Friday Fume

Week in and week out, socialists just keep adding clowns to the parade.

Hanoi Jane tells veterans and military supporters to “GET A LIFE…”

The Dictator stands in front of a CHINESE MADE CRANE to trumpet about OUR infrastructure…

This absurd administration will be giving Egypt’s MUSLIM BOTHERHOOD (that’s NOT a typo) 8 MORE F-16’s and NOW we learn that NORTH DIARRHEA actually DOES have nukes small enough to FIT ON THEIR MISGUIDED MISSILES!!!!!

But my friends, we press on. We FIND ways to deal with this insanity and LAUGHTER really DOES seem the best medicine.

To that end, we have reached FRIDAY and believe it or not…

I’m fuming.

Never has one claiming to be the president known so little about so much.

He never knew ANYTHING about the REV. WRONG being a RACIST BIG MOUTH.

He didn’t really know BILL AYERS did he?


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The Dictator’s Budget Won’t Add a Dime to the Deficit?

Yesterday, when the Dictator made his absurd budget decree…

I was gobsmacked.


He’s NOW recycling his bald-faced lies.

Let me take you back a few years.

“I want to be very clear,” said President Barack Obama on July 18, 2009,”I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade.”


How many time did he repeat that lie?

Over and over again. Every time he sputtered about Obamacare. In his Hate of the Union speech in 2009 and 2010.


Okay…That was then but we’re talking about NOW and when you hear THIS I suspect YOU will have the exact same reaction as did I.

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Is Gun Control a Distraction? LOOK, a SQUIRREL!!!

There are signs that the socialist bed wetters are becoming even more desperate and the “gun control” debate is fast becoming their barometer.

The pressure is rising.

In the wake of Newtown, the Dictator vowed to use all the power of his office not to let the crisis go to waste and, with pint-sized props standing behind him, he signed 23 Empirical Orders to decree some “measure” of “gun control.”

Nearly all of his “orders” were feckless.

Since then, he has taken every opportunity to stand on various stages, complete with human props, to extoll “gun control” and demand passage of unconstitutional measures. He even made it a key focus of his Hate of the Union speech and yes, he had props in the gallery for that too.

Sandy Hook Children…The Sandy Hook Children’s Choir,…Sandy Hook Parents…Aurora survivors…Cops…You name em and they’ve been useful puppets for the regime.

Now, little by little, the message has been changing.

Sure, the Dictator continues to criss-cross the country at $180,000/ hour but now he’s just PRETENDING to demand passage of a “gun control” bill.

Even HE knows it’s not gonna happen despite flying 11 Newtown parents back to DC on Air FARCE One to lobby senators.

So…Why all the push?

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Thatcher – In Her Own Words

There will be plenty who will speak in glowing terms of Margaret Thatcher today and in the days to come in the wake of the news of her passing.

I will not be one of them.

It’s not because I didn’t have the utmost respect for Baroness Thatcher rather, because I did.

I simply don’t know the words that could exceed  the words she, herself spoke.

In HER words, The Prime Minister made the uncompromising case for the conservative ideology.

She took over a socialist dominated country in 1979 on the verge of collapse and by the time she left in 1990, her country was a shining example of success.

Her words, turned into actions, paved the way and while Conservatives in our nation are well aware of her political and economic ideologies, today’s socialists could learn a great deal and WOULD, if they weren’t so busy cheering the death of the Iron Lady.

Here, in her own words, is Margaret Thatcher.

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Weekend Edition: Oh…You’re OFFENDED???

If you’re intolerant of those who refuse to open their minds to the extent their brains fall out…If YOU are easily offended on behalf of others when you, yourself have nothing to be offended over…If you walk into a room and count the number of people who look like YOU vs those who DON’T and, if YOU think everybody should think the way YOU do because YOUR ideology is for “INTELLECTUALS…”


I’ll also bet you’re a registered Democrat who ascribes to the idiot-ology of socialism.

If I’ve offended you already…GOOD…You deserve to be.

I’ve checked…

I’ve read it over and over again.

I have consulted specialists.

I have studied it 8 ways from Sunday and guess what?

There is NOTHING…

ANYWHERE in our Constitution that says that YOU nor I for that matter…

Have the right to NOT be offended.

Suck it up cupcake…YOU’RE NOT THAT SPECIAL!!!!!

If you see a cross, an image of Jesus, a nativity scene or a hear a prayer and you don’t subscribe to Christianity…

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Weekend Edition: Open Letter to the Puppet’s Puppets

Dear Ellen Barkin,

I, and many, MANY others are aware of your Tweets.

“Yes I vote Pres Obama…to protect his ppl,ALL his ppl.The poor,the middle class,the jobless…the 1’s that need our help..I vote 4 humanity, (sic)”

“Right now he is the President of our country.He is our leader & we are his people, (sic)”

Not that I believe for a moment that YOU nor so very many in Hollywood have the sort of attention spam which might allow you to concentrate on more than 140 characters at a time, I shall, nonetheless, endeavor to educate the uneducatable.

YOU, Ms. Barkin, are OLD enough to know BETTER that your tweets indicate.

THIS, Ms. Barkin, is the United States of America.

Our founding document spells it out, in BIG bold letters…”We The People…” is how it starts.

WE the PEOPLE, Ms. Barkin and not OWNED by anyone. WE are NOT the PROPERTY of those we elect.


They SERVE WE the People NOT the other way around and that’s a very important distinction.

I don’t know, Ms. Barkin, if you were reared by socialists and communists, whether you learned it in school, in Hollywood or whether you are so desperate for an acting job that you are now trying to get on the good side of the Hollywood elite by trying to propagandize their ideology.

Whatever the case…

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Friday Fume

Let there be no doubt that the asylum is being run by the inmates.

While we HAVE made it to the end of another week, we are by NO MEANS nearing the end of socialist idiotic buffoonery.

Now, we COULD just hunker down in a corner and cry into a blanket but, as always, I take a different approach. I say we find a way, every week, to LAUGH at the insane behavior of those out to destroy us through their moronic behavior.

Yes, today IS Friday and I hope that YOU will take a few minutes to join me in keeping sanity alive.

I’m Fuming!!

Oh yeah…THIS is gonna work.

In an effort to get tough with North Diarrhea, John, “I Hate America” Kerry is trying to pressure CHINA into doing something about it.

Can’t ya just hear him begging?

“Come ON!!! I took YOUR side of things in Nam now…SUCK IT UP AND GET ME OFF THE HOOK HERE!! We’ll borrow more money from ya! We’ll forget about the hacking stuff. PLEEEEEEEEASE???”

The problem over there is Dennis Rodman’s best friend. That waste of a sperm cell is THREATENING EVERYBODY INCLUDING THE U.S. AND SOUTH KOREA!!!

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Illegals Are NOT Illegal Just Because They’re Illegal

Well, we CERTAINLY wouldn’t want to offend those who break our laws would we?

ILLEGAL ALIENS, it seems, will suffer hurt feelings if we CITIZENS continue the practice of referring to them as…ILLEGAL.

Boo hoo.

They are henceforth to be referred to as UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS.

Not Illegal aliens. Not illegal immigrants.

NOT undocumented immigrants either.


So says the AP…American Pravda.

What was it that Jon Conyers called them just 2 months ago?

Oh yes…

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Today’s Students are Tomorrow’s Jaywalkers

For the better part of 4 decades, socialists, UNION socialists, have been in charge of the nation’s government school children.

Those are YOUR children.

For at least 20 years, there has been a concerted effort to DUMB DOWN those government indoctrinated little mental sponges.

It’s been working.

What we have today, in our classrooms, is dumbed down kids who have become “teachers.”

Now, the DUMB are making kids DUMBER…FASTER.

After all…How can socialists “fundamentally transform” a once great nation into a Dictator led CANDY STORE where all the public’s wants and needs are supplied TO them BY the government if KIDS are…Well…EDUCATED???

Ummm…Socialists…It’s not a trick question…

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Dear Leader vs Dear Leader From Behind

Tensions in the Korean peninsula are rising quickly.

In the north, THEIR Dictator is doing far more than rattling his sabre. He…Kim Jong Un-stable has declared that a state of war exists between the north and South Korea.

OUR Dictator is puffing out his chest, unwilling to call the nuclear armed enemy of our allies an enemy.

North Korea is a horrible place. There, one will find gulags filled with whole families deemed enemies of the state. There one will find mass poverty, starvation and a “government” hell bent on holding their people down.

No internet. No cell phones. No contact whatsoever with the outside world.

Education in North Korea has all but been outlawed and what there is of it is nothing more than propaganda force fed to the young to bolster their absurd claims that the rest of the world is a far, far worse place then the misery they experience every day.

Kim Jong Un-stable is genetically insane.

No amount of diplomacy can alter that fact and no amount of diplomacy or medication will ever keep him sedated. Those who suggest otherwise are, themselves, delusional. Diplomacy can only reach peaceful solutions between those who share a common desire for peace.

Now, Un-stable has rockets aimed at South Korea and at U.S. military bases in the pacific region. He has made public his intentions, whether achievable or not, of attacking the United States.

And what has OUR Dictator done?

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