Long May the REAL Flag Wave

It’s all over the news and social media. Lake County Florida’s Democratic Headquarters. It seems they’ve been flying a flag outside their office for the last couple of months. That flag, with its red and white stripes, had a field of blue but, instead of stars, 50 of them, it bore the image of Obama’s face.

The flag can be purchased on the internet for $12.95 and, it’s made in China.

It’s a disgrace.

A group of military veterans, heroes, saw it this morning and immediately demanded it be removed.

It was not the flag THEY fought for.

It was not the flag their friends DIED for.

It was NOT the flag to which they have, all their lives, pledged allegiance.

The Lake County Democratic Party boss, Nancy Hurlbert, clearly didn’t see it the way our retired military heroes saw it and stated, “It leads me to believe that it’s not about the flag. Certain elements cannot accept Barack Obama as president.”

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