We Called it and the Liberals Left Has Delivered!

Almost as if on cue. just a few days after writing and posting “Another School Shooting and the Liberal Double Standard,” a story comes across the wires which is so predictable, it’s frightening.

If you haven’t read that article you should before finishing this one.

Have we heard a word, a single word from the liberal left regarding the candlelight vigils and prayer meetings for students of Chardon in the wake of that horrible school shooting earlier this week?


Not even a whisper.

Had these same students held prayers BEFORE the tragic event which has now claimed the lives of 3 students, we would have had liberals, their mouthpieces and the ACLU coming unhinged; but, in response to the shooting, no way.

Let me be clear, they, the liberal left and their mouthpieces, SHOULD keep their yaps shut.

They should also shut up if a school wants to have a prayer at a graduation or if a student prays at the lunch table or if a student athlete Tebows on the sideline.

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