Weekend Edition: NY Times – Covering (UP) Benghazi – Pt.2

In yesterday’s Weekend Edition, I outlined the desperation of last week’s New York Times attempt to provide cover by reintroducing that lame and false You Tube fabrication for the Benghazi attacks.

I also kicked down the door as to who would have HAD to be involved, why and to what ends.

I went so far as to expose the preemptive nature behind the cover story AND the actions of 8 Democrats in the house.

If you missed it…Have a look at the truly disgusting nature of those who would conspire, collude, commit and cover up acts of TREASON.

But, I said there was more and, there is.

To truly delve into the desperate nature of liberals, Obama, his administration, Hillary and the New York Times…One must fully realize how far the Times is willing to go and why.

Last week, The NY Times released an editorial regarding Benghazi and that You Tube video ass covering story stating: “Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.”

The Times didn’t stop there.

Oh…SOMEBODY is TRULY desperate…

Last Thursday, they actually made a claim SO outrageous, SO absurd, that it defies common sense and DEFINES desperation.

As their latest effort at providing some sort of “reasonable” doubt for any upcoming trial of either Hillary, Obama or BOTH was falling apart due to REAL FACTS garnered from SWORN TESTIMONY provided by CIA BENGHAZI SURVIVORS behind the closed doors of the house oversight committee…

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Obama – Put Your Hands UP and Get Your Feet Off the Desk

Every Time Ed Snowden sneezes, there’s a breaking news update.

If the guy breaks wind, I’m reasonably sure the media would glom onto it as though a petrified rat had just been found on Mars.


Because Ed Snowden is a wanted man. He’s on the lamb and he’s looking for a nice, quiet little communist community where he can settle down.


For espionage.

In a “phony” scandal.

Under a long defunct provision called the Espionage Act of 1917.

ESPIONAGE they say. He has harmed the nation’s security…Or so they say.

As Snowden prances about the globe applying for asylum and being turned down and, as he finally gets out of the Moscow airport…Snowden is America’s most wanted American.

I have to tell you…I don’t get it.

What’s so special about Ed Snowden anyway?

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Snowden…Hero, Traitor or Straight to Video D List Movie?

Ed Snowden.

A squirrely cross between Carmen San Diego and Waldo…

Where in the world IS Ed Snowden??

He WAS in Hawaii before he hightailed it to Hong Kong.

It was while he was IN Hong Kong that his hybrid leak of national security secrets and whistle-blowing regarding the NSA and their spying on ALL Americans became public knowledge. He gave a Q and A via the internet during his 2 week stay in the People’s Republic of China and then, boarded a plane for Moscow.

Supposedly flanked by Wikileaks lawyers and advisers, Snowden landed in Russia for a layover on what everyone believed was a run for Ecuador but, alas, the plane bound for a South American country not friendly to the United States left Russia with HIS seat empty.

So…Now we are left with a few questions…

Where IS Ed Snowden and, is he a traitor or a hero?

Let’s take the 2nd question first.

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