A Letter to Liberals Flabbergasted by Obamacare

Dear Liberals Shocked by the Reality of Obamacare,


You voted for Obama in 2008 and, again in 2012.

You have received a cancellation letter from your insurance company even though you liked your insurance and liked your doctor.

You’ve been to the Obamacare website.

It took you more than a month to get on the thing and now you’ve seen the cost of your new insurance.

You’re shocked.

Your premiums AND your deductible have BOTH gone WAY up.

Your new plan covers you for things you will never need but DOESN’T provide the same level of coverage for what you DO need and certainly not the sort of coverage you USED to have.

You can’t afford it.

You make too much for a taxpayer funded entitlement to lower the cost.

You’re screwed.

What do you do?

What DO YOU DO???

You go to the government and demand answers. You go to the government and demand to know how this could happen.

And what is the government’s official response?

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Weekend Edition: Obamacare Slapping Liberals With Reality

When it comes to Obamacare and, Obama himself, there is a very telling quote out there from Dr. John C. Drew.

Drew was introduced, by his girlfriend, Caroline Boss, to Obama back in 1980 at Occidental College at a time when Drew himself had just given up the idea that a communist America was possible.

The college student, Drew, had converted. He no longer believed that communism in America could work.

Here is what the now, political scientist and PHD said of Obama in 2010:

“The young Obama was a garden variety Marxist-Leninist. He and Boss and his sophomore year roommate, Hasan Chandoo, believed that social forces where creating an inevitable Communist revolution in the U.S. and that it was important to have a highly trained elite of educated leaders guide this revolutionary process and oversee it once the revolution took place. Remember, this was at the height of the Cold War in 1980. Ronald Reagan had just been elected president and the USSR was still our mortal enemy.”

That quote will not be so important about what it “reveals” regarding Obama’s ideology to those of us who have known it all along but…

It is the last part of the quote and, the date, that will come as a startling revelation to those who have ignored the lessons of history.

Allow me to explain.

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Friday Fume

Keeping track of the behavior of liberals is a little like herding cats but, week in and week out, we designate Friday’s as the day to laugh at em.

This week is no different than the rest.

We finally have a number for the crush of people who enrolled for Obamacare on the very 1st day.



An Italian magazine claims that Obama’s NSA was…SPYING ON THE CONCLAVE THAT ELECTED POPE FRANCIS!!!!!

Well, that explains the sudden downturn in the over/under line on Cardinal DOLAN.


According to a report…Back in 2011…Kathleen Sebelius’ HHS Department paid out…$23 MILLION DOLLARS in MEDICAID to…DEAD PEOPLE!!!


Good grief…


It’s Friday friends and Patriots and…

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Hey Socialists…The Tea Party Was RIGHT – Ain’t That a Glitch?


Liberals and socialists…The Tea Party was right…100% right…About Obamacare.

We tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen.

The roll out of Obamacare and its website is a disaster. A complete, unmitigated disaster and regardless of how you try to spin it, YOU own it.

Lock, stock and putrid carcass…YOU own it.

Liberals and socialists…YOU bribed members of your OWN party to pass it.

YOU wouldn’t allow anyone to read it first.

YOU passed Obamacare WITHOUT 1 SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE in the dark of night.

Over the last 3 years…YOU…Liberals and socialists…YOU told lie after lie after lie about Obamacare.

YOU said it would LOWER premiums.

YOU said it wouldn’t cost American taxpayers 1 thin dime.


YOU said we could keep our doctors and…

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Obamacare Govt. Home Visits – One Nation Under Socialism

What you are about to read will affect socialists, liberals and Conservatives alike. Read it to the end and share the link to this article.

And now we are able to connect more dots in the evolving, disgusting, anti-American picture of socialism in our nation under the oppressive regime of Obama.

This will set your teeth on fire.

Remember all the socialist outcry for more gun control in the wake of Newtown?

Remember the demands for gun confiscation and the socialist compromise of registration?

Now we know why.

Connect the dots.

Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c. buried deep within the OBAMACARE bill makes it ILLEGAL for doctors to “collect any information relating to the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition.”

That is exactly why socialists and their leader, Obama, have been putting the pressure ON lawmakers to MANDATE registrations of weapons and ammo and exactly why they want to EXPAND the list of “weapons” which must be registered.

Even conservatives and the NRA have said they have no problem with background checks but…They are WRONG to do so.

The skunk in the gun registration woodpile is…


Here is why.

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Obamacare is now “CLASSless”

Obama’ quietly has struck a part of his own Obamacare bill because, guess what, it’s unsustainable and now tha plug has been pulled on the “CLASS Act,” Community Living Assistance Service and Supports, part of Obamacare.

CLASS was the part of Obamacare most heavily championed by Ted Kennedy and also heavily backed by AARP and was supposed to have provided ongoing long term care and was meant to keep the elderly out of long term care facilities. It would have cost workers a ton and would have burdened private insurance companies and ultimately, the American taxpayers.

Average premiums would have run from around $200.00 to nearly $400.00 but could have, in some cases, run as high as $3000.00. Low income individuals would have only been charged $5.00 per month for the coverage but here was the giant problem…According to the CBO…the annual payout for those $5.00/month contributors would have been around $27,000.00.

Workers would have had $2,800.00/year automatically taken by the government for this program and would have had no choice but to enroll in it.

CLASS would have relied on the healthy young workers to cover the elderly for long term care outside of facilities.

Socialism always works until you run out of other people’s money.

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Obamacare Puts YOUR Privacy at Risk

Yesterday, I wrote an article regarding the need to stop Obamacare – not just through the court system but by repeal. The Obama administration has passed on the opportunity to delay things in an Alabama court which will take the Obamacare case directly to the Supreme Court with a decision expected early next summer.

I stated that even LOSING in court, Obama would know his precious socialized healthcare program wouldn’t be dead…just on life support. That is why conservatives MUST take the Senate in 2012 so that repeal will finally pull the plug.

Okay, a friend, a liberal friend, shot off an email and of course, his viewpoint is a great deal different than mine.

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