Ginsburg’s Vigorous Defense of the Constitution

“I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012.”

Those are the words of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, United States Supreme Court Justice. Ginsburg didn’t stop there either.

“You should certainly be aided by all the constitution-writing that has gone one since the end of World War II.”

“I might look at the constitution of South Africa. That was a deliberate attempt to have a fundamental instrument of government that embraced basic human rights, had an independent judiciary.”

Here are a few other words once spoken by Ginsburg which damn well should be noted.

“I, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.  So help me God.”

She has quite a unique way of supporting and defending our Constitution, doesn’t she?

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Israel vs Iran – Whose Play Are We Backing?

As allies, Israel and the United States should be so close together one could not slip a single sheet of paper between the two.

In the face of Iranian threats against Israel, that piece of paper should be reduced in thickness by a property of ten and still not fit between the nation of Israel and the United States.

Should we act on behalf of Israel? No. Israel is perfectly capable to act on their own and  they have never once asked us to defend them, act for them or take the lead in their issues.

None the less, we should be there, with them, side by side never flinching, never blinking.

As things now stand, this is not the case.

Last week, in reported comments, Leon Panetta made that abundantly clear.

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Obama Eligibility and a Decision of Tyranny

With the ruling by Judge Malihi in Georgia that Obama will remain on the ballot, tyranny has been established.

How else does one describe it when the President is above the law?

A court issues a subpoena to the President which is ignored.

The court rules against a motion to dismiss.

The attorney for the defendant, Obama, states he will not participate or provide subpoenaed material.

The Georgia Secretary of State says such action will be at the attorney’s and his client’s peril.

The hearing proceeds with the only evidence and testimony presented being against the defendant.

One week later, the Judge finds in favor of the defendant.

Clearly, speculation will be forthcoming. How did this happen? Was the Judge bought? Was he threatened? Was it all fixed before the hearing ever happened?

People will want to know the background of the Judge.

I’m SURE there are some coincidences involved.

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On Thursday, Feb. 2nd 2012, exactly 1 week after the court hearing in Georgia regarding Obama’s eligibility to appear on that state’s ballot for the 2012 elections, and after neither Obama nor his attorney participated in that hearing, a motion was filed by the Liberty Legal Foundation.

“…that the Superior Court find the Defendant in willful contempt of Court, and that the Superior Court impose sanctions commensurate with an act that threatens the foundations of our Constitutional Republic.”

There have over the course of our nation’s history, been several times when a President has been subpoenaed and until last week, each of those Presidents has complied with the court’s orders.

Last week, Obama and his attorney sent a clear message that Obama was above the law and need not answer to the judicial branch.

Indeed, Obama’s attorney, Michael Jablonski, sent a letter to the Georgia Secretary of State a day ahead of the hearing stating neither he nor his client would take part in the hearing. Sec. of State Kemp then warned Jablonski that the choice was his but such a course of inaction would be at Jablonski’s, and his client’s, Obama’s peril.




As evidence and testimony was presented last Thursday, January 26th, in a Georgia courtroom regarding Obama’s past, his birth certificate, his Social Security number, his citizenship, his having lived in two different countries at the same time and more, the centerpiece of the hearing was his status as a Natural Born Citizen.

The Constitution clearly states one must BE a Natural Born Citizen to serve as President.

The plaintiffs and their legal teams, presented a strong case against Obama’s status as such. That part of the hearing revolved around the known fact that Obama’s father was NEVER a U.S. Citizen and an 1875 Supreme Court opining stating that a Natural Born Citizen would need parents…PLURAL…to qualify.

That case opinion from Minor vs Happersett, has been the lynchpin of this argument.

With NO evidence or testimony whatsoever was presented in Obama’s defense, Judge Mahili HAS found Obama ELIGIBLE for the Georgia ballot!!

While we expect this ruling to be appealed…for now…Obama IS on the ballot!!

As 6 other states are now considering such action in their courts, it is unknown how this ruling will effect those cases.



Friday Fume

Well, it’s Super Bowl weekend already and before I can get to the hot wings and BBQ, there are just a few things I’m gonna have to get off my mind.

It’s been another week full of nuttiness by the liberal left and while you’ve been busy with YOUR lives, I’ve been busy NOT HAVING ONE!!!

Why this stuff seems to wear on me week to week I don’t know but, here we go!

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming

Monsanto…That BASTION of food monopolization, is at it again.

Monsanto has decided, apparently, that they and THEY only will not only CONTROL everything you eat…


This will no doubt be something which our Jewish friends couldn’t give less of a Kosher pickle about but…



Yep, through a great amount of research, Monsanto has discovered that NOBODY has ever patented the PORKER and IF approved…PIGS will be the PROPERTY of Monsanto.

ALL OF THEM as far as we can tell.

Call me crazy but I always figured GOD created the pig and therefore, if there were royalties to be paid…


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Trump Endorses Romney…Who Benefits?


Today, in Las Vegas, Donald Trump WILL endorse Mitt Romney. Even through early morning, it was thought the endorsement would go to Gingrich but, it has now been confirmed…it’s Romney.

How much weight does a Trump endorsement carry?

Maybe not as much as one would think.

While Trump draws a crowd wherever he goes and hitting the campaign trail for Mitt would be a draw, outside that, little if any effect is likely to be seen.

Yes, Trump adds bankroll but there is another effect that may work against Romney regarding the Trump endorsement.

Adding Donald Trump to the list of Romney endorsements is simply adding yet another moderate.

Bob Dole, John McCain, Jon Huntsman, Chris Christie…all endorsing Mitt Romney, none looked at by core conservatives and solid conservatives.

Trump in fact, recently changed his voter registration from Republican to undeclared and has for months, even after bailing out of the race, hinted at a possible independent run for the White House.

Doesn’t sound much like a dyed-in-the-wool conservative, does it?

One thing made clear by the upcoming endorsement today is that Trump will not be making that independent run after all.

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Media Silence on Obama Eligibility Raises Questions

Since my article regarding the blow-by-blow account of the Georgia hearing on Obama’s eligibility to appear on that state’s ballot, one question has surfaced more than any other. This is a question which has been posed to me via social media, email and within the nearly 600 comments on that article.

The question is a simple one and a valid one.

Why has there been no media coverage of this?

Clearly, it’s a story.

A sitting President gets subpoenaed. Story.

A sitting President’s ability to be on a state’s ballot at risk. Story.

A sitting president’s attempt to dismiss the case denied. Story.

A sitting president ignores the subpoena. Story.

A sitting President’s attorney sends letter to Georgia Sec. of State saying he won’t participate. Story.

Sec. of State says don’t participate at your own risk. Story.

Hearing takes place, witnesses testify and evidence is presented with no refute from Sitting President’s attorney. Story.


First, let’s have a look at the media.

The alphabet networks, also known as the mainstream or elite media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC etc. are all in the can for Obama or in his pocket. We all know that.

Why would they all of a sudden cover a story so potentially harmful to the guy who sends shivers up their collective legs?

This is the media arm of the Obama administration after all. These are the very people who refused to vet candidate Obama and anointed him their supreme leader. They went all in. They shielded Obama during the campaign, they have provided cover during his 3 years in office, they’ve been outwardly dismissive of any mention of his eligibility, they’ve labeled any who question it as nuts, mobs, terrorists, and worse.

At this point, when it actually gains a hearing before a judge and neither Obama nor his attorney show up even under subpoena, why would they now lend credibility to it?

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Obama’s Eligibility, A Constitutional Crisis in the Making

How exactly does one go about constructing a Constitutional crisis?

It can’t be done easily and it takes a concerted effort to contradict the very framework of our nation.

Obama is in the midst of such a creation.

If Georgia Judge, the Hon. Michael Malihi, returns a verdict disallowing Obama’s name from the Georgia ballot, a Constitutional crisis could well be the outcome. The threat of such an event can be no reason to issue a ruling which would avoid it.

In last week’s Georgia hearing, neither Obama nor his attorney were present. Obama was campaigning in Nevada and his attorney, Michael Jablonski, issued to the Georgia Sec. of State the previous day, his intention of non participation.

Regardless of the outcome and the decision of the Judge, an appeal will certainly follow and should the Judge rule against Obama, expect an injunction to be filed preventing the Georgia Sec. of State from taking action to remove Obama from the ballot.

One of the things which is sure to be brought into play by Jablonski is Executive Privilege.

It will be claimed that Obama, as sitting President, has the Executive Privilege to ignore the subpoena of the court.

We believe this will be met with resistance by the legal team for the plaintiffs.

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