You Can’t Spin a House of Cards

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

It’s now 2022.

2021, a disastrous year by any reasonable stretch of judging such things is over and there is hope, a faint light at the far end of the tunnel. We can see it from here and all we have to do as Conservatives is not screw it up.

2021 was so bad that even Betty White died before it ended. Can you even imaging how bleak things would have looked for 2022 had she hung on for just one more day?

Yes, it is a whole new year with the same old crap in place but it is also a mid-term election year and things aren’t looking very good for blue, liberal Marxist elected officials. Their policies dominated 2021 in all the worst ways possible and as the 2022 campaigns for the house, the senate and some state offices start to gear up to full steam, there has been no talk from the liberal Marxists regarding their plans for getting out of the deep hole they’ve been digging for themselves.

Rather than getting a ladder, they’re just getting a bigger shovel.

Last week, AOC…a horses ass with a big mouth who for the past two years has condemned both Florida and Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis over the decision to allow Floridians to decide for themselves how to live their lives while keeping the Sunshine State open for business fled New York and Washington DC’s draconian COVID mandates and communist policies and went on vacation IN FLORIDA!

Imagine the uproar from the left side of the aisle had somebody like Jim Jordan vacationed in Chicago and gone out for a Subway sandwich at two in the morning, or had Governor DeSantis been seen at the beach, by himself, wearing a mask.


Naturally, AOC had the perfect response to her critics who slammed her for being a hypocrite. She called Conservatives “sexually frustrated” and said that they just wanted to date her. “If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto my boyfriend’s feet.”

Allow me to just respond to AOC’s insanity this way…if that horse’s ass was the last woman on an earth otherwise populated by Conservative men, it would be the absolute end of the human race as NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY would get within 100 feet of the poster-girl for political Chlamydia.

Conservative men do not date communists.

Meanwhile, it has now been nearly one full year since President Trump left office and idiots on the left, with help from Liz Cheney who is herself a liberal Marxist idiot are still trying to impeach him. The January 6th committee, a Soviet star-chamber sort of thing now claims to have first-hand knowledge that Trump, during what would have to be the absolute WORST “insurrection” in the entire history of “insurrections” was sitting in the dining room next to the Oval Office watching it on TV.

Honestly, it would not surprise me one little bit of the “witness” to that was somebody Adam Schiff for brains invented. He’s done it before.

Seriously though, can you blame Trump for not going over there in person? The Secret Service, which is in fact the worst kept “secret” in the entire history of “secrets” probably told Trump NOT to go to the Capital because there was some LUNATIC over there shooting at unarmed women.

The way the liberal Marxists are carrying on regarding Trump you would think he’d been sleeping with a communist Chinese spy or he’d hired one as his driver but since the morons who actually did that, Rep. Eric Swalwell and the blathering Diane Feinstein are themselves liberal Marxists, there is no committee of inquisition investigating them.

Who really cares WHAT Trump was doing after he asked people at the January 6th rally to PEACEFULLY head over to the Capital so that those inside could hear their voices…at least Trump was IN  Washington DC…IN the White House and but an olive pit spit away from the Resolute Desk while people strolled through the halls of congress which was quite the contrast to Dementia Joe at a critical point in his first year in office.

What we do know is that the liberal Marxists are suffering from ID…insurrection dysfunction.

Dementia Joe pulled our military out of Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan and handed the keys to the place to an international terrorist organization, declined to keep control of Kabul when the Taliban offered it to him and left hundreds of Americans and THOUSANDS of our allies behind after said Taliban, the aforementioned international terrorist organization MURDERED 13 American military personnel.

And where was Joe while the Taliban went door to door looking for Americans and our allies to KILL them?

He was at his beach house in Delaware which in case you’re wondering is so far from the Resolute Desk that you couldn’t hit it with an olive pit if you fired said pit out of a HOWITZER.

For comparison, the idiot Biden called our ill-fated surrender to the terrorists in Afghanistan an “extraordinary success” while the liberal Marxists are calling January 6th, 2021 “worse than 9-11 and the Civil War.”

Let’s just be honest here. Everything that made 2021 suck out loud happened on Biden’s watch even though he is Obama’s dancing monkey puppet. From the botched COVID vaccine roll-out to the botched roll-out of COVID tests, from soaring inflation to skyrocketing gas prices, from the supply chain crisis to the border crisis, from the Afghanistan surrender to China and Taiwan, Russia and Ukraine, increased instability in the Middle East, Iran closing in on having nuclear weapons and the never-ending January 6th witch hunt…it’s all on Biden with help from his liberal Marxist comrades but all things considered, 2021 wasn’t ALL bad.

The 2nd Amendment and the right to defend one’s self won along with Kyle Rittenhouse, Jussie Smollette and manufacturing your own victimhood in a pretend hate crime lost, and the Cuomo boys are both out of a job.

It’s now 2022 and there is reason to be somewhat optimistic. It’s a midterm election year and it’s shaping up to be a quantum shift in power in the House and we stand a good chance of turning the Senate red as well. The liberal Marxists can’t run on their record because far too many people now know the truth, parents, who spent a year watching their kids being indoctrinated by remote control are fed up and fighting back, and on Christmas Eve, Biden actually told HIMSELF to go get fucked.

The multi-TRILLION dollar socialist spending spree of the liberal Marxists failed in the Senate, the green agenda is in tatters, Pelosi is on her way out the door, the 2024 Republican nomination is Trump’s for the taking, the liberal Marxists can’t run Biden OR Harris because Latinos and Independents are flocking to the Republican party and despite the best efforts of Liberal Marxists, the COVID mandates are poised to fail in the Supreme Court while Florida remains a free state.

See…it’s not all doom and gloom, and finally, there’s this…somewhere out there, in an undisclosed location, Bill Clinton is busy writing Ghiislaine Maxwell’s suicide note.

Bottom line…you can’t spin a house of cards and expect it to remain standing.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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