Liberals Becoming Mentally Unhinged Over Benghazi Truth

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It truly is amazing what happens to liberals when all their hard work at lying goes up in smoke. They simply curl up in a fetal position for a collective crap, roll about in it and start whining about the smell.

Benghazi…or in the case of Nancy Pelosi…BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI!!! Liberals have taken many different stances on Benghazi such as it not being a terrorist attack but a You Tube video that caused it but that was quickly proved to be a lie. They tried calling what happened to Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods and Sean Smith “bumps in the road,” but they didn’t get away with it. Then they tried to brush it aside as it was…”not optimal.”

Really? The terrorist attack brought about by the terrorists this regime armed, the weapons running to more terrorists in Syria, the intentional removal of OUR security team in Benghazi…replacing OUR people with the very TERRORIST organization that perpetrated the attacks resulting in the murders of 4 Americans was…”NOT OPTIMAL???”

Liberals moved on to asking “WHAT DIFFERENCE…AT THIS POINT…DOES IT MAKE???”

That from the “smartest woman in the world” who, I believe, was complicit in committing treason, missed the 3:00am (Benghazi time) phone call, claims she didn’t have time to read her emails or memos, whiffed on the Russian reset button, accepted a wink and a smile from a North Korean uncle killer…was unable to testify when called because…SHE FALL DOWN, GO BOOM and can’t recognize a terrorist organization when one is staring her in the face.

On the up side…she flew a million miles.

But…Liberals are becoming mentally unhinged over Benghazi and Trey Gowdy’s search for the truth because all their lies and cover ups are crumbling before their eyes. Remember when Obama said THIS???

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Friday Fume

What a week.

We have a new Secretary of What Difference Does it Make…An Iran loving Israel hating nominee for Secretary of Defense…The Job’s Council has shut down after meeting 4 times in 2 years and doing nothing and GITMO is still OPEN but the office charged with closing it DOWN…CLOSED DOWN.

Forget Groundhog’s Day…Tomorrow, a SOCIALIST will pull his head out of his hole…See his shadow in the bright light of TRUTH and WE’LL HAVE 4 MORE YEARS OF INSANITY!!!!!

Today is Friday Patriots and…

I’m fuming.

Oh please.


The Department of Homeland Insecurity has issued their guidelines as to what to do when attacked by someone wielding a gun.

Apparently, in a game of rock, scissors, GUN,,,THE SCISSORS WIN!!!

According to DHS…If someone confronts you in your home of office, with a gun…GRAB YOUR SCISSORS!!!

However…do NOT chase the gunman because…RUNNING WITH SCISSORS IS DANGEROUS!!!!!

I really wish they’d stop smoking crack in this useless administration.

Is the guy with the gun going to intimidated by scissors???

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