Liberals Are Idiots…Can I Get an AMEN?

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Amen is commonly used after a prayer, creed, or other formal statement. … It means “it is so” or “so it be.” Amen is derived from the Hebrew āmēn, which means “certainty,” truth,” and “verily.” In English, the word has two primary pronunciations: ah-men or ay-men.

The word is not now, nor has it ever been a matter of gender but don’t tell that to “woke” liberals because they won’t believe you.

Last week, during the opening prayer in the House, a “woke” obviously liberal idiot Congressman Emanuel Cleaver from Missouri ended the prayer by saying, “Amen, or Awoman.”

Clearly, this was a glaring sign of two things.

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Dear BLM…I’m Sorry

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Over the course of the past several weeks, we have all seen a Marxist organization running amok in our streets trying to form a political party and wreaking havoc in our cities. This band of thugs has been defacing and tearing down monuments and statues, looting businesses, committing arson, and targeting cops, and civilians alike.

They have done hundreds of millions of dollars in damage, severely injured scores of good people, killed some police officers and left some cities in tatters.

Liberal elected officials in this country are trying to appease the thugs, not out of a sense of altruistic intentions, but for their votes, and garden variety liberals have been pretending to be apologetic to the BLM, even taking a knee in solidarity with them, or bowing and scraping to them to show their supposed displeasure at their own skin color.

Many liberal celebrities have taken to various forms of social media to tell the BLM goons and thugs how sorry they are for their supposed privilege.

In fact, the BLM goons, thugs, looters, arsonists, and murderers have encouraged all of the rest of us, via domestic terrorism, to pony up and say we’re sorry.

I have decided to take the unprecedented step, as a Conservative blogger and radio co-host to do just that…to say I’m sorry…and so here I go…

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The Ugliness That Is Political Correctness

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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Over the years, both together and separately, we have written in our respective blogs and spoken about on our RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio show the insanity of “political correctness.” In fact, the very term “political correctness” is itself quite telling

To examine the abject insanity of it, the term must be separated into its two parts, and perhaps the best way to go about that is to examine it back to front starting with the word “correctness,” which basically has three definitions. First, “correctness” is “the quality or state of being free from error; accuracy,” and there’s nothing wrong in that definition. Second, “the quality of being right in an opinion or judgment” is the second definition of “correctness,” and again, that’s perfectly acceptable as a definition. But the third definition, “conformity to accepted social standards,” shows just where the definition of “correctness” goes to “hell in a handbag.”

Then there’s the word “political,” the front part of the phrase with said word having two distinct definitions. The first definition states, “in a way that relates to the government or public affairs of a country,”  which seems pretty straight forward and right to the point. The second definition is also straight forward and quite accurate, as in “interested in or active in politics.” But once again it’s in the third definition where we see the real issue, and that is “motivated or caused by a person’s beliefs or actions concerning politics.”

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Celebrities…the Spastic Monkeys of Political Discourse

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The fantasy world in which celebrities dwell is no place for the all too real, rough and tumble world of political discourse, but far too many celebrities now believe they’re God’s gift to politics, and they just can’t bring themselves to shut the hell up.

To begin with, way, WAY too many celebrities are liberals…and I mean set off the smoke alarms flaming liberals. What they really are is communists pretending to be socialists, masquerading as democrats. We’re talking about the ilk of Sean Penn, who pals around with dictators of various socialist, or outright communist countries, and then tries to convince the rest of us that our country should be a whole lot more like the shithole countries presided over by his best buddies.

Penn, you commie hugging shallow end of the gene pool, lump of sewage…

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Racism – A Sword With Two Standards

sterling 1There are a few things you need to know about L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling and none of it excuses what he said on recently leaked tapes.

He’s 80 years old.

He’s been married for more than 50 years.

I’ll hazard a guess that this V. what’s her name isn’t the first bimbo he’s shacked up with.

The bimbo in question is a gold digger and, by some accounts, an extortionist who has kept her recordings close at hand for a time when she got cut off from the money tap.

She got cut off from the money tap.

And, by some accounts, Sterling may be at the onset of Alzheimer’s.

As I said, none of that excuses his view of black people in what we are now learning are more than 100 hours of recordings his extortion prone bimbo has made because, she claims he asked to be recorded as he forgets things easily.

Is the guy a racist?

Yeah, it sure sounds like it but here’s the question. Has he violated any laws with his remarks?

No. No he has not and while his views regarding black people make him sound as stupid as a mud fence…

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Weekend Edition: It Takes A Village Idiot

Before Hillary Clinton wrote a book about it, it was an old African proverb.

We, as conservatives, have railed against the notion but…Should we?

”It takes a village to raise a child.”

As I think back to MY younger days…To a large extent, there WAS a “village” involved.

My friend’s parents were part of that “village” and so was my church. There were the teachers in my schools, older kids who were either good or bad role models, extended family and neighbors.

Primarily, there were my parents but, to be fair, others; many others were involved in some way, shape or form. A “village” of sorts, I suppose and anything you did, right or wrong, good or bad, was seen by SOMEBODY who knew my parents and had no qualms whatsoever in reporting it TOO them.

Maybe it just took a village to keep an eye out.

There IS another old adage…

“Somewhere, a village is missing its idiot.”

The good news is…We have located the missing village idiots.

The bad news is…

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Weekend Edition: 2013 – Resolve Over Resolutions

While others busy themselves making predictions for the New Year and others with formulating resolutions, I have neither the time nor the patience for either.

Instead, I will relate MY RESOLVE for the New Year.

Before I begin, you should know that I mean these wholeheartedly and I am quite serious about each and every one of them.

So…2013…Where should I begin?

First…I intend to start an online petition which, should it gain 1 million signatures, would outlaw all online petitions.

Seriously…Name ONE online petition which has EVER gained the required number of signatures and has then gone on to accomplish ANYTHING. Name ONE. Go ahead…We’re all waiting…

I…And I suspect YOU…Are bombarded by such petitions DAILY and they are ALL posted as though the future of the world depends on YOU signing the thing. Well…Guess what?

IT DOESN’T and YOUR signature might make you FEEL good but, in reality…IT’S ALMOST AS MEANINGFUL AS AN EMAIL FROM A NIGERIAN PRINCE.

I’ll get the ball rolling and if YOU’LL just sign on…WE CAN STOP ONLINE PETITIONS FOR ALL TIME!!!!

Second…I am finished with listening to ANY “End of the World” prophecy garbage.

It’s not because I feel it is a waste of time or nonsense.

It’s because I simply can’t take any more of that sort of disappointment.

EVERY damned time SOMEBODY says the world is going to end…IT DOESN’T.

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Time To Leave the United Nations of Despots

It’s beyond the pale.


It’s downright OBSCENE and exactly what we should expect from the world’s most corrupt organization.

Omar Al-Bashir, the Sudanese warlord and a man with a warrant out for his arrest by the International Criminal Court is about to be named to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

That warrant, by the way, is directly related to…GENOCIDE…Carried out by HIS regime in Darfur!!!


The United Nations, by allowing such a vile MURDERER to sit on that council is literally making the ABSURD and VILE argument that…

GENOCIDE is a basic human right!!!!!

My God.

And just exactly who is “Omar the GENOCIDAL Maniac” replacing on the U.N. Human Rights Council???

I hope you’re sitting down…

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Liberals Need to KISS OFF

A serious incident took place yesterday on the playground of a Lee County Florida school and not one but two Sheriff’s Deputies were called by the school’s administrators.

What happened was apparently so shocking and disturbing to the school’s administrators that they first called the Florida Department of Children and Families which suggested that law enforcement be called instead.

The SHOCK…the horror of it all…Let us pray…except, not on school grounds.

Here’s how it all went down.

Two 12 year old girls were standing and…gasp…talking…Apparently, as girls of that, or nearly any age will, about which one liked a certain 12 year old boy more.

After a short time trading, “I like him more…” “No…I like him more…” one of the two suspects walked over to where the victim was standing and that’s when it happened.


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