A Bridge Too Far or…Revenge of the Turds?

Regardless of WHO was behind it and, regardless of WHY…

The great New Jersey Bridge Scandal of 2013-2014 was meant to do one thing and one thing only.

Ruin Chris Christie.

Let’s get one thing straight…I am not a fan of the RINO. No fan at all and, regardless of what I believe about Christie and his support of things liberal, Muslim and borderline socialistic…His love affair with the GOP and the way the GOP has embraced him and all but bestowed upon him the 2016 nomination…

There is something I do NOT believe and that, is that Chris Christie had any prior knowledge of the closure of lanes on the George Washington Bridge last September and I have even less belief that those closures had one single thing to do with “revenge” over a Mayor who wouldn’t endorse him in his second campaign for the Governorship of New Jersey.

The guy won and won in a landslide.

Chris Christie had no need of the endorsement from the Mayor of Ft. Lee.

None whatsoever.

If one is seeking “revenge” for the lack of a political endorsement…

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A Letter to Liberals Flabbergasted by Obamacare

Dear Liberals Shocked by the Reality of Obamacare,


You voted for Obama in 2008 and, again in 2012.

You have received a cancellation letter from your insurance company even though you liked your insurance and liked your doctor.

You’ve been to the Obamacare website.

It took you more than a month to get on the thing and now you’ve seen the cost of your new insurance.

You’re shocked.

Your premiums AND your deductible have BOTH gone WAY up.

Your new plan covers you for things you will never need but DOESN’T provide the same level of coverage for what you DO need and certainly not the sort of coverage you USED to have.

You can’t afford it.

You make too much for a taxpayer funded entitlement to lower the cost.

You’re screwed.

What do you do?

What DO YOU DO???

You go to the government and demand answers. You go to the government and demand to know how this could happen.

And what is the government’s official response?

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Friday Fume

As the warp speed march to full blown socialism continues, it’s getting harder and harder to survive each week without going stark-raving nuts.

As Patriots, we have to find a way to put an end to this insanity before we have no country left.

As we wait for the next shoe to drop, we must find a way to deal with the socialist fools and my favorite method is…LAUGHING!!!

Every Friday we let it out a little and laugh at the whole mess.

Today IS that day Friends and Patriots…

It’s Friday and…

I’m fuming.

Well, it’s only a matter of time before the Emperor signs an Imperial Order to MANDATE we ALL PURCHASE these.


Yep….Your old eating utensils ain’t good enough anymore.


Relax…they only cost $99.00 EACH!!!!!

The HAPIFORK will measure how fast you eat…How much time elapses between each and every mouthful and…How many bites you take.

Right now, it has a USB connection so YOU CAN UPLOAD IT ALL TO YOUR COMPUTER or iPHONE but…



Bluetooth… WIRELESS…Which of course means there IS a possibility that…YOUR EATING HABITS COULD BE DIRECTLY UPLOADED TO…

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Weekend Edition: Slamming the Door On a AAA Policy

On Monday night, Mitt Romney has the opportunity to slam the door on Obama’s failed presidency in a most pronounced way.

The old conventional wisdom has always been that debates don’t make all that much difference but, that’s all out the window now.

The first debate swung things solidly in Romney’s direction.

Joe Biden, in the even MORE traditionally ignored Vice Presidential debate, was so widely disdained for his tremendously disturbed behavior that the hole became deeper for liberals.

In the second Presidential debate, Obama’s attack mode of desperation was glaring but, as the singular question regarding Libya was fact checked, Obama came out on the short end and the first of the polls from AFTER that debate are showing that Romney’s momentum remains strong.

So…Monday night…The 3rd and final debate between the tops of the tickets.

In a campaign and an election that’s supposed to be all about the economy…Foreign Policy will take center stage and it is Foreign Policy which stands the greatest chance of obliterating Obama’s presidency in much the same way as it is thought an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs.

Libya is just the tip of the asteroid.

The cosmic forces that set it in motion and put it on a collision course with planet Obama are the combined absurdity of 4 years of Obama’s foreign policies.

From the day Obama occupied the oval office, he embarked on foreign policy failure which can best be described as a Triple A policy.

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Friday Fume

It seems that nothing but NOTHING brings out liberal stupidity like a crisis and this week has been a GLARING example of that.

While the liberal/socialists continue to claim that Romney has no foreign affairs experience…we are seeing front and center with a guy with 4 years of experience does when the chips are down!!!

Apparently, being an American, at least according to the liberal/socialist playbook, means ALWAYS having to say you’re sorry.

It’s been a rough week but…November IS coming…We CAN get through this friends!!!

Today is Friday and…

I’m fuming!!!

So…The entire uproar in the Middle East and North Africa is over some stupid 15 minute movie trailer?


To PROVE that the rights of Islamists around the world are more pressing than OUR constitutional right to freedom of speech…



Look…If Islamists are all SO upset by this movie thing…why don’t they just do what WE do with a bad movie WE don’t like???

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Obama’s Weakness Leads to Acts of War Against U.S.

This morning, the black flag of al Qaeda is flying outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, along with 3 other Members of the Consulate staff are dead.

How did we get to this point?

It should NOT be unexpected!!!

Just a week removed from removing Jerusalem and any mention of keeping Hamas in check from the liberal convention platform, Obama has, once again turned his back on our most important partner by declining to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu next week.

While God and Jerusalem WERE added back into the platform after unholy hell was raised by conservatives, the wording regarding Hamas was not.

It was Obama, the last time he and Prime Minister Netanyahu met, who TOLD the Prime Minister that Israel should return to their pre-1967 orders.

At that point, Prime Minister Netanyahu had to take Obama to school on the topic in a very public moment.

Obama told France’s Sarkozy that he was tired of dealing with the Prime Minister…A moment of clarity caught on a live mic.

Indeed, Obama, as president has never made the trip to Israel. He did it as a pandering candidate but, never as president and that too, sends an unmistakable message to Israel and their enemies.

And yesterday’s snub of a meeting with Netanyahu adds more fuel to the Islamist fire.

An American leader who professes to be a friend of Israel and devoted to the security of Israel, would, at this moment in world upheaval, drop everything to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu. An American leader would stand with Israel and against our mutual enemies.

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Shadow Patriot’s Rant and No Apology For It

The US does NOT apologize…  I just read an article about how Japan refused an apology from Mr. Obama  (I refuse to disrespect the office of the President by using the title on such as him).

When is our apologizer in chief going to get a clue?  We DON’T APOLOGIZE.  Not that we don’t acknowledge when we do wrong.  I have seen firsthand how even our military does the right thing when we get it wrong.  I have witnessed many military operations and there have been some where we have (RARELY) actioned against the wrong house in search of terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Once the team discovers they have the wrong house, they apologize through the translator and pay the owner for the damage as well as the hassle we caused.  You know why?  It is fair.

Did the US apologize to Libya when Reagan ordered the bombing?  NO.  You want to know why?  Qaddhafi (or however you spell his damned name) SPONSORED terrorism.  We got sick and tired of him doing his thing, and we slapped him back.  Yeah, I know, we nearly bombed the French Embassy, but the fools should have allowed us overflight.  At any rate, that event put Kaddhafi (there is that damned name again) on notice.  He only started playing ball with us when he was caught with his pants down twice importing duel use equipment (stuff used for both civilian and nuclear weapons programs), violating US trade embargoes.  For a few decades, things were OK.  Then he lost his mind at some point.  You know how I know that?  He very nearly caused an aneurism in one of his translators during a rambling address to the UN in New York on 23 September, 2009.  Hope you have your pillows, it is about 100 minutes long.

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