Real Conservatives…Real Issues

A Conversation Between Craig and Diane

REAL 1By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori (RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS)

Craig: I think it’s time we have a conversation about the election coming up on November 4th. I’m seeing a lot of stuff in social media that has nothing to do with the election and it’s starting to concern me that people are getting apathetic and won’t go out to vote.

Diane: Yeah Craig, I know what you mean…apathy just like in 2012…and we all know how that turned out now don’t we.

Craig: It seems a lot different now in 2014 than in the last midterm in 2010. In 2010 everybody on our side was on the same page, we showed up at the polls in record  numbers for a midterm, and we voted on the politics and policies of Obamacare.

Diane: ObamaCare…the anything but healthcare we were promised…lie after lie being shoved down our throats by those who didn’t even bother to read it before they voted on it.

Craig: It seems to me that we only have a couple of weeks left to get our side motivated and focused on the real issues. If we can do that we can turn this midterm into the 2010 midterm part 2.

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Midterm 2014 REAL Issues Spotlight – The Border

ISS 1We are now just two short months away from an election which will set the course for the next two years. Midterm elections historically have much lower voter turnout than do general elections and that is exactly why, in this particular election, we need to come out to the polls.

Numbers are everything.

If your chosen candidate didn’t win his or her primary…get over it and vote for whoever is on the ballot with an “R” behind their name. It may be a RINO, an establishment GOP candidate or someone with whom you don’t agree 50% of the time but believe me, we can hold them accountable much more easily than we can a liberal.

Today, in a nutshell, we’ll be looking at yet another of the REAL issues upon which we MUST focus if we have any hope whatsoever of starting to turn this ship around…

The border and our national security.

Right now…not because of any social issue…not because of any particular religious affiliation…we have neither a southern border not national security because of it.

It is directly because of the policies of the current LIBERAL regime and the liberal ideology…

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Friday Fume

The liberal/socialist meltdown continues.

As Obama’s numbers continue to slide, the cheese continues to slip off the crackers of his adoring serfs.

Next week, liberal/socialists will be handing out pre-marked Obama mail in ballots and carrot sticks for Halloween and in New York City…the Frankenstorm will no doubt be blamed on George W. Bush.

THIS week however, their minds are melting faster than a Snickers bar on a Victoria’s Secret model!!!!

We’ve reached the end of another week and it’s now time to buckle up and take a look back.

Hang on friends…Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming!!!

Oh for GOD’S sake.

Last week, we FUMED about NASA spending a million bucks planning a menu for astronauts to order from…ON MARS….

Well…Now the greenie weenies are raising a royal ruckus over the possibility of a manned mission to mars…CONTAMINATING THE PLANET WITH HUMAN MICROBES!!!!!


As we’ve obviously left our microbial poo on the moon…AND IT’S STILL THERE…what exactly is the problem?

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They Want Us to Fight Each Other

Ok folks.  Shadow here.  I know it has been a while, but I have been busy taking a class (US History, and it is surprisingly free of liberal bias) and getting ready for Christmas with my family.  Yes you libs reading this, I said CHRISTMAS.  If that offends, so what.  Go read Politico.  If you are here to learn something, then read on.

Obama is losing his base.  In 2008, 66% of young voters gave the nod to Obama.  That is a pretty wide margin, and probably lead to Obama being elected, though his competition was pretty weak and people were sick of Bush…but the youth vote sure did help.  However, a news article from US News states those very same voters say he is likely to LOSE.  That is a serious blow to Obama, who has done nothing but lie his way through office when he wasn’t on vacation.

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