Could Herman Cain Become the Next White President?

Why COULDN’T Herman Cain become the next WHITE President? I know it sounds crazy. He’s never served in elective office before;  but really, why COULDN’T Herman Cain be the next WHITE President?

To answer such an odd question one has to put it into context with liberal thought.

It was Toni Morrison who, back in 1998, in New Yorker magazine wrote of Bill Clinton, “White skin notwithstanding, this is our first black president. Blacker than any actual black person who could ever be elected in our children’s lifetime. After all, Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald’s-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas.”

For his part, Clinton, upon receiving an Image Award from NAACP President Kweisi Mfume in 2001 stated, “That’s why I went to Harlem, because I think I am the first black president.”

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What’s So Hard to Understand About “Illegal” in “Illegal Immigration?”

Shadow here.  I was perusing the DrudgeReport and came across an article regarding Alabama and their new anti-illegal rule.   I am applauding Alabama.  They managed to do something many states, most notably Arizona (who Mexico tried to sue… What???), were unable to do.  They passed their version of SB1070.  This is having a profound effect on the state as a whole.  Read more here.

So, I got more air to clear, and you can probably guess the subject matter by now:  Immigration.  Specifically, illegal immigration.

First of all, for some, the phrase “illegal immigration” tends to conjure up images of the poor Mexican immigrant wearing a poncho and a sombrero just trying to make ends meet.  While this may be true in some cases, there is a reason why “illegal immigration” isn’t written as “illegal MEXICAN immigration.”  It is written as “illegal immigration” because not only Mexicans immigrate to the US illegally!!  People from all over the world come here illegally, most maybe because they are looking for a better life or a life away from oppression.  Regardless of WHY they come here illegally, the fact is they broke our laws in doing so, and have affected the whole fabric of the United States in the following ways (not inclusive):

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Iranian Terror Plot and More Exposed

Today, it became known that an arrest had been made in September regarding a triple threat plot to bomb the Israeli and Saudi embassies in Washington D.C. as well as to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the United States.

This plot, from reports, had the backing of the Iranians. The two men named in this plot are Manssor Arbabsiar and Gholam Shakuri. Arbabsiar is currently under arrest and has been since late September while Shakuri remains at large and is suspected to be in Iran. Shakuri is part of the Qods Force, a special operations unit of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard and according to reports, the one who signed off on a $100,000.00 down payment on the hit against the Saudi Ambassador.

First, these men were being watched, closely, as this plot unfolded and the contacts for this hit was made between Arbabsiar and an undercover DEA “source” in Mexico who was posing as a high level Member of a drug cartel. These contacts were made last spring. The arrest was made on September 29th.

Immediately, there are a couple of things that jump out in all of this.

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SEIU Exposes Their Connection to the Protests

Ha! I just got this email from SEIU – they obviously don’t have any idea who the hell I am, but I do love knowing what these trouble makers are up to.

By the way, the leaders at SEIU make over 6 figures…Hypocrites!!

Dear [Patriot Rocker],

By now you’ve seen the thousands of brave students, workers and the unemployed occupying Wall Street.

But did you know that as of yesterday, there are over 300 solidarity “occupy events” happening across the country and around the clock?

In Philadelphia, 1,000+ individuals took to City Hall on Tuesday night.

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Occupy Wall Street’s Disgusting “Movement”

The “Occupy Wall Street” protesters have been getting quite a bit of press and support from liberal media lately. We at The National Patriot thought you should see a couple of photos and read just some of the words of support being offered to these protesters. Many have seen the image of the protester relieving himself on a police car but, I suspect, not many have seen THIS. Not yet anyway.

What we have at left is a  protester having a “movement” on a burning United States flag while those around him cheer and laugh.  This photo was made in Portland OR 4 years ago but given what we’ve seen from the “Occupy” protesters, this is not out of context and adds consistency to the liberal/socialist mindset.

Do this disgusting individual’s action represent the specific action of every “Occupy” protester? No, but it does, I believe, represent the mob mentality of the vast majority of them which makes me question why those who support them do so.

Do these protesters have the right to free expression? Yes, and WE have the right to respond to it!

Below are just some of the quotes of those who support such protesters and their movement.

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Columbus Day…What a CROCK!

I was in the 1st grade and it was Oct. 12th. We were learning ALL about Columbus and how he discovered America.

In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety Two

Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue.

I got a stern look from my teacher that day because I asked what I thought to be a rather obvious question.

“How did Columbus discover a place that already had people on it?”

It was my 1st grade teacher who told us about how, when Columbus set foot on America, he was met by the Indians and, that’s what led to my question. I thought, like a 1st grade fool, that perhaps it was the Indians who discovered America.

What was I thinking?

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Where government was supposed to occur

Ok, this is just a short entry.  Just enough to get some thoughts going, hopefully.

Our forefathers were brilliant.  They didn’t always get along, but they were brilliant.  They didn’t always get it right, but they saw that the articles of Confederation were too weak to be effective, and created the Constitution.  They knew that wasn’t perfect, but created a way to amend the Constitution.  In that regard, it can be seen as a living document, meaning having a means of change to adapt to what society wants over time.  It is NOT a living document in the sense that it can be reinterpreted over time and twisted to fit whatever agenda is being pursued without going through the appropriate formal amendment process.

Our forefathers knew that true government does NOT start at the top and filter down.  It was meant to be a local level event.  All the hammering out of legislation, true management, was to occur at the local level.  I am talking city level.  Concerns that could not be worked out were brought to the county level.  If those concerns could not be addressed at the county level, they were brought to the state level.  If the state could not work it out, they were brought to the national level.  The whole idea was to work things out at a local level, leaving the national government to work on things of national importance.  Those things were the items listed in Article 1, Section 8.

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A Quiet American Hero Recognized

Andy Rasch is an American hero. Hero is a word that gets bandied about far too often and most of the time those to whom it is attached really haven’t earned the distinction.

Those who HAVE earned it would agree that Andy has earned it too.

Andy has earned quite another distinction as well. Last week, in Phoenix, Arizona, and did something remarkable. Andy Rasch had a birthday…His 110th birthday.

Andy is a noticeable man at 6 feet tall and still around 200 pounds and he has a secret for living this long.

“Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead.”

So, what is it exactly which makes Andy Rasch a hero?

Well…Andy served his country in WWII and while that would be enough to have earned the title, Andy did something else too.

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Hello again folks, Shadow here!  And I want to talk to you about something that is guaranteed to make liberals wet their pants out of fear and a country boy to wet his pants out of excitement!  YES, I am talking about GUNS!!!  Or rather, my experiences and observations throughout my lifetime.  Don’t worry, it won’t take too long!

My first contact with a firearm was when I was about 12.  I was in Pennsylvania with my parents visiting some friends of theirs.  Those folks were loaded and had quite the collection of weapons of various calibers.  We had a “boys outing” with my brother, my stepfather and his friend we went to go visit.  That outing consisted of shooting stuff out in the middle of nowhere.  That was when I got the chance to fire my first 22 cal rifle.  Honestly, I don’t know how well I shot, but it was an interesting experience from the perspective of a boy who was always taught that guns were bad.  Yes, I grew up in the northeast, and you know how draconian some of those states can be.  Anyway, the day I shot the rifle was the day that I realized a gun doesn’t make someone bad, and that guns themselves have no capacity for evil.

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A Fast and Furious Suspension of Reality

“Attorney General Holder and I are taking several new and aggressive steps as part of the administration’s comprehensive plan. Those steps include the following: DOJ’s Drug Enforcement Administration, which already has the largest U.S. drug enforcement presence in Mexico with 11 offices in that country, is placing 16 new DEA positions in southwest border field positions .., uh, field operations, specifically to target Mexican trafficking and associated violence.”

“The DEA is also deploying four new mobile enforcement teams to specifically target Mexican methamphetamine trafficking both along the border and in U.S. cities impacted by the cartels.”

“DOJ’s bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is increasing its efforts by adding 37 new employees and three new offices, using $10 million in Recovery Act funds and redeploying 100 personnel to the southwest border in the next 45 days to fortify its Project Gunrunner, which is aimed at disrupting arms trafficking between the United States and Mexico,”
The words above were spoken, in the White House briefing from, to reporters, by David Ogden, Deputy Attorney General on March 24th 2009.

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