Friday Fume

fume 1As I sat down to hammer out this week’s attitude-laced week in review, I really wanted to go off on Hillary’s new book and signing tour but…in the grand scheme of things…635 pages of toilet paper pales in the light of other decidedly liberal/socialist stupidity.

It’s been a tough week to be a liberal and I’m sure they’re getting dizzy from all the spinning they’ve been doing while trying to get out of the hole they keep digging for themselves.

How about we all take a break from pulling our hair out and spend a few minutes giving liberals, socialists and their collective ilk all the credit they deserve?

My friends…It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Just a couple of days ago, there was quite the scene taking place just outside the white house.

It was shortly before 3:00 pm when reporters were starting to file in for their daily dose of regime propaganda when a fellow approached the security gate and told the Secret Service that he had a 3 o’clock appointment with, “Mr. Obama.”

He then showed them some foreign driver’s license whereupon  the palace guard promptly told him he would need a U.S. DRIVERS LICENSE or a PASSPORT.

That’s right… a U.S. DRIVERS LICENSE OR A PASSPORT TO GET INTO THE WHITE HOUSE which comes as quite a shock since the dude that LIVES at the white house…APPARENTLY DOESN’T HAVE EITHER ONE but that’s not the most shocking part of all this…

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What in THE hell???

Obama’s latest proclamation is so far outside the realm of rational thought that it can ONLY be labeled as INSANE.

We are now going to have…




FIRST of all…

WE don’t negotiate with TERRORISTS.



Second off…

The Taliban are TERRORISTS and…

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Obama on Syria – Too Complex for Mere Mortals

Where liberty is concerned, America has a moral directive to help emerging nations and movements to achieve it.

That’s who we are.

It’s what we are.

But an internal struggle for power, where no liberty is in the offing regardless of which side is ultimately seated?

That is none of our damned business.

Syria, as it has been, under Assad, is a threat to our allies in the region.

Syria as it would be, under Islamic radicalism at the hands of those who would replace Assad…al Qaeda…The Muslim Brotherhood…Ansar al-Sharia…would STILL be a threat to our allies in the region.

While we can and should offer humanitarian assistance to those displaced by the civil war in Syria, where we can and to the extent that we can…Getting involved in the fight, via arms shipments to the “rebels,” is a foolish thing indeed.

There is no moral high ground there.

Arming the “rebels” who are al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, with who we are currently at war in other theaters, is treason and…

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Weekend Edition: Syria and the Obama Doctrine

Insanity, according to Einstein, is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

We already know that Obama is a Pathological Liar.

“A person who lies to the point of it being considered a disease or condition, an abnormally habitual liar.”

A Sociopath

“A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others.  A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused – it is done to get one’s way).  Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others.  Sociopaths are often charming and charismatic, but they use their talented social skills in manipulative and self-centered ways.”

And a Compulsive Liar

“A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit.  Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions.  Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small.  For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right.  Compulsive lying is usually thought to develop in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary.  For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning (unlike sociopaths), rather they simply lie out of habit.”

Can we now add CERTIFIABLY INSANE to the list?

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