Racial Strategy of Liberals Based on Tired Old Dogs

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…and again…and again. If you want to know what liberals are doing, just pay attention to what they accuse conservatives of doing. Oh, I have liberals, every day, tell me I wrong and, most of the time, they punctuate it with a few choice names – but much more often than not, liberals confirm it at every turn.

According to liberals, the Tea Party is a bunch of racists. We’ve heard it nearly from the genesis of the Tea Party movement. We’re racists. That’s what they tell us.

Oh really?

Well, meet the new face of the Tea Party…Mr. Herman Cain. Of course it’s possible for a black person to be a racist as racism isn’t in and of itself…racist. I mean by that that racism isn’t confined to the “white’s only” bench.

I have been listening to Mr. Cain for some time now and have yet heard him utter anything near a racist comment. For that matter, I have yet to notice any racism in his actions either.

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