Friday Fume

The liberal/socialist meltdown continues.

As Obama’s numbers continue to slide, the cheese continues to slip off the crackers of his adoring serfs.

Next week, liberal/socialists will be handing out pre-marked Obama mail in ballots and carrot sticks for Halloween and in New York City…the Frankenstorm will no doubt be blamed on George W. Bush.

THIS week however, their minds are melting faster than a Snickers bar on a Victoria’s Secret model!!!!

We’ve reached the end of another week and it’s now time to buckle up and take a look back.

Hang on friends…Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming!!!

Oh for GOD’S sake.

Last week, we FUMED about NASA spending a million bucks planning a menu for astronauts to order from…ON MARS….

Well…Now the greenie weenies are raising a royal ruckus over the possibility of a manned mission to mars…CONTAMINATING THE PLANET WITH HUMAN MICROBES!!!!!


As we’ve obviously left our microbial poo on the moon…AND IT’S STILL THERE…what exactly is the problem?

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