Operation David – A Sensible Peace proposal

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

“Those who support Israel should know they have two options left; either to muda 5support the king to the end, which is almost impossible now, or to secretly support the secular opposition in Jordan, which has clearly announced it would honor the peace agreement with Israel.”
– Mudar Zahran, leader and Secretary General of the Jordanian Coalition of Opposition

The Israeli’s vs. the Palestinians…an on-going battle since the 1960’s when the Soviets invented the Palestinians as a cold war tool to use against the west and Yassir Arafat used them to forward his PLO agenda…an ongoing battle that has now turned into statesman Benjamin Netanyahu vs. ‘I really don’t give a damn about Israel’ Barack HUSSEIN Obama with Jordan’s King Abdullah II…the man actually holding the trump card…sitting laughingly on the sidelines.

Abdullah II has the U.S. fooled with his Western mannerisms and dress but know in his heart that he is an islamist who will sell his soul to devil if it helps him keep the cushy U.S. financed lifestyle he has grown accustomed to. Abdullah II, who with a swipe of his pen, could end this battle but refuses to do so as he is NOT his own man but is a puppet whose strings are pulled by the Muslim Brotherhood…a recognized terrorist organization interestingly NOT on Jordan’s terrorist list.

And now with the bad-blood, if you will, between Netanyahu and Obama out in public for all to see…bad blood caused by Obama’s blatant anti-Semitic and anti-Israel agenda…it’s NO wonder that the Israeli/Palestinian peace talks have fallen flat on their face. And while many think this conflict will never end there is still a bit of hope for peace, and it comes in the guise of Jordan’s secular freedom fighters…in the guise of Mudar Zahran, muslim leader and Secretary General of the Jordanian Coalition of Opposition.

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Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed…Part 3 of 3

pa 1Article Co-Written by Diane Sori

As we wrap up this 3 part series ‘Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed’ with the benefits of what we believe to be the ONLY truly viable plan to establish a two-state solution in the Middle East, one very important thing bears repeating…while Israel IS in favor of a two state solution to achieve peace with the ‘Palestinians,’ ‘Palestine’…as in the Palestinian Authority with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood as their in-house Islamic army…is decidedly NOT as Hamas has it written into their charter that Israel is to be destroyed and all Jews, on a global scale, are to be killed. ‘Palestine’ is only in favor of a ONE state solution and Israel is NOT that state. While the solution we propose will be difficult to achieve, as King Abdullah II of Jordan is the primary roadblock to the ‘Road Map to Peace’ in the region, peace is NOT impossible, and the solution we propose IS viable, and should be given serious consideration.

In Part 1 http://thepatriotfactor.blogspot.com/2014/08/op-ed-israels-allies-and-enemies-truth.html of this most important series, Diane Sori of The Patriot Factor and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media exposed the truth about the Jordanian monarchy’s continuing ties to both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood…ties the media will NOT tell you about…and ties that are in and of themselves stopping the peace process from moving forward. In part 2 http://www.thenationalpatriot.com/2014/08/11/israels-allies-and-enemies-the-truth-exposedpart-2/of this series Craig Andresen of The National Patriot and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS explained how King Abdullah II, playing both sipa 9des of the coin, in addition to the silence of the Arab nations…except for Egypt which clearly sides with Israel…has stood out. However, by the Arab nations NOT outwardly siding with either side really means that the islamic factions involved, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, do NOT have their support.

To understand why peace at this point in time cannot be achieved one must understand the dynamics of the Arab mindset. This mindset has been set in motion by the 1924 destruction of the Caliphate, subsequent western occupation of Arab lands, the establishment of Israel in 1948, the two Gulf wars, and the continuing of the west’s ‘War on Terror,’ all contributed to how the Arab mind works. And with the Arab mindset totally controlled by the words of the Hadith…programmed if you will to hate all non-muslims…this translates into meaning  we infidels. The Arab sense of right and wrong is the polar opposite of how we westerners think, just as they relish death…we relish life.  Any western attempt to orchestrate political change in Arab countries is instantly rejected and thrown back at us through the call to jihad. This is why all proposals by the west have been rejected and is exactly why it will take an Arab country…like Egypt…to broker an actual peace treaty even though will put an Arab leader expounding such a proposal in jeopardy. Remember, history records the fate of Anwar Sadat after signing the Egypt/Israel Peace Accord along with the same fate for Menachem Begin.

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