Friday Fume

In the loony bin of socialist wombattery, there are just FAR too many issues from which to choose and SO little space to dedicate TO them.

Every week, I try to narrow it down and every week I have to leave the vast majority of the list out of the piece.

Forgive me.

This week is no exception to the rule.

Sit down, strap in and try to find a laugh or 2 to get you through the weekend.

It’s FRIDAY and…

I’m fuming.

Do we have an illegal alien problem in these United States?


Not if you ask THIS administration but…

Ask somebody ELSE like…Oh…I don’t know…


Daniel Jupa-Fino, 21, of SONORA…MEXICO…Was arrested last week in Pinal County Arizona.

The ILLEGAL had just been involved in a traffic accident and low and behold…HE HAD MORE THAN 200 POUNDS OF POT IN HIS CAR!!!

This wasn’t Jupa-Fino’s 1st interaction with the law in our country either…

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Detroit Has Run Out of Other People’s Money

Allow liberals and socialists to be in control of something long enough and it will collapse.

Take Detroit…

No really…You can have it…PLEASE take it.

Detroit has been in the hand of socialists since 1961. 52 years of socialist mayors elected to office by socialists and paid for by socialist unions.

It’s over.

At least it darn well should be.

Michigan Governor, Rick Snyder declared Detroit to be in a state of financial emergency last Friday and that helps to clear the way for the STATE to take over DETROIT’S financial situation and appoint a special or, emergency, city manager to start the proves of straightening out the disaster that IS Detroit.

Now, to give you a glimpse into the mindset of socialists, their minds warped by 15 or more years of public school indoctrination…some having possibly attended asylums of HIGHER indoctrination…

As Governor Snyder made his announcement, about 2 miles away at the scene of the crime, Detroit’s City Hall…

PROTESTERS gathered to chant…

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Unions Choose FORCE Over Choice

Yesterday, with their panties in a wad, socialists gathered in Michigan to pitch a hissy-fit.

Yesterday, socialist teachers in Michigan ditched their students to join in the hissy-fit.

Yesterday, union socialist thugs with THEIR knickers in a knot, tried and tried to bully Michigan law makers into NOT doing what they were elected to do.

Well, guess what socialists?

Elections have consequences.

You lost.

Get over it.

Isn’t that what THEY’VE been telling US for the last 4 weeks?

Michigan, yesterday, became the 24th “Right to Work” state and that’s bad news for unions in the very state where unions began.

Pardon me while I wipe away the tears.

So, what does it all mean?

Well…Unions in Michigan are losing their iron workers grip on power.

What Michigan did was pass a bill making it perfectly legal for workers in Michigan to think for themselves.

Oh the humanity…

Workers will now have the ability, in Michigan, to decide for themselves whether or not they belong to a union.


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