Obama’s Dry Hump 2017 World Tour

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Lou Dobbs, in a recently published piece, has rightfully pointed out that Barack Hussein Obama…that would be private citizen Barack Hussein Obama, has been shadowing President Trump around the world…meeting with the same world leaders as President Trump.

Obviously, Obama is worried that his 8 long years of trying to make America as destitute as the rest of the world is in danger of being erased as Trump has set forth to Make America Great Again.

If it wasn’t so sad…it would be funny…okay…it is funny.

Let’s have a look at the travel itinerary shall we?

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The Road to the Truth Goes Through San Bernardino

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

sba 1There he was…Barack Hussein Obama…before the bodies in San Bernardino had cooled, before anyone even knew the whereabouts of the murderers, while police were scrambling to gather enough information to even launch a manhunt…talking about gun control.

“The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world.”

Has he heard of Paris, France?

“We should never think that this is something that just happens in the ordinary course of events because it doesn’t happen with same frequency in other countries.”

Has he heard of Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Northern Africa, Yemen, Mali, or any of the other places where ISIS and their collective ilk reside?

Oh, but this is different…right? This isn’t politically motivated or ideologically motivated…right? Those places, including Paris, are the places where terrorist attacks happen not places where run of the mill, otherwise average citizens snap and go on a rampage. Those places and those situations are vastly different from what happens over here…right?

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Operation David – A Sensible Peace proposal

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

“Those who support Israel should know they have two options left; either to muda 5support the king to the end, which is almost impossible now, or to secretly support the secular opposition in Jordan, which has clearly announced it would honor the peace agreement with Israel.”
– Mudar Zahran, leader and Secretary General of the Jordanian Coalition of Opposition

The Israeli’s vs. the Palestinians…an on-going battle since the 1960’s when the Soviets invented the Palestinians as a cold war tool to use against the west and Yassir Arafat used them to forward his PLO agenda…an ongoing battle that has now turned into statesman Benjamin Netanyahu vs. ‘I really don’t give a damn about Israel’ Barack HUSSEIN Obama with Jordan’s King Abdullah II…the man actually holding the trump card…sitting laughingly on the sidelines.

Abdullah II has the U.S. fooled with his Western mannerisms and dress but know in his heart that he is an islamist who will sell his soul to devil if it helps him keep the cushy U.S. financed lifestyle he has grown accustomed to. Abdullah II, who with a swipe of his pen, could end this battle but refuses to do so as he is NOT his own man but is a puppet whose strings are pulled by the Muslim Brotherhood…a recognized terrorist organization interestingly NOT on Jordan’s terrorist list.

And now with the bad-blood, if you will, between Netanyahu and Obama out in public for all to see…bad blood caused by Obama’s blatant anti-Semitic and anti-Israel agenda…it’s NO wonder that the Israeli/Palestinian peace talks have fallen flat on their face. And while many think this conflict will never end there is still a bit of hope for peace, and it comes in the guise of Jordan’s secular freedom fighters…in the guise of Mudar Zahran, muslim leader and Secretary General of the Jordanian Coalition of Opposition.

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