When Core Values are Replaced by Street Cred

As we continue to deal with the stupidity of those who believe that, somehow, Treyvon Martin, a punk wannabe, a drug user and a thief, was an innocent, angelic little child, we find another case of woefully misguided wailing going on.

In NY last weekend, cops responded to an incident.

It was 3am on Sunday morning.

Nothing good happens on the streets of ANY city at 3am and the one that never sleeps is no exception.

The 2 rookie cops, on the force since January, 2013, heard shots ring out and, as they were on foot patrol, ran to the scene.

That’s where they discovered 14 year old Shaaliver Douse, with a 9 mm handgun, firing at a man who was running away from the front of a bodega.

The cops IDENTIFIED themselves AS cops, ORDERED the kid to DROP THE WEAPON and then, as the fleeing man ran past them, Shaaliver Douse fired a 4th time.

It would be the last thing he ever did.

One of the rookie cops fired a single shot, hitting Douse in the face and the 14 year old was dead.

That’s where Douse’s Aunt, Quwana Barcene, comes in.

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