2nd Amendment Crusade – 2016 Strategy

As I outlined in yesterday’s Weekend Edition…NOW is the time WE must take a stand. Obama’s gun grab agenda IS the rally point for the 2014 midterm elections and he MUST be stopped.

The ONLY way he can bring FULL socialism to this nation is to REMOVE the citizen’s right to keep and bear arms, render the 2nd Amendment null and void and then…the rest of our rights will come under assault.

Socialists have been at this for DECADES and they are now, closer than ever before, to full assimilation turning the Republic into a socialist based system.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” is at hand and WE must get serious.

We CAN have the same effect on the 2014 midterm as we did in 2010 but…WHAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEN???

The opportunity to remove the Dictator from office presented itself in November 2012 but, WE missed it.

How then, do we avoid the same missed opportunity in 2016?

By recognizing the error and NOT doing the same thing again.

I have been told, many times, that I preach to the choir.

True enough for, the socialists have no interest in listening to any plan other than their own.

Rather than a choir, for the sake of this article, let’s call it an orchestra.

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