2022 and Beyond

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

As I have said before and will say again, the 2024 GOP presidential nomination is Donald Trump’s for the taking, and while we’ve yet to hear anything official, it sure seems as though he’s going for it.

I’ll get back to that in a bit, but before we delve into 2024, there are the 2022 midterm elections that must first be dealt with and putting too much focus on 2024, at this point, would be a disaster for Conservatives.

All signs are pointing to a red tsunami this November, and it will be just that unless Republicans screw this up and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. We can’t allow that to happen which means that as Conservatives, we need a game plan.

To that end, a couple of things that we and our candidates must NOT do is limit campaigns to simply being against the liberal Marxists, and FOR Donald Trump. We can’t even take for granted that he’ll run in 2024. What our candidates MUST do, and what we as Conservatives MUST focus on are the issues that are important to average Americans of all stripes. We can’t allow our candidates or our social media posts to venture past the tall grass and into the weeds.

The economy, inflation, jobs, and COVID are the top priorities for the GOP as we approach these midterm elections. Those are the things that people are talking about at the kitchen table, around the water cooler and when gathering with friends. Those are the things that affect ALL Americans and those are the things that the mainstream media are sweeping under the rug. As Conservatives, we have to take away the liberal mainstream media’s brooms and expose those issues to the light of day.

Our candidates must inform the people as to the truth regarding our nation’s economy, but numbers and surveys can become boring fast, and when that happens, people tune out. Candidates must save those numbers for debates and use them wisely, but for the most part, keep it simple stupid. Rather than droning on endlessly with facts and figures that require explanations for the explanations, our candidates need to ask the voters if they feel their PERSONAL economic situation is better now, under Biden than it was before Biden.

Don’t even mention Trump’s name in that line of questioning. After Biden and before Biden keeps the focus on Biden’s and the liberal Marxist’s economy, and if voter are being honest, they’ll say they were better off before Biden and the liberal Marxists seized power.

On inflation, the question for voters is simple. Did your dollars go further before or after Biden and their liberal Marxists took over? Show pictures if you have too…what $200 bucks bought at the grocery, or at the lumberyard in 2020 compared to what you get for the same money today.

Conservative candidates heading into the 2022 midterm elections MUST ask those questions and show those picture because the liberal candidate CAN’T.

Liberal candidates will tell voters that under their policies, hourly workers are making more now that they have ever made and wield more influence that they ever have before. Conservative candidates must remind voters that in most cases, hourly jobs are part time jobs and far too many Americans have lost their full time salaried positions and been forced to take on more than one part time job to try and make ends meet. Conservative candidates can easily cite COVID and the liberal Marxist response and failures as primary reasons for that particular truth.

When it comes to COVID, Conservative candidates MUST remind voters that freedom means finding ways to LIVE with the virus rather than hiding in fear FROM the virus and that the liberal Marxists have been twisting the numbers and lying about “science” to control the American people. It would also be a great idea to remind voters that when the liberal Marxists talk about “science” regarding COVID, they’re not really talking about SCIENCE…they’re talking about POLITICAL science.

Yet another key issue on the minds of the voters is education.

Thanks to COVID and the Chicken Little liberal Marxist approach to it since the beginning of 2021, parents have seen first-hand how their kids are being indoctrinated by the system run by liberal Marxists, and they’re not one bit happy about it. Reading, writing, math and science are not being taught in our public schools, and neither are courses being taught on the importance of American exceptionalism where the futures of those students are concerned. What IS being pumped into the heads of students from kindergarten through college are social issues in an effort to turn those students away from what has always made this country great.

Conservative candidates at EVERY level need to shine the light of truth o what has become of this nation’s education system. CRT, gender warping and anti-American rhetoric have no place in the curriculum. Indoctrinating students to hate America, reject our Constitution and believe that gender is fluid and that one’s make-believe identity holds sway over scientific reality does nothing whatsoever to prepare students for success in the real world and everything to turn them into abject idiots who will simply do as their government masters dictate.

What we’re talking about here primarily are public schools. PUBLIC schools and Conservative candidates must remind the voters who exactly PAYS for our public schools. The notion that teacher’s unions, administrators and school board members are better suited to decide what is shoved into the heads of students than those student’s parents is absurd.

Take a page from Glen Youngkin and make EDUCATING our nation’s students vs INDOCTRINATING them a very high priority.

Our Conservative candidates also need to highlight…every day…that our nation was founded on individual freedom and NOT on government tyranny.

If our Conservative candidates keep these key issues in mind, run on them, and explain to voters how they intend to right the ship of state without invoking the name of Donald Trump leading into the 2022 midterm elections, that red tsunami will certainly sweep the liberal majorities in the House and the Senate out to sea.

Now then, as for 2024, as I said, the GOP nomination is Trump’s for the taking, but should he decide not to run, which I admit is a long shot, all is not lost. Ron DeSantis, the Governor of the free state of Florida knows how to get things done and how to preserve the freedoms that make our country great. If Trump does run, DeSantis would be a great running mate putting DeSantis at the top of the GOP ticket in 2028. If Trump doesn’t run, a DeSantis Nome ticket would be a juggernaut in 2024 and beyond, but there are some things to be watchful of regarding either scenario.

Either way it goes, Trump or not Trump, the old guard of GOP establishment needs to get out of the way, and that includes idiots like Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell. The GOP needs to come to grips with the fact that what’s needed now is a decidedly, no grey area involved, put America and Americans first platform. It’s no longer Republicans against democrats. It’s Conservatives against liberal Marxists and freedom, Constitutionality and the rule of law against tyranny, dictatorships and government imposed mob rule.

We are not a democracy. We’re a Constitutional Republic.

Conservatives should not flood the primaries with possible presidential candidates in 2024. If Trump wants it, all others should back the hell off so that the message comes through loud, clear and undiluted. If it’s not Trump, the fewer the better. Let the liberal Marxists trip all over themselves like black Friday shoppers trying to get the last big screen TV. Let their message suffer, not ours.

Our nominee needs to focus on the here and now, and the future not the past and present the platform and intentions clearly and without compromise. The border, inflation, energy independence, foreign policy and a return to lower taxes, less spending and far, FAR less government intrusion into lives of the American people. Put the states ahead of the federal government as our Founders and Framers intended while adding water to the lake to make all the boats float higher.

Both our nominee, especially if it’s Trump and Conservative voters MUST do one VERY important thing once the 2022 midterm elections are over…LET 2020 GO damnit. We all know that we got screwed, but dwelling on that takes the focus off the here and know and what we need to do for the future of this country. We can’t change what happened, but we can sure as hell stop whining about it and get on with winning in 2024.

On education, our GOP nominee needs to make it clear that there is a plan, and outline that plan to make parents, not liberal Marxist unions and their ilk the ultimate deciders of how our schools should be run so that students are taught HOW to think rather than be told WHAT to think.

And if we’re able to turn the House and the Senate red this year, our GOP nominee MUST make it clear that laws will be enacted rather than Executive Orders so that it becomes much more difficult in the future to simply overturn the course we set for the future than it has been in the past.

Obviously, I’m just scratching the surface here, but success breeds success and a red wave in 2022 can stop the bleeding, a unified party, a unified message and energized America can create a nightmare for the liberal Marxist agenda in 2024.

Liberal failures and such a grand scale as we’ve seen over the past year have presented Conservatives with the opportunity of a lifetime, and afforded the American people with the chance to return America to greatness, but bumper sticker slogans and a muddy approach to either the midterm this year or the general election in 2024 could doom America forever.

Conservative friends, we have one chance to get this right.

Let’s not screw this up.

Copyright © 2022 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed The Infamy That Was 2021…The Hope That Is 2022


Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 25th, from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss ‘The Infamy That Was 2021…The Hope That Is 2022’; ‘2022 and Beyond’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on https://rspradio1.com. Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.



3 thoughts on “2022 and Beyond

  1. What America needs more than anything to win elections is a fair and honest voting system. Blue states have been allowed to cheat with unlawful voting. This must end, now.

  2. I\’m so glad you wrote this now!!! It\’s time to put 2020 in the rear view mirror and look ahead to 2022 and then 2024!!!!! TRUMP-DE SANTIS are a winning team!!!!

    • True. NOW is the hour to Get the RNC act together & throw out thee Rino’o. Stop cowtolling to the THESE LIBERAL HATERS. Be bold and stop their incessant Hatred for you & America. TAKE back AMERICA. STAND UP & FIGHT with new resolve backbone and tenacity.

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