Obama keeps telling us how the economy is improving. He continues to brag about how HIS POLICIES are working.

Why then, is he demanding an EMERGENCY measure to EXTEND UNEMPLOYMENT benefits?

I’ll tell you why…

Because there are nearly 4 million available jobs out there between the shining seas and this obtuse Dictator, bent on the destruction of America, doesn’t want those who are unemployed to become self-sustaining contributors to the economy.

He wants them to collect UNEMPLOYMENT benefits from the GOVERNMENT in order to survive so that they will continue to VOTE for those most willing to keep the taxpayer’s tap open.

That’s why.

Notice how Obama placed sole blame on REPUBLICANS while enjoying his 20 million dollar private retreat Hawaiian vacation?

“Just a few days after Christmas, more than one million of our fellow Americans lost a vital economic lifeline – the temporary insurance that helps folks make ends meet while they look for a job. Republicans in Congress went home for the holidays and let that lifeline expire. And for many of their constituents who are unemployed through no fault of their own, that decision will leave them with no income at all.”

Oh, yes…The LIBERALS were right there, in Washington…WAITING on the Republicans to scurry back and vote for more unemployment benefits.

The LIBERALS had THEIR collective nostrils to the GRINDSTONE during the Christmas/New Year’s break…Right???

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Detroit Has Run Out of Other People’s Money

Allow liberals and socialists to be in control of something long enough and it will collapse.

Take Detroit…

No really…You can have it…PLEASE take it.

Detroit has been in the hand of socialists since 1961. 52 years of socialist mayors elected to office by socialists and paid for by socialist unions.

It’s over.

At least it darn well should be.

Michigan Governor, Rick Snyder declared Detroit to be in a state of financial emergency last Friday and that helps to clear the way for the STATE to take over DETROIT’S financial situation and appoint a special or, emergency, city manager to start the proves of straightening out the disaster that IS Detroit.

Now, to give you a glimpse into the mindset of socialists, their minds warped by 15 or more years of public school indoctrination…some having possibly attended asylums of HIGHER indoctrination…

As Governor Snyder made his announcement, about 2 miles away at the scene of the crime, Detroit’s City Hall…

PROTESTERS gathered to chant…

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