Bathrooms and the New Liberal Religion

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

According to a new directive, from the Obama regime, Loretta Lynch, the DOJ and the gn 1federal Department of Education… There is no obligation for a student to present a specific medical diagnosis or identification documents that reflect his or her gender identity, and equal access must be given to transgender students even in instances when it makes others uncomfortable.

In other words, when it comes to which bathroom to use, the overwhelming vast MINORITY must be made to feel comfortable at the expense of the vast MAJORITY whose comfort has no value whatsoever.

According to the “Education” Departments chief of indoctrination, John B. King… “No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus. We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.”

Public schools that ignore this directive have been threatened with losing federal funding. Bear in mind, this is NOT a law…it IS a threat…school districts that fail to comply, will be penalized under no law whatsoever.

According to Human Rights Campaign chair…whatever he is..Chad Griffen…

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Is It Time to Water the Tree of Liberty?

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

So, Marcel Lehel Lazar, aka Guccifer, the Romanian hacker is in FBI custody, he has been tree 1speaking at length with agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account and private server which we now know contained 2,100 classified documents and he has told Fox News that hacking Hillary’s emails was…easy.

For their part, the FBI is not commenting either on their conversations with the hacker or about any evidence they have regarding whether or not he actually managed to hack Hillary but there is evidence that he was in there.

tree 15Apparently, this Guccifer has revealed “doodles” drawn by Bill Clinton which were stored on the Clinton Foundation site and here’s why that is significant…Hillary’s server, the private server in question, has the exact same IP address as and is the email of the Clinton Foundation.

And from Hillary herself…the server used at the Clinton Foundation is the exact same server she used during her reign of espionage as the Secretary of State.

Some reports are suggesting that there is no evidence that the server has or had been hacked but there could be a very good reason for that lack of evidence and that is where Hillary’s, now protected by immunity IT guy, Bryan Pagliano comes in. You see, Pagliano was an IT guy but NOT a cyber-security guy and from what I’ve been told…if Pagliano didn’t employ a slew of security measures to capture and track threats or hack attempts…the server could easily have been hacked without leaving so much as a trace of evidence.

The fact is, Pagliano didn’t put anywhere near adequate security on Hillary’s server as it lacked a intrusion prevention system, which means, there was no way for her system to track or identify hacking attempts and the way Guccifer got in was one of the most basic ways one could do it…

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Obama’s Deal With the Devil…Part 3 of 3

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori  Right Side Patriots on American Patriots Broadcasting Network

odev 1In Part 1of our Investigative Report: ‘Obama’s Deal With the Devil’, we presented why we believe Obama gave the speech he did and why the San Bernardino police are acting after the fact in a way they should have acted before the fact. In Part 2 of ‘Obama’s Deal With the Devil’, we disclosed who Obama really is and why things are unfolding as they are including outing those who are not what they seem to be. And now Part 3…

On Monday, Barack HUSSEIN Obama spoke at the Pentagon to tout what he wants us to believe are successes in the fight against ISIS in Syria. “As we squeeze its heart, we’ll make it harder for ISIL to pump out its terror and propaganda”…and note his once again shout-out to the Levant.

And while Obama tried to sound reassuring, it was more apparent that he is desperate. He is desperate to regain that which he has lost…his hold over the forces of islam…a hold which existed only in his arrogance as he was never the one calling the shots, but was the one who all along has been bowing to the demands of 7th century barbarians.

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Emails, Servers, Leaks, and Cover-Ups…Part 2

By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

pant 1Yesterday, in Part 1 of “Emails, Servers, Leaks, and Cover-Ups,” we outlined the more than suspicious nature of Platte River Networks, the company that has been in charge of Hillary Clinton’s private email accounts and server since 2013. Given how deep the scandal goes, not to mention the cover-up of the entire situation from alpha to omega…it should not be a bit surprising that the Director of Sales and Marketing for Platte River Networks, one David DeCamillis was once accused of 14 counts of fraud while raking in $1.5 million dollars as an executive for $500 million dollar Ponzi scam artist Lou Pearlman. DeCamillis then took the position at Platte River Networks and declared bankruptcy owing some $24 million dollars in debts.

All of this, along with the disclosures we related in Part 1 of this 2 Part report leads one to wonder just what sort of background checks or vetting was done by Hillary Clinton before striking the deal with Platte River Networks. Easy money would say none but…if you were going to violate the espionage Act of 1917 and knew you would have a great deal to hide…would you go with an above-board company or with an outfit like Platte River which is looking none too good right now?

And who do you suppose paid for the wiping of those servers? We suspect it was Arab monies, via donations to and possibly laundered through the Clinton Foundation that picked up that tab.

Let’s now get down to the emails of Hillary’s that we actually know of, who leaked them and why.

Last Tuesday, with a wink and a nod, Hillary finally agreed to turn over her private server to the FBI. Why? Because she had ample time to wipe it completely clean and sanitize whatever was there that forensic analysts would have found.

What was on that private server when the FBI finally got their hands on it?

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Emails and Espionage – Hillary’s Troubles Get Even Worse

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

emails 1Last Wednesday, I wrote and published an article here in The National Patriot, “Hillary’s Mess…First Treason and Now Espionage” regarding the further woes of the Hillary Clinton email scandal and put forth that she, Hillary Clinton, has violated the Espionage Act of 1917.

Now, that scandal both deepens and become more egregious.

In my previous article, I reported that “U.S. District Court judge Emmett Sullivan ORDERED 2 of Hillary’s top aides…one being Huma Abedin and the other being Cheryl Mills to attest…under penalty of PERJURY…that they have turned over ALL official government records and documents…including emails…that they had in their possession. Judge Sullivan ALSO ordered the Department of State to “identify any and all servers, accounts, hard drives, or other devices currently in the possession or control of the State Department or otherwise that may contain responsive information,” and that that court order was to have been followed by last Friday, August 7th.

Well…we have now heard from Cheryl Mills and what she has done is beyond contempt, beyond rational and flies directly in the face of Judge Sullivan’s direct order.

Cheryl Mills sent a letter to the Department of State and it has been filed with Judge Sullivan stating that…

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It’s Time to Send Islam Back to Hell

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

sla 1To claim that Islam is a ‘religion’ is as patently absurd as claiming it to be a ‘religion of peace.’ It is, in fact, neither.

What Islam is has been evidenced for the world to see, front and center, since 9/11 for before that, it seemed nothing more than a pesky gnat…something from far away that didn’t affect us here. That of course was wrong and that was never made clearer than on that September morning when 3000 of us…over here…were murdered by what we all thought was…over there.

It has been nearly 14 years since then and Islam hasn’t diminished. Not at all.

We were lied to in 2012 when we were told that Islam was on the run. We were lied to when we were told that Islam had been decimated.

We were lied to by one who is one of them.

Obama has created vacuums of power over there, to be filled by Islam. He has turned his back on our allies over there, to appease Islam. Obama has hired Islam to guard our best diplomats and disappeared when all Islamic hell broke loose. Obama has armed Islam, financially supported Islam and is currently trying to stall while Islam develops nuclear weapons and delivery systems.

Delivery systems meant not to strike over there but…

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The War Against Cops – Parts 1, 2 and 3

All links to the 3 part series – “The War Against Cops” outlining the new reality of the thin blue line and the thought processes of the thugs, driven by the likes of Obama, Sharpton, Holder and de Blasio, who want to attack, ambush and kill them are posted below.

In this war against our first responders…The National Patriot stands squarely WITH the thin blue line and AGAINST those who would support the attackers.

Please read, share and tweet the link to this page and “like” it at the bottom.




The War Against Cops – Part 3 of 3

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

thin 1In Friday’s article, “The War Against Cops – Part 1 of 3” I outlined what I believe to have been the scenario of setting up a police officer in Berkley Missouri for an ambush.

Yesterday, in “The War Against Cops – Part 2 of 3” I provided the probability to believe there have been even MORE police officers set up to be shot and killed and I gave you the reasoning and startling scenario of who is actually backing and supporting these thug’s actions.

Since writing “The War Against Cops – Part 2” more incidents have transpired.

3 shots were fired at 2 sheriff’s deputies in Pasco County Florida and so close were the bullets that both deputies could hear them as they passed by and a $3000.00 reward has been issued for any information pertaining to the suspect, suspects or the vehicle from which the shot were fired.

In Raleigh, North Carolina, a man described as a black male apparently shot out either a window or a sliding glass door at the home of a police officer.

On Christmas day, an officer in Durham NC was writing up a report while sitting in his cruiser when he noticed two men approaching from behind the car. As Officer J.T. West exited his cruiser to speak to the men…

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The War Against Cops – Part 2 of 3

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

UA 1What we have now is a war on police officers being waged by nothing-to-lose street thugs, supported by liberals and being led by thug generals Obama, Holder and Sharpton.

It is nothing less than that.

Street thugs, who have no respect for life, not even their own, stand to gain street creds if they can kill a cop. To them, it’s a game. A disgusting and fatal game. Remember the knock out game? Black punk bastards sucker-punching unsuspecting white people who were minding their own business and rendering them unconscious?

That’s so last year. That was then, this is now and the targets are the cops. No fists…just bullets. Ambush the cops, kill one and you’re the king of the block.

Supported by liberals?


Young liberals, the same pond scum that believes it to be criminal to deprive a terrorist of beauty sleep or pour water over their faces are now marching through our streets hollering “WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS!!! WHEN DO WE WANT EM? NOW!!!

Murdering cops…fine and dandy to the street liberals. Making a terrorist uncomfortable? CRIMINAL they say.

Led by thug generals…Obama…Holder and Sharpton?

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Water the Tree of Liberty or Hang Them From It

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

fein 1Any and all future attacks by the religion of peace, Islam, and its 7th century barbarians against any and all Americans can now be laid directly at the feet of 21st century traitors masquerading as democrats.

Diane Feinstein and the liberal enemies of America comprising the Senate Intelligence Committee have released…to our enemies…a detailed 500 page summary of a 6,300 page report that will accomplish nothing but inflaming jihad against the American military and the American people and outlined in that report all the measures used to extract information from enemies captured on the battlefield.

Make no mistake…this is treason.

This incomprehensible and reprehensible move has and will aid our nation’s enemies. It will motivate our enemies and it will lead to events from the size of the attacks in Benghazi to the scope of the attacks on the World Trade Center Towers.

In my opinion, each and every member of that committee who sanctioned and supported the making of this report and then sanctioned and supported its release yesterday should have been immediately arrested and sent to GITMO as enemies of America in a time of war.

Theirs is a high crime and punishable by death according to our Constitution.

They are not innocent nor have they taken the moral high ground and…

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