Where government was supposed to occur

Ok, this is just a short entry.  Just enough to get some thoughts going, hopefully.

Our forefathers were brilliant.  They didn’t always get along, but they were brilliant.  They didn’t always get it right, but they saw that the articles of Confederation were too weak to be effective, and created the Constitution.  They knew that wasn’t perfect, but created a way to amend the Constitution.  In that regard, it can be seen as a living document, meaning having a means of change to adapt to what society wants over time.  It is NOT a living document in the sense that it can be reinterpreted over time and twisted to fit whatever agenda is being pursued without going through the appropriate formal amendment process.

Our forefathers knew that true government does NOT start at the top and filter down.  It was meant to be a local level event.  All the hammering out of legislation, true management, was to occur at the local level.  I am talking city level.  Concerns that could not be worked out were brought to the county level.  If those concerns could not be addressed at the county level, they were brought to the state level.  If the state could not work it out, they were brought to the national level.  The whole idea was to work things out at a local level, leaving the national government to work on things of national importance.  Those things were the items listed in Article 1, Section 8.

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