Gird Your Giblets and Pass the Gravy

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

It’s Thanksgiving and I know what you’re thinking. It’s that time of year when we get together with family and friends to share in all the things for which we’re grateful.

We look forward to the feast of turkey, yams, mashed potatoes and stuffing not to mention the gravy, green bean casserole and of course, the pumpkin pies.

We look forward to traveling or having guests in our own homes and all the fun, laughter and fellowship that just seems to be so needed this time of the year.

But you can’t have any of it.

Not this year.

Not ever again.

It’s over. Thanksgiving has been CANCELLED by the liberal Marxist culture kill-joys.

As it turns out, the very first Thanksgiving back in 1621 was nothing but an exercise in white supremacy and we should all be ashamed of it now. Those Pilgrims came over here on a damned yacht . They packed up all of their upper-middle class things, all of their fancy clothes and their white-collar dreams of financial independence and moved to a whole new world.

The Indians couldn’t do that because they were oppressed due to Chris Columbus having never set foot on the shores of America and having never laid eyes on them. This new land of opportunity would have been much more opportunistic had a bunch of crackers on a yacht never decided to give this place a go.

Obviously, it was the corporate mentality of the Pilgrims that ruined it for everybody.

Naturally, when whitey got here they had no idea what to do. They didn’t even know how to grow corn and they just barely got by that first winter. Had it not been for the Indians, who weren’t really Indians at all because they had no ability to do tech support on the Pilgrim’s computers, those fancy buckled shoe wearing yahoos would have never made it through the next year.

The Indians who weren’t Indians because they weren’t from India, showed the Pilgrims how to plant, fertilize and harvest their crops and the Pilgrims showed the Indian men who weren’t Indians at all how to wear pants and the Indian women who were no more Indians than were the Indian men who weren’t Indians at all how to wear dresses, which if we’re being honest gave Pilgrim men a lot less to be thankful for.

Our history books seem to have omitted all of that and once you hear of it you can clearly understand why Thanksgiving must be cancelled forever more.

Know this, and know it well, simple white privilege isn’t the only reason we must cancel this holiday, there’s the whole gender bias thing too.

That’s right, those privileged white Pilgrims who didn’t even have a stove upon which to cook their feast came over here with all their gender bias intact. They were arrogant to the point of actually believing that boys were boys, girls were girls and that was that. They had not a clue that there were, in fact, another 55 genders from which they could choose.


Now take the Indians who weren’t Indians as a primary example here. They had no such bias. In fact, those Indians who weren’t even close to being Indians were…WOKE. Not that any of them, so far as we know, were part of the LGBTQ-EIEIO non-indian community, but they were all doing a pretty fair job of pretending to be Indians. Some of them actually self-identified as Indians even though none of them ever entertained the idea of managing a 7-11 or a Motel 6.

Not one of those oppressed Indians who weren’t Indians ever claimed to be so much as even a wee bit happy, much less gay…except for Squanto. Squanto, also known as Tisquantum was of the Patuxet tribe. This immediately set him apart from the Pilgrims who were Presbyterians. Tisquantum had been kidnapped by an Englishman and sold into slavery in Spain in 1614, which had nothing whatsoever to do with the Pilgrims who didn’t arrive on the Mayflower yacht until 1620 and yet the Pilgrims are blamed for everything Columbus didn’t actually do. Tisquantum escaped slavery in Spain and what did he do? He found his way back to the tribe in Plymouth.

Good for him, but it’s what he did next that’s a bit of a head-scratcher when you consider that the reason we MUST cancel Thanksgiving is all OUR fault – Squanto, also known as Tisquantum got himself a blue-collar job as an interpreter and a guide for the very Pilgrim settlers at Plymouth that the cancel culture is blaming for everything.

Squanto went to work for the man guiding them around, interpreting between the Presbyterians and the Patuxet, and decorating their homes. Squanto wasn’t gay per se – Squanto was actually a transgendered gay man who self-identified as a bi-sexual lesbian which seemed rather queer to the Presbyterians.

The Pilgrims really didn’t care that Squanto was a bit different, and their attitude about it was “let Squanto be Squanto just don’t try to drag us into his fantasy world – and don’t rile him up.” That “don’t rile him up” part came right after Squanto pitched a hissy-fit and bitch-slapped Miles Standish when Standish questioned the frilly French ruffles on the window treatments of his cabin.

After all, Squanto, also known as Tisquantum , was just one of the village’s people.

Now, had the history books left that factual account of Squanto IN the story, things might be different today, we might not need to cancel every part of Thanksgiving, but because it was removed from our history, it points to gender bias and according to the cancel culture…NO TURKEY FOR YOU!!!

And that’s another thing…the menu for the first Thanksgiving. There was MEAT on the menu. Turkey, deer, ducks and geese. The hor d’oeuvres (yet another example of white privilege) included muskrat Pâté and swan fingers. Do you even know how much greenhouse gas is produced by water fowl and deer not to mention that all of it had to be cooked on open fires? Those Pilgrims hadn’t been here but a year and they were already leaving a huge carbon footprint.

Of course today, unless you intend to cook your Thanksgiving feast by holding it under your arm until it reached 98.6 degrees, eating anything other than lawn clippings has been CANCELLED and let’s face it, nobody wants seconds on grandma’s armpit stuffing.

Finally, if all of this isn’t enough to convince you to cancel Thanksgiving, there’s the whole matter of Pocahontas. In every school play you’ve ever seen regarding the first Thanksgiving, some kid has to be Pocahontas. It used to be a role played exclusively by little girls, but now ANYBODY can be Pocahontas if they want to be. Anyway, she wasn’t even there at the first Thanksgiving. In 1621, Pocahontas was in England. Specifically, she was in Gravesend England. More specifically, she was in St. George’s Church, Gravesend, England.

More specifically yet, Pocahontas was UNDER St. George’s Church in Gravesend, England because by 1621, Pocahontas had been dead and voting democrat for roughly three years.

You see, Pocahontas, also known as Rebecca, had been taken hostage and held for ransom by the Colonists during a dust-up with the Indians who weren’t Indians at all back in 1613 and she converted from the Powhatan tribe to Presbyterian after which she married tobacco planter John Rolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Rolfe then traveled to England where Rececca became a high-society woman of some standing.

Pocahontas, aka Rebecca Rolfe quit fogging a mirror in about 1617, and the cause of her death officially remains unknown to this day, but let’s just assume, for the sake of the cancel culture that white privilege didn’t do anything to extend her life. That’s right, she was MURDERED by WHITE PRIVILEGE…CANCEL THANKSGIVING!!!

Cancel the parades with the giant balloons, cancel traveling to gramdma’s house, cancel the turkey, the stuffing and the pumpkin pies. Cancel the football games, the school plays and the Peanut’s Thanksgiving Special and know that if you get caught having a family feast or giving thanks for ANYTHING, you’re nothing but an anti-vaxed, white-privileged domestic terrorist and your job is on the line.

Personally, I’ll risk it thanks very much, and don’t even start with me how the Pilgrims spread disease amongst the Indians who weren’t even real Indians. I blame Squanto who most likely gave William Bradford a hands-free goose when Bradford bent over to buckle his shoes.

Gird your giblets and pass the gravy.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Copyright © 2021 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed Thanksgiving: Born of Politics…Tempered By Tradition



Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 23rd, from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori present their Thanksgiving Special including ‘Thanksgiving: Born of Politics…Tempered by Tradition’; ‘Gird Your Giblets and Pass the Gravy’; and interesting Thanksgiving facts and fun. Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.

One thought on “Gird Your Giblets and Pass the Gravy

  1. Thank you for the smiles! I am still smiling at your excellent satire, and the fact it makes very valid points about the Cancel Culture that originated with the Pilgrims and the Indians that really weren’t Indians at all! Good to know.
    God Bless and a wonderful & thankful day in which our nation honors and thanks our Father God in heaven for his multitude of blessings to the United States of America, land that we LOVE. Elsie Hutton

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