robert Gates has served this country through various administrations. He was the Deputy CIA Director for Reagan…The Deputy National Security Advisor and later, the CIA Director for Bush 41…And, the Secretary of Defense for Bush 43…A position he was asked to continue, by Obama.

Gates became the only career CIA OFFICER ever to rise to the level of CIA DIRECTOR and the only questionable activity in his record was due to the Iran/Contra affair but…

In the final report from the Independent Counsel for Iran-Contra Scandal, Gates was deemed, “close to many figures who played significant roles in the Iran/contra affair and was in a position to have known of their activities. The evidence developed by Independent Counsel did not warrant indictment…”

Gates’ service clearly, was driven by patriotism rather than partisanism.

There are those who claim he is doing nothing in this book except grinding an old axe but…

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Weekend Edition: NY Times – Covering (UP) Benghazi – Pt.2

In yesterday’s Weekend Edition, I outlined the desperation of last week’s New York Times attempt to provide cover by reintroducing that lame and false You Tube fabrication for the Benghazi attacks.

I also kicked down the door as to who would have HAD to be involved, why and to what ends.

I went so far as to expose the preemptive nature behind the cover story AND the actions of 8 Democrats in the house.

If you missed it…Have a look at the truly disgusting nature of those who would conspire, collude, commit and cover up acts of TREASON.

But, I said there was more and, there is.

To truly delve into the desperate nature of liberals, Obama, his administration, Hillary and the New York Times…One must fully realize how far the Times is willing to go and why.

Last week, The NY Times released an editorial regarding Benghazi and that You Tube video ass covering story stating: “Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.”

The Times didn’t stop there.

Oh…SOMEBODY is TRULY desperate…

Last Thursday, they actually made a claim SO outrageous, SO absurd, that it defies common sense and DEFINES desperation.

As their latest effort at providing some sort of “reasonable” doubt for any upcoming trial of either Hillary, Obama or BOTH was falling apart due to REAL FACTS garnered from SWORN TESTIMONY provided by CIA BENGHAZI SURVIVORS behind the closed doors of the house oversight committee…

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The Year That Was is The Year That Will Be

Of all the stories of 2013, the IRS and NSA scandals…Benghazi…the 2nd term…Obamacare…Ed Snowden…

Feel free to add to the list as it was long indeed but, perhaps THE most important issue of 2013 was…


The midterm elections now just 11 short months away.

There are 3 primary, overriding issues from 2013 that will shape 2014 and they are…

Benghazi, Obamacare and…

I’ll get to that 3rd one later but first…

 Obamacare and what is yet to come.

In a few months, Obamacare will slam headlong into the employer provided health insurance market just as it did a few months ago, derailing the private insurance market and this time, in 2014, it will effect up to 170 million Americans…

Very few in a positive way.

Employers, PLANING FOR THE RECENTLY DELAYED UNTIL 2015 MANDATE, will begin planning and informing employees regarding the dumping of the plans they have been providing thus dumping millions upon millions of American workers into the Obamacare abyss resulting in higher and higher premiums and deductibles FOR those workers.

Other employers will be cutting their workforce, laying off employees and/or, cutting others to part-time hours.

And, those employers who had plans of expansion will put those plans on hold or, drop them altogether resulting in fewer new job creations thus slowing the economy.

Sticker shock will become reality and individuals will weigh the consequences of opting out completely to pay the end of the year fines with the knowledge that should something happen, an illness, an accident…

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Hey Socialists…The Tea Party Was RIGHT – Ain’t That a Glitch?


Liberals and socialists…The Tea Party was right…100% right…About Obamacare.

We tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen.

The roll out of Obamacare and its website is a disaster. A complete, unmitigated disaster and regardless of how you try to spin it, YOU own it.

Lock, stock and putrid carcass…YOU own it.

Liberals and socialists…YOU bribed members of your OWN party to pass it.

YOU wouldn’t allow anyone to read it first.

YOU passed Obamacare WITHOUT 1 SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE in the dark of night.

Over the last 3 years…YOU…Liberals and socialists…YOU told lie after lie after lie about Obamacare.

YOU said it would LOWER premiums.

YOU said it wouldn’t cost American taxpayers 1 thin dime.


YOU said we could keep our doctors and…

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Weekend Edition: Benghazi – 4 Heroes and 15 Cowards

Of all the despicable things.

Of all the unfeeling and undeniably Un-American things…What took place, last Thursday in the House Oversight Committee was both inexplicable and unconscionable.

As the Father of Tyrone Woods and the mother of Sean Smith came before the committee, 15 of the 17 democrats on the committee…GOT UP AND WALKED OUT OF THE ROOM!!!

That’s right…as 2 of the parents of the 4 Americans murdered in the terrorist attacks in Benghazi came to the table to speak and pose their concerns…

All but 2 of the democrats on the committee…stood and walked out of the room.


It was an act so cold and so callous as to usually be reserved for thugs, street criminals and the world’s despots who routinely ignore the plight of their victims and I’m not at all sure the 15 fleeing liberals last Thursday don’t fit neatly into that subhuman conglomeration of filth.

There is no need to try and imagine it.

It happened.

15 representatives of the people, stood and walked out when 2 citizens, thrust into the spotlight by circumstances well beyond their control, approached the committee to testify.

Here is a list of those democrats and, by clicking on each name, you can find their contact information.

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Benghazi/Syria Connection – A Constitutional Crisis in the Making?

Yesterday, on the anniversary of the dual 9/11 attacks, I connected the dots on Benghazi.

Today, I will connect THOSE dots to Obama’s Syrian debacle in a way that will send chills up your spines.

I believe this runs much, MUCH deeper than the gun running between Benghazi and the al Qaeda “rebels” in Syria.

To do this, I must connect “implied” dots as this administration is in full cover up mode and blocking the truth at every turn but, a circumstantial case CAN be built.

What we are facing, when you connect Benghazi with Syria is a true, full-blown, Constitutional crisis of EPIC proportions.

Now, to plumb the true suspected depths of the looming Constitutional crisis, one must sit down and hang on tightly.

Hillary’s chief adviser during her years as Head of State was Huma Abedin whose family is deeply tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama’s chief adviser is Valerie Jarrett, an American born in IRAN who, to this day, has ties TO Iran.

Obama’s administration contains no fewer than 6 members of the Muslim Brotherhood…

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Never Forget 9/11 – Remember Benghazi???


The OTHER 9/11.

Here we are, exactly 1 year later and while Obama’s supporters have taken to the streets to demand “JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON” none of them have demanded “JUSTICE FOR THE BENGHAZI 4!!!”

And why not?

Since Trayvon was a thug, a gang wannabe, a thief and a drug user it only seems appropriate that those who adhere to Obama, alphabet media included, are in the corner of the terrorists that killed 4 Americans 1 year ago today.

An attack on Syria, no doubt, was meant to divert attention away from the policies that led to the al Qaeda attacks in Benghazi but, Obama’s plan for Syria has backfired on him in an epic way.

Not only did he NOT get to launch his war before the dual 9/11 anniversary, he managed to hand center stage on the world stage to Putin and Russia in the process.

It is becoming more clear by the day that Obama’s policy towards Syria is directly tied to his failed policies in Libya and it’s going to take 2 articles to illustrate the dire depth of it all but…

First…We need to connect some dots.

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Obama – You Don’t Have the Right to Lecture US on Moral Obligations

How’s that again?

Seriously…Did Obama REALLY say that???

“I think we have both a moral obligation and a national security interest in both a) ending the slaughter in Syria and b) ensuring a stable Syria.”


That is exactly what he said.

So…NOW he wants to talk about “MORAL OBLIGATIONS???”


Let’s talk about “MORAL OBLIGATIONS.”

HILLARY CLINTON had a “MORAL OBLIGATION” to ensure that our diplomats were protected in Libya.

Under HER “leadership,” no doubt guided by her “MORAL OBLIGATIONS,” our security personnel in Libya, specifically Benghazi, were drawn DOWN.

Under her “MORAL OBLIGATION” to ensure their safety…

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