We’ll Keep Our Guns…THEY Can Go to Hell

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

So…now Hillary Clinton has joined Obama in the exploitation circus of liberals calling for more gun gth 1control measures…measures meant to do nothing but strip law abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights.

Here was her quote from Saturday…

“Regulations can be passed while still respecting the Second Amendment and “respecting responsible gun owners.”

“The politics on this issue have been poisoned, but we can’t give up. The stakes are too high. The costs are too dear.”

First of all…we already HAVE laws that respect LAW ABIDING gun owners in this country and ONLY the LAW ABIDING gun owners are ABIDING by them…and second…Well, I’ll get to my second point in a minute but first…let’s have another look at OBAMA’S insipid exploitation of this tragedy.

“We don’t know all the facts but…once again…someone who wanted to inflict harm…had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. Let’s be clear…at some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence doesn’t happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency and it IS in our power to do something about it.”

Okay…before my head explodes…let me now get to that second point.

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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com


In response to The North American Law Center putting congress on notice that they must act against Obama’s planned unilateral decree on immigration reform…DEMANDING that they employ Constitutional Congressional Power to stop Barack Hussein Obama from ILLEGALLY IMPLEMENTING defacto amnesty for millions of illegal aliens VIA EXECUTIVE ORDER…

Congress HAS sent the following letter TO Obama ahead of his statement to be made tonight…thus putting Obama on notice:

o notice 1

What these “tools” referred to at the end of the letter are unclear but, the ultimate “tool” in the Constitution is…IMPEACHMENT and that is the tool which should be used since this action by Obama is CLEARLY the usurpation of congress, the usurpation of the Constitution and can therefore be viewed as TREASON against the country and the people.

Will congress have the balls to follow through?


Our Founders Warned of Tyranny and SAW OBAMA COMING!!

