Mullen, Nebraska Schools a Triggered Indoctrinator

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Let’s face it, libImage result for liberal crying meltdownerals have problems…lots of problems, and most of them are of their own making. That’s not a secret. We know it…they know it…pretty much everybody knows it.

The list of liberal’s problems is far too long to get into, but one of their biggest problems is that they are far too easily triggered.

Ever since their hopes and dreams for a third term for Obama went up in smoke in the wee hours of November 9th, 2016, liberals have been triggered. The party of tolerance has become just about the most intolerant bunch of triggered trolls one can imagine.

Just about.

There a couple of other groups however that are running stride for stride with liberals in the triggered department, and they are groups fully supported by liberals.

It should come as no great surprise that in being perpetually triggered…

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NO INDICTMENT!! Ferguson Lynch Mob Riots!!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on                                                                                                                     riot 1The decision of the Grand Jury in Ferguson has been delivered.

There will be NO indictment of Officer Darrin Wilson on ANY of the possible charges in the shooting of thug and thief Mike Brown.

Now…Ferguson becomes the scene of mass rioting, looting, arson and, most likely, death as

thousands, most of whom don’t even live there, most of whom have no connection other than a shared thug mentality with Mike Brown take to the streets and go on the rampage.

From sources on the ground in Ferguson, my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio partner Diane Sori and I understand that nearly half a BILLION dollars has been funneled into Ferguson by those wishing the total destruction of the city based on false allegations of racism.

Agitators, the leaders of these mobs, have been paid in the six figures to whip up a combination of hate and white guilt that will incite the violence we are about to see and don’t be one bit surprised if that violence, that ugly mob mentality doesn’t spill over into urban centers around the country.

The lie having been perpetuated for the past three months is this…

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