The TRUTH About a Shutdown and Why Obama WANTS It!!!

The socialists would have you believe we are at the cliff and republicans are ready to provide a shove thus shutting down the government at which point, the world as we know it, will end.

That is because, to socialists, the only possible way for anyone to survive, is with the life-giving assistance OF the government.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, the socialist belief that government is THE be all, end all, is laughable but, their view of where we are in relation to the cliff is upside down.

We ARE at the cliff but, the reality of it he that we are at the bottom of the cliff looking up.

Republicans are doing nothing less than trying to hold back the landslide of over burdensome government  from breaking loose and burying us all.

If the government shut down at midnight tonight…

The effect SHOULD be stunningly uneventful to reasonable people while they all watch, in wonder, as socialists run about chirping that the sky is falling.

Non-essential elements of government will go dark.

Essential elements SHOULDcontinue unimperiled.

Should military pay or social security payments suddenly not be delivered, it will be because Obama has, himself, chosen not to issue them.

The simple truth of it is…

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