Weekend Edition: Kerry is a Genius – “Yeah, That’s the Ticket”


Could John Kerry be any BIGGER of an idiot that he is right now?

The rest of the world is laughing so hard at Kerry and the United States foreign policy right now, that it peed itself.

John Kerry is acting like a 6 year old Neville Chamberlain at this point and somebody needs to send him to his room before he says one more word!!!

Let’s look at how this whole thing got started with Kerry and Syria.

It all started with John Kerry making a MELODRAMATIC speech in which HE made it clear that a MILITARY STRIKE was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY and that it MUST OCCUR WITHOUT DELAY and, of course, OBAMA WOULDN’T NEED CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL FOR SUCH A STRIKE AND IT COULD, AND SHOULD BE LAUNCHED IMMEDIATELY so as to be the ONLY WAY POSSIBLE to prevent another WMD attack in Syria.

You remember that speech…

That was the John Kerry speech on a FRIDAY, that OBAMA undermined THE VERY NEXT DAY when he THREW Kerry under the Canadian made campaign bus and tossed the ball to CONGRESS to either give or deny approval.

Congress, before THEY got back to DC from their vacations had already gotten an EAR FULL from their constituents telling THEM…”NO WAY IN HELL DO WE HAVE ANY BUSINESS STICKING OUR NOSES INTO SYRIA’S BUSINESS” and it became CLEAR at that point that Obama’s military strike approval was dead in the water.


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