Papa John’s and the Whiny Weasels of Socialism

A word of warning to the Whiny Weasels of Socialism.

Be careful what you vote for…You may just get it and WHEN you get exactly that for which you voted…DON’T START WHINING ABOUT IT!!!

9 days ago, socialists voted for the Emperor and now, they’re starting to realize the fruits of their labors.


Lots of them.

Socialists now want to boycott Papa John’s and Applebees because they are cutting work hours of their employees. They say such a move is…Un-American.


Socialists think something is Un-American???
Let me explain this in a way that anyone with a working brain cell can understand it.

Let’s use Papa John’s as our example.

Here is a company which started when somebody decided there was a better way to make pizza. Fresh instead of frozen ingredients, a great sauce a great crust and a great price.

A classic AMERICAN idea.

It grew because people who like pizza liked the complete Papa John’s recipe.

It grew and grew. People wanted to own their OWN Papa Johns and franchises were sold.

Very American.

After the expenses, ingredients, building and real estate costs, insurance, equipment, EMPLOYEES, taxes etc…The typical franchisee had…HAD a profit margin of around 10%.

Now, because of increased regulations, hikes in the minimum wage, rising insurance costs and the clamping down on business loans, higher costs due to rising gas prices for delivery of goods and delivery of pizzas…Over the last 4 years…The average franchisee NOW has a profit margin of…2%.

Along comes Obamacare.

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Defining Fundamental Transformation

Let me see if I have all this straight.

Over an 16 month time span, there were 234 terrorist attacks in Libya…48 in Benghazi…2 attempts on the life of the British Ambassador,…The British and the Red Cross pull OUT of Benghazi…OUR Consulate in Benghazi was attacked twice…Our security people in Libya sent a dozen or so pleas for MORE security and WARNED of the growing threat from terrorist factions linked to al Qaeda…Our Ambassador sent messages to the State Department warning of those threats and alerting those in charge to the fact that the LIBYANS there to protect us were casing the joint and…

Nobody did a damn thing about ANY of it other than to DECREASE security in Benghazi.

We have 4 Americans killed in Benghazi due to a terrorist attack and while it was watched live in real-time at out State Department and in the white house situation room…Nobody was sent to help…any who were in a position to help were ordered to stand down, those who defied those orders were either killed in Benghazi or removed from their commands and…

Nobody but NOBODY is responsible.

Do I have that about right???

It’s now been nearly 2 weeks since Hurricane Sandy slammed the east coast and just a couple of days shy of 2 weeks since the Emperor graced New Jersey with his presence.

While mingling with the serfs, the Emperor heap praise upon FEMA and the FEMA director for the fine job they were doing but…

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