Crazy Train to Covidville

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

When it comes to scientific studies regarding the various COVID vaccines, we seem to be in pretty short supply. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago, the CDC said we all had to start masking up again, and they based it on a study.

The problem was that the study upon which they based their re-masking policy was denied peer review, but that wasn’t the only problem. It also leaked out that the vaccine upon which the study was based is a vaccine not available in the United States, and the study was done in India.

Therefore, here in the U.S. the CDC said WE had to go back to wearing masks because of a bogus study in India that didn’t include the vaccines we have over here.

So short are we on peer reviewed scientific studies regarding the vaccines we DO use in the U.S. that the CDC  had to issue yet another load of manure from sacred Indian cows, otherwise known as “holy cows.”

There’s a reason why we just don’t have the sort of studies necessary to form any accurate data, and it might just be more insane that you might think. It seems that in the United States, according to a report from actual scientists, the coronavirus, yep…good ol’ COVID-19…is DISAPPEARING TOO FAST for vaccine studies to produce meaningful results.

I told you it would seem insane, but that’s just the tip of the manufactured pandemic panic iceberg.

Allow me to take you back to the last week in March when Dr. Knowslittle  announced on CNN that there was a variant of the dreaded COVID out there that EVADES the test. He told us all that there was a sickness out there gunning for us that would not show up on a test, and that you may never show symptoms of and to prevent it from spreading we all had to wear a mask.

Given that the variant wouldn’t show up on a test and almost nobody would get sick from it, how in THE hell were we supposed to know whether the masks prevented it from spreading or that it didn’t spread because it didn’t really exist in the first place?

That, of course, was a scant couple of weeks before Blathering Biden told us that if we got the shots we wouldn’t need masks. THAT of course was followed a couple of weeks later by blathering Joe telling us that we could all get rid of the masks if we had been jabbed…which as we all know now was a load of crap.

Now we’re being told to mask up again even though those masks caused more respiratory illnesses than they prevented…even if you’ve been vaccinated because…and you’re gonna love this…because for the first time known to man, you can now transmit a disease that you don’t have to somebody who has been vaccinated against it.

I am not making this stuff up.

At the risk of repeating myself, but at the greater risk of prompting yet another clarification from Fauci who is just about as useful as tits on a bull, remember that the tests we have for COVID are ineffective at detecting this Delta variant, and that most people who contract the variant won’t have any symptoms of it, so how is it exactly that we can prevent it from spreading by wearing a mask that stand a good chance of producing other illnesses?

Just over a week ago, Fauci DID issue a clarification when he said, The fact is, if you get infected, even if you are without symptoms, you very well may infect another person who may be vulnerable … So in essence, you are encroaching on their individual rights.”

Maybe I’m being too cynical about this, and very far be it for me to be cynical, but if I don’t know I have the variant, and the variant can’t be detected by the tests, and given that the person to whom I might potentially pass it along won’t know THEY have it…exactly whose individual rights have been violated?

Let me go at this in a slightly different manner…

I have spent my entire life NOT experimenting with drugs because doing such is dangerous. That’s what we’ve all be told even though some folks ignore that bit of common sense and, at great harm to themselves and sometimes others, they do experiment with drugs, but now, despite what we know regarding the harmful effects of experimenting with drugs, we’re all being told to stick needles into our arms that are filled with an experimental drug.

There are now growing talks about MANDATING those experimental drugs. Who exactly is in charge of THAT little slice of tyranny? The CDC…a bunch of unelected bureaucratic baboons who have been making crap up out of thin air for the past year and a half and who have gotten so lost in their  own lies that they’re now repeating themselves and hoping nobody notices.

The problem is…they can’t mandate that Americans who don’t want the jab GET the jab because it’s unconstitutional, so they’re getting corporations and businesses to mandate it for them. Get the jab, or lose your job and glory be…a lot of those corporations and businesses have for years given drug tests to employees and potential employees to make sure the people they hire aren’t experimenting with drugs.

No matter…the CDC is now telling us that vaccinated people could get sick from the virus they’ve been vaccinated against because I didn’t get the vaccine? Well, guess what…I have a pretty strong feeling that any such jab mandate would be a direct violation of MY individual right to determine what goes into MY blood stream so stick that in your Hunter Biden experimental drug pipe and smoke it until your blowing paint through a soda straw.

According to the CDC, over the past 10 years, there have been on average between 9 million – 45 million cases of the flu, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations due to the flu and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually due to the flu. That was until 2020. In 2020, the CDC reported only 700 deaths from influenza during the 2020–2021 season, and you can compare that to 22,000 U.S. deaths due to the flu in the prior season and 34,000 deaths two seasons ago.

As long as we’re dealing with numbers here, you have better than a 99% chance of surviving COVID-19 so is it any wonder that I no longer trust the CDC? Seriously…almost nobody got the flu shots last year, and as a result, almost nobody died of the flu last year, at least according to the CDC which now closely resembles a spastic monkey trying to hump a football.

I am not a doctor, and I don’t pretend to be one like Fauci does, but I have a plan.

If we really want to know just how much the football-humping monkeys at the CDC care about stopping COVID, and at the same time, we really want to see just how keen the Obama puppet show otherwise known as the Biden administration is on doing whatever the CDC tells them to do up to and including mandates…how about having the CDC mandate closing our southern border and deporting all the million or so illegal aliens who have come across that border in the past year like a giant COVID tsunami?

If all this COVID crap is real, and if the Biden bunch really want to follow the CDC guidelines, they’ll slam that border shut and start catapulting illegal aliens back over the wall at warp speed but…if it’s all just a bunch of manufactured pandemic panic like I’m pretty sure it is…status quo…nothing changes, and as far as the CDC and Biden are concerned, it’s time to catch the crazy train to Covidville.

I swear, sometimes my level of genius is so large it creates its own gravitational field.

Copyright © 2021 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

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For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest op-ed  Manipulating Normalcy


Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 10th, from 7 to 8:30pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Manipulating Normalcy’; ‘Crazy Train to Covidville’; and important news of the day.
Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.


2 thoughts on “Crazy Train to Covidville

  1. Craig, another wonderful piece of great writing and about a topic we all know very well is manufactured illness designed to kill off old people WWII era and most of those are gone now anyway. Next is the Viet Nam era generation, the first Operation Desert Storm, and lastly, (as of today) Iraq and Affghanistan will be the last of the warriors who fought to save this nation. Obama, O’Bernie, O’Biden are all dumbo puppets who are obedient to George Soros and that Alinski group. These are very evil, vile, mean people. Personally I have enacted so many WOE BEs on all of them and there family members and God will grant those WOE BEs to them because HE established our nation on His word, not man’s words. So thanks for being such a good friend and a great news anchor. By the way, I had a reaction to the vaxx…modern a. Now I have heart issues, breathing problems none of which I had before the vaxxx. I talked to my granddaughter and she also had same jabs and yet she is home sick with that variant which they said was covet-19….not a variant. I don’t believe in the variant, but given some time I would consider the position that fauci and his china cabinet friends might have release another mistake that now hits young children and older people my age. Yes it is political for sure, but why not kill two birds with one stone…take out the old one, make little one infertile and you suddenly stop making more people and you have a few million people less to feed, maybe one billion might be accounted for world wide. Just a thought since Bill Gates was tagged as fauci’s contact guru. It’s the thought that counts. xoxoxo, Valli

  2. Dear Craig, This piece is so excellent. You’ve taken all of our thoughts and added your special satire. If it wasn’t for your publication today and Robert Zipfel sharing it I would be angrier and closer to a nervous breakdown. It helps all of us to realize how monstrous and evil the Biden regime is after reading your piece here today. Another glimmer of hope for us is Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium beginning tomorrow August 10. You’re a busy guy but if you’ve been paying attention to Mike Lindell, the “MY Pillow” guy @, Lindell TV, you know what I’m talking about.

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