Obama’s Oral Orifice Manure Spreading

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

oral 1On Sunday night, Barack Hussein Obama stood in the Oval Office spreading manure from his oral orifice regarding how great his strategy of combating Islamic terrorism has been working and how, if we just stay the course, doing what he says, doing more of the same…everything will be okay.

That strategy, by the way, has been in place from the moment a 7th century Islamic barbarian shot up a U.S. military recruiting station in Littlerock Arkansas in June of 2009. That strategy has been in place through the Navy Shipyard Islamic terrorist attack, the one in Chattanooga, the one at the Boston Marathon, it was in place when an Islamic barbarian attacked four NYC police officers with a hatchet, and in place when another Islamic barbarian, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, assassinated two NYC police offices as they sat in their squad car.

It’s the exact same strategy that was in place when two Islamic barbarians tried to attack an art exhibit in Garland Texas…and it was exactly the same strategy, the strategy Obama says is the only way to keep us safe that was in place last week when yet two more Islamic terrorists…barbarians…shot and killed 14 while leaving 21 wounded in San Bernardino California and to be clear, those two had designs on killing many, many more.

Oh, Obama did have a new wrinkle to toss into his manure spreader…

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Baltimore and Their Crap-Happy Looters

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

str 1Well, it’s about damn time.

With irrefutable evidence staring them in the face…maybe black America is starting to wake the hell up.

After all, statistics show that in 2013, there were 2491 black people murdered in the United States and that 2.245 OF those murders were at the hands of other BLACK people and while that stat simply shows murders…here’s something a little more poignant…in 2014…cops killed 414 white people but only 233 BLACK people and yet BLACK people, who comprise just 13% of the U.S. population, are responsible for 42% of all cop killings.

Yesterday, the streets of cities across our nation FILLED with protest marches…BLACK people…PROTESTING black on black violence.

In Atlanta…New York…Detroit…Dallas…Los Angeles…from sea to shining sea…BLACK people took a stand…a long awaited stand…a much NEEDED stand against black perpetrated violence.

Jesse was on the streets of Chicago leading the protests…Al was in Atlanta leading the way and Barack, from a golf course somewhere added HIS voice to the rising chorus of black leaders decrying black violence.


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MORE Blood on the IMAM’S Hands

lies 1Last week, in an article co-written by myself and my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio partner, Diane Sori…’Obama’s Caliphate…The Truth Exposed’ I wrote the following:

“Last week, Obama was blaming the ‘surprise’ that is ISIS on a lack of accurate information from our intel community. “There is no doubt that their advance, their movement, over the last several months has been more rapid than the intelligence estimates, and I think then the expectation of policy makers both in and outside of Iraq.” Are we really to believe that the Director of the CIA, John Brennan, a muslim convert himself, didn’t know what ISIS was up to…oh please…”

“The Obama doctrine…creating vacuums of power in the Middle East and North Africa…is giving way to the strategic plan of ceding regional power to ISIS in an effort to do away with Israel and complete a caliphate the size and strength of which has never been seen before. And like a garden variety islamist, Obama has moved on from his support of the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda to throw in with ISIS…always bowing to the barbarians who carry the biggest sword.”

And I continued…

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A Tea for Two Foes – Liberals and RINOs

org 1How did things turn out in your state’s primary elections this year? Did your Tea Party candidate win? Some did, a few, too few for my liking and most likely for your liking as well.

Why is that? Why didn’t we win MORE primaries?

I’ll tell you why. Because as Tea Party Patriots and those who want a return to a Constitutional republic, far too many of us stand on our own little individual islands when it comes to candidates and that is exactly what liberals and for that matter, the GOP establishment want us to do.

It’s time to change all that and start winning…not only in the primary elections but in the general elections too but what we need is a strategy. A WINNING strategy.

First off…one of the main reasons the Tea Party didn’t show well in this year’s primaries is right there on our voter registration cards.

Back in 2010, with the decisive victory in the house, the shellacking of the liberals, many went and changed their voter registration to Tea Party based on how proud we were of what we had just accomplished. Pride gets us nowhere and here’s why.

In MANY states, when it comes to the primaries, only registered REPUBLICANS can VOTE in the primaries. If you have reregistered as something else…Tea Party…Constitutional Party…Libertarian…whatever…you can’t vote in the primary or, if they allow you to CAST a vote…it’s wiped out by your ‘other’ party registration. That being the case, guess who wins…the GOP establishment candidate and NOT the Tea Party candidate.

We must remember that the Tea Party is a MOVEMENT, a grass roots movement…

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Bombing Syria – “FOR THE CHILDREN!!!”

It’s absurd.

It has, for decades, been the whining cry of socialists and it has been as overplayed as that stupid race card.

“Do it for the children.”

“Oh…DO it for the CHILDREN (sob, sob) do it for the children.”

Whenever and wherever, common sense and logic interfere with socialists and their agenda…


As soon as all their unsubstantiated rhetoric is proven false…


Millions…HUNDREDS of millions…BILLIONS…HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS…TRILLIONS of dollars have been goaded out of We the People because simpering elected officials are wetting their collective beds over the possibly of NOT “doing it for the children.”



No matter the situation. Regardless of the circumstances. In SPITE of the degree of NONSENSE and in the FACE of any reality…

It has become as predictable as an ACME anvil falling on Wile E. Coyote.

A long, drawn-out slide whistle, pitching down…a second of silence…a faint…boom…

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Obama – On the Verge of Starting WW3

For the last couple of days, I have outlined, here in The National Patriot, the foreign policy of this Obama regime related to Syria and I have tied in Benghazi, Gaddafi, Egypt and offered evidence that the WMD attacks in Syria were carried out by Syrian “rebels.”

I have also stated that ISRAEL is directly in the crosshairs.

Allow me to now expand on that scenario.

It is only a matter of time now, with more than 360 cruise missiles aboard U.S. warships, before Obama pulls the trigger.

There is something very, VERY important you should know.

The WMD inside of Syria, the components of which were most likely delivered to them by Saddam in the weeks leading to the war in 2003, can NOT…Let me repeat that for clarity…

CAN NOT be destroyed by missile strikes.

Obama can rain HELL on Syria with missile attacks but, he can NOT destroy the WMD as most of it is kept underground and, any strike ON it would SPREAD it.

Now…Consider that the WMD that has been used, has been used by the “REBELS” rather than by ASSAD and you will start taking in the bigger picture.


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Obama’s Strategy Exposed

As we head into the back straight of the 2012 election, speeding toward November 6th, expecting the dirtiest campaign in history, one thing is clear.

Obama only needs about 2 dozen more.

2 dozen more…what…exactly?


About 1 per week should do it. 24 weeks…24 distractions.

This week’s distraction is, of course, gay marriage. He’s for it again. Oh yes, Obama was against it then he was  for it before he was against it  again and then he was evolving and now…he’s for it…again.

In this week’s distraction, he rolled out a new pre-distraction distraction. Joe Biden who went on the Sunday shows and let it slip that he had no problem with gay marriage. OH THE HUMANITY of yet another Biden gaff. This was no gaff. This was a planned distraction to pave the way FOR the distraction.

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Screw Business as Usual…A Fire and Brimstone Strategy

It’s going to be an ugly campaign. We all know it and we’re ready for it but it’s going to the ugliest and nastiest and dirtiest campaign in history.

Regardless of whom the GOP nominee turns out to be, why NOT take the early lead?

If the GOP Nominee takes this advice, it will send a clear message to the Republican establishment that conservatives aren’t going to do business as usual any more. It would shake the establishment and pull together conservative voters.

Even if the establishment candidate, Romney, becomes the nominee and adopts this measure, HE would pull together the conservative vote.

Here is a little something else this would do…It would shake the Obama campaign to its core.

As soon as the 1,144 delegates are in hand, WHOEVER garners them either at the convention or before…put this into motion.

Rather than a leisurely march toward a VP nominee or a surprise VP announcement like we got in 2008, vet the possible VPs NOW and stand ready to announce the running mate in a nationally televised press conference the day after the delegates are in hand.

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