Is THIS Why Obama Wants Tax Hikes?

Okay. Who is to blame THIS time? Bush? A tsunami? European markets?

Who is going to get the blame? Republicans in Congress? Unelected judges? Global warming?

Somebody or something has to be held responsible for the Secret Service’s not so secret service, but I can tell you nobody is more elated to hear that those who guard the president are caught in a hooker scandal than the GSA.

Today, the GSA begins to appear before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. So extensive is the investigation into the GSA’s rampant spending sprees, absurd videos bragging about their rampant spending sprees and their Vegas convention to award and reward themselves for their rampant spending sprees that, in all, there will be 4 separate committees looking into the matter.

Of course, last week, as more videos were coming out, blame was assessed to George W. Bush and his administration.


Jeffery Neely, who put together the whole GSA Vegas Experience, is going to plead the 5th. Oh, the committee can ask whatever they want but…Neely will plead the 5th over and over again. In fact, he didn’t even think it necessary for him to appear in DC this morning.

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